31 May, 2007
we write in stanzas
I wrote, declining an invite:
don't be mad
think i may skip
its the "NOW. yes/no!!"
that makes me say so
to which rocky replied, declining civility:
don't worry...
how could i say this any stronger
(with my fist?)
let's just say u-n-gf are no longer
on the list
we'll see you in the garden ;-)
don't be mad
think i may skip
its the "NOW. yes/no!!"
that makes me say so
to which rocky replied, declining civility:
don't worry...
how could i say this any stronger
(with my fist?)
let's just say u-n-gf are no longer
on the list
we'll see you in the garden ;-)
Blue Moon

Blackie has gotten me into two Elvis songs I'd'a never contemplated:
#1-early "Blue Moon", seems it's just very lite and moody and simple and very good. I like.
#2-The other was a corrupted version of "In the Ghetto" by one of those esoteric german mix bands he so dearly loves. He gave me one of his famous mixcd's that he likes to give out- I got a lot of good shit from the last oe he sent (weddingonegood)
30 May, 2007
29 May, 2007
All things must pass.

He was laughing like crazy
Had the great pleasure in seeing Jamie Monday. I never get to see him, so each time is a great rush. He’s the guy with the little problem w/ schizophrenia. He’s sick, but not that debilitating. One of his irrational troubles is w/ is his having fallen under the spell of a homeless guy who insists that HE IS THE ONLY GUY WHO GOD TALKS TO, AND GOD SPEAKS ONLY THROUGH HIM. DER IST NEIN TRUTH EXCEPT FROM ZE FEURHER !! Ze Feurher loves the attention or whatever- it makes him feel like he’s Mr. Holy: but the deliousionalness of it all is frustrating. Ze F.‘s got him still spouting off the shit, but its been tempered by time by now- Jamie Tree goes on a bit about the shit, but quites soon and express his impatience about Ze F.’s running @ the mouth day after day- he no longer lives with him, but does see him usually.
Gf and I collected him in Bridgeport and battled our way South to arrive @ Lannies to which we walked over from my house after we‘d ‘Popeyed it up for sup’. We had the usual biblical discussion, which can be summarized thusly:
Jamie: fvhwkvwnvwr;gkjbnwrjnb
Hilts: He’s a shyster. Don’t listen to the guy.
Jamie: ernvrhgbviurugnbortvpo
Hilts: Of course he’s a biblical expert. It’s exactly like Darger: Ze F. invented this world, so of course he’s the expert of the that world.
Jamie: hwdfjv’sfjbpkjfbpwoktgpvi
Hilts: But isn’t it quite clear that Jesus’s message is that you should Love your neighbour and love yrself.
Jamie: uergwperojgmcwperiotcgwigtr
We had a few drinx, and the old boy Irish @ the bar were not too yaken aback by him. I went over to the manager St. Nixx and laughed “Y think I’m a freak…..”
We didn’t stay too long- the one drink and the ½ shared was more than enough. Gf walked early and left and drove around and whatever or whatever and whatever. Jamie crashed over, sleeping in the laundry room floor just like old days. The fucker had to smoke a nauseating cigarette in the room- the times they have a changed!! I should have listened to his suggestion, and his next smoke was outside.
It was good. I invited him down for trivia next week.
Gf and I collected him in Bridgeport and battled our way South to arrive @ Lannies to which we walked over from my house after we‘d ‘Popeyed it up for sup’. We had the usual biblical discussion, which can be summarized thusly:
Jamie: fvhwkvwnvwr;gkjbnwrjnb
Hilts: He’s a shyster. Don’t listen to the guy.
Jamie: ernvrhgbviurugnbortvpo
Hilts: Of course he’s a biblical expert. It’s exactly like Darger: Ze F. invented this world, so of course he’s the expert of the that world.
Jamie: hwdfjv’sfjbpkjfbpwoktgpvi
Hilts: But isn’t it quite clear that Jesus’s message is that you should Love your neighbour and love yrself.
Jamie: uergwperojgmcwperiotcgwigtr
We had a few drinx, and the old boy Irish @ the bar were not too yaken aback by him. I went over to the manager St. Nixx and laughed “Y think I’m a freak…..”
We didn’t stay too long- the one drink and the ½ shared was more than enough. Gf walked early and left and drove around and whatever or whatever and whatever. Jamie crashed over, sleeping in the laundry room floor just like old days. The fucker had to smoke a nauseating cigarette in the room- the times they have a changed!! I should have listened to his suggestion, and his next smoke was outside.
It was good. I invited him down for trivia next week.
The weekend in short.
Sometimes I have naught to say. sometimes it just takes longer to write, when im exhausted, etc etc etc...
This weekend was greatly characterized by early wakeups. My body is just not used to getting up @ 3pm anymore. Now its 6.45a, 6.50a, 6.32a. Agggg. So I read a bit, drink a lotta cafĂ©, and maybe walk the dog. Did some gardening- in goes the four Roma tomato plants, a little small and weak, but just in time for the searing heat of this week. I hung up Gf’s American Robin nest on the garage (took fookin’ forever). Turn the soil. Life is lived. Went to the Fire game. I wanna do a dcs piece on it- not so much the game, but on the touchy march of time*. Went to mass. Walked my mom to mass.
*=Bad Morrissey !!!
This weekend was greatly characterized by early wakeups. My body is just not used to getting up @ 3pm anymore. Now its 6.45a, 6.50a, 6.32a. Agggg. So I read a bit, drink a lotta cafĂ©, and maybe walk the dog. Did some gardening- in goes the four Roma tomato plants, a little small and weak, but just in time for the searing heat of this week. I hung up Gf’s American Robin nest on the garage (took fookin’ forever). Turn the soil. Life is lived. Went to the Fire game. I wanna do a dcs piece on it- not so much the game, but on the touchy march of time*. Went to mass. Walked my mom to mass.
*=Bad Morrissey !!!
27 May, 2007
Lastly, to-day
Two new songs that have gotten my att'n.
Avril Lavign's "boyfriend"-its ok, nothing great, but i always gotta comment on trashy pop stuff i hear on my car radio-- it keeps me feeling superior to everyone to be able to write "Hey, look @ this tenfootpole shit i like!!!". Franks like that as well, just w/out the attitude. And I do like it.
Patty Smiths version of "Smells like teen spirit", a banjo'd up version w/ her peotry innit as well. Lve love this, and cant wait till I hear it again.
Mor on patty smith and yet another Eire shit sometime in 2 weeks or months or whenever I get' round to-it.
Good nite-err, noon--and thank you.*
* As you mite guess, i've publed eveything backwards today and most days==
I try t'always to be careful/
but its always me that ends up/
getting wet.
Avril Lavign's "boyfriend"-its ok, nothing great, but i always gotta comment on trashy pop stuff i hear on my car radio-- it keeps me feeling superior to everyone to be able to write "Hey, look @ this tenfootpole shit i like!!!". Franks like that as well, just w/out the attitude. And I do like it.
Patty Smiths version of "Smells like teen spirit", a banjo'd up version w/ her peotry innit as well. Lve love this, and cant wait till I hear it again.
Mor on patty smith and yet another Eire shit sometime in 2 weeks or months or whenever I get' round to-it.
Good nite-err, noon--and thank you.*
* As you mite guess, i've publed eveything backwards today and most days==
I try t'always to be careful/
but its always me that ends up/
getting wet.
Speaking of you tube
I'm sitting on the ground, outside the CPL I wrote about above--no, make that below--and make that scribbled about--last nite. Gf and i watched lots of shit-- the stuff people have sent me the last few years and days -National Trust video from "Crankfaces Church", as Gf and I call it uncoded, Space shuttle rocket video from J.A.V.A.*, David Lee Roth doing a bango'ed up version of "Jump" (a blaxx traxx) etc... We also did some Ali G., tried to russle up "The last patrol" so i could show'y'll what the fuck "Security Out" means**, and etc.
I like Youtube, d'accord, and when I get my digital camera, look the fuck out. I don't have the patience of a rocky, but i got so much shit- real stupis ass shit, totally irrevelent, like this blog- I can't wait. well, I can but for a few weeks. I've made the first step- asked my favourite tech guy @ school for his ideas. must grill Rocky and Blackie next.
*=I think i'm happy with this, and it's supposed to resemble N.A.S.A.
**=wait- i could put it on youtube meself, can't I??
I like Youtube, d'accord, and when I get my digital camera, look the fuck out. I don't have the patience of a rocky, but i got so much shit- real stupis ass shit, totally irrevelent, like this blog- I can't wait. well, I can but for a few weeks. I've made the first step- asked my favourite tech guy @ school for his ideas. must grill Rocky and Blackie next.
*=I think i'm happy with this, and it's supposed to resemble N.A.S.A.
**=wait- i could put it on youtube meself, can't I??
Always liked David Blaine
Always liked David Blaine- not enough to watch any of his especials, but he’s a pretty cool dude. Me likey his recent NBA commercials.
Hmm. Eat y'self fitter
Hmm. Eat y'self fitter
Sandrine Bonnaire and Gf

So, I was moved, in the way that a man can be moved, uh, by, uh, a, uh, woman, uh, uh, well, on screen……or in a magazine……or walking down the street……or on the el……or………….whatever, never mind.
Now, back in say, the youngster days of young love, I would have never broached this to an old sally. Too afraid, especially from Q, of getting the “WHAT??WHAT ARE YOU SAYING??HOW DARE YOU!!!!YOU DON‘T LOVE ME???” bit from them. However, strengthen’d by age (Grown Folks-thanx Michael Baisden) and wisdom, I’m over that. It’s very easy now to, well, tell Gf “say, y’ll never guess what I saw and how it moved me”, and then……………. First time it ever happened it was so cool. There was a scene from some other French movie (??) featuring a meeting betwixt a lady of the evening as informant and a police detective. Moving scene** that moved me to move on up movie moves move. Move it!!
*= strange- the French title has the French word for “heart” in it= must be an idiom. Dunno.
**=my use of the term ‘moving’ is only to be used in this piece’s context- I was also moved by the singing of a hymn in mass yesterday, but not in the same way. Can y dig it??
Something I’ve worked for a real long time finally happened, and it came as happenstance, I think= or my neighbours work.

Suuirrel, I’m sure, knows Hilts schedule and inclinations. Just one does. When I get up and breakfast, one eye is on the NYT headlines and the latest Sam Smith or Blair Kamin output- the other is on the jungle outside. This year it has been outstanding: what a riot of nature its become. But one squirrel knows that @ a certain time of the A.M. a ripped up piece of bread (ripped into pieces so he can’t take the whole piece off by himself) will be tossed from the window. He’s sitting on the fence near the window, clambers down, and munches on his haunches. Fun site.
I’ve also jury rigged a water area- I’ve read about the need for water in attracting wildlife, and its really working this year. Now, going back to the Ireland idea of earlier this morning, I could have bought a nice decorative birdbath, but in true Dadform, I found some odds and ends in the garage (please pronounce it Anglo style--wait, uh, Irish style that‘s what I meant, Irish style!!!), pasted them to-gether and slapped it on the fence. It holds water, and the bird and squirrels are darling to watch drinking: especially my squirrel, who has to bend/lean down and extend his body fully to get into position to sip.
The American Robin Apollo Program
There was a one day campaign -v- the American Robins a fortnite ago or so, but now all resources- an Apollo program, one mite say*- are being geared to supporting an American Robin pair who have chosen to nest in bushes out front. They are really trees that we prune severely each year to keep them from growing outrageously. Since I’m dripping w/ parental love this morn, the bushes were brought over from a single tree out in front of the old house on Mozart Street by Dad, and is but one of the happy happy reminders of He who is no longer with us.
Both Gf (Argessive!!) and Jackson (Not Aggressive!!) have had experiences with American Robins nesting on their property, so I’m psyched. I have nicely told the neighbours 3 wee ones that its super duper important that we have to be nice to the little wittle wobin** babies that are gonna be there, and have been leaving out bits of string for the nest and --after a ‘still trying to learn’ American Robin song I do when I see them so they know my voice and assoc. it w/ friend-- tossing them bits of bread. I hope they do fully nest here, and worry about them -v- cats and kids and possums and wind- but it looks good. The Robin is now a constant site on the peak of the roof and the fence in the yard.
Hummingbirds to the Back Yard
For four years now, ive tried to attract hummingbirds to my yard. Got a feeder, diligently kept it brite red= nada. Planted gardens full of hummingbird flowers, but it seems my specilities are sunflowers and tulips and vegtables and silver maple trees. I’ve even had stupid luck: I’ve grown a trumpet vine in several places, but the last to years my sister and my uncle have cut them down (Try #3- the roots have never given up on me, and I can see now its resurgence).
Hummingbirds and cardnals were the holy hosanna for me when I started w/ the bird feeding- cardnials are here all the time (mission accomplished), but I’ve only seen a hummingbird ONCE in Chicago*** : Jamie had telephoned me out of the blue- I hadn’t spoken to him in a year @ that point- @ the exact moment a hummingbird visited the bushed that the American robins are nesting in now. It buzzed about their flowers (nope!), buzzed to another possible nectar plant (nope!), and buzzed away. I had immed. dropped the phone and watched th buzzing for a bit, then remembered “Shit!! Phone!! Jamie Tree!!”. He had hung up, and since I didn’t have his #, it was another year before I talked to him.
But over said break-fast a few days ago, something small was buzzing about the fence betwixt the Neighbours to the South and ours: yes to say yes it’s a hummingbird. I instantly realized what should have been apparent before- this plants flowers had that distinctive trumpet shape that attract these birds, and they are red (important).
The Neighbours to the South are really into flowers, and they have helped my cause greatly. I plant sunflowers to attract the American Goldfinch (and cardnials, when they want some fresh), but they also have planted stuff for the American Goldfinches to enjoy. These tiny birds, albeit bigger than hummingbirds, plant themselves on smallish nyger plants (I think ) than totally bend w/ their slite weight down, and sit and munch. And now, who knew, the hummingbird plants. I wonder if she knew or intended. Plus, I’ve yet to see the hummers since- what, Tuesday?- so I hope I’m rite and it wasn’t just a one time tease. We’ll see.
Last aviary note
the return, for the first time in months, of the parrots. Sring and summer are good to them in this area, I take it- I’ll expect them to be daily severaltimes a day visitors in the winter coming. They ae free to come and go, and are much welcomed frenz.
Dude: I lied
Last note now- One of those monstrous crows -god are they fucking huge- visited the wires above the yard yesterday and allowed Gf to get a look- but never dropped into the yard. I noticed that his appearance instantly vacated the yard of the sparrows and such- are they killers, or do the crows just resemble killers? Dunno.
*=now forever stolen from N.M. guv and Dem. presidential candidate Bill Richardson.
**=I know, Ive tacked this way before. Deal.
***=I see the beauties all the time in Big franks crib in Oakland- each time I’d hear their chitter heralding thei coming I’d race out to his deck to watch.
History lies, in the eyes….
Being a master of English history, I’m constantly funnied by how hist. in generally repeats itself in different guises. Free Trade (dinna ask me dates, I no longer rem and want no research this early on a Sunday morn.) was always an issue in the Days of Empire. @ a certain time all P.R. was put into selling the public to get the protectionist laws changed to complete free trade-”it’s free, and we’re a free country, etc etc etc…” Of course, it wasn’t “freedom” that was important, but the bottom line for the corporate people pushing free trade. History rolls on, and eventually “free trade” became bad for the corporate bottom line: out immediately went arguments for free and freedom and free and etc…..
I’m haven’t studied the immigration debate that much, and this little bit is not to be taken as any sotra pronouncement on the debate, but I am tickled by some arguments. It seems that immigration is demonic to many………….but , uh, we till have to get in the 400k or the 200k foreign workers because, uh, our economy won’t work correctly, so, uh, ……..
I’ve no idea about immigration. I love Ireland, but fuck me big time if I’d not had the opp. to grow up in America (my favourite nation by far, both good and bad). I thank my parents for making the move, and not stopping permanently in London or Manchester or Leeds or Boston or N.Y.C. ……..wait, shit, what about my .007% plans for the City??- hypocritter!!!). Think of it: My dad, age 40, came here and never saw his parents again, and only made it back to Eire once. Mom was able to make it back 3 times and saw Grandmother once and Grandfather three times. Fact of the matter is, most their brothers and sisters came to the States, which made it easier. But still, to lave it all……….
Thanx Mom and Dad. I doubt I would ever have had it in me. But then again, most people reading this have no idea that Eire in 1949 was the worst of the worst. It was described as the only Third World country in Europe. When I visit, I can still see the past. Dublin and Galway are brilliant and beautiful and overrun with cranes and concrete trux, sure, but the countryside stays w/ family (yes, Hilts is an all city boy, but my families background is pure country) always rock me with the realization of the difficulty of life back then.
So, uh, country, to this yank.
On both sides of the family, I get a kick out of seeing the tiny family farms we had- a tiny patch here or there, most the size of………..the yard in the back of my house here. My family was lucky in the general scheme of things. They were not just farmers, they were also 50% fishermen, so the seas bounty (ICK!!!!!!) had a big part in keeping our line alive. Moreover, I think the single biggest plus in the line was that the Potato Blight missed the Aran Islands. A great deal of the “3d World” ideas above come from a terrible famine that came about because of the potato blight that ruined Eire starting in the late 1840’s. Eire went from a healthy, though occupied, zone of the English empire of 8 million people to a terrifying desperate slum of 2 million a few decades later. Some of that six million went to America or England or Canada or Australia, or wherever; but most of that was death, and it still represents a drop of 6 million= same as the Jewish holocaust, of ww2. It pales to the African holocaust of the slave trade or the Native American holocaust, but still: Eire population was cut by 75%. It’s only in the mid 80’s that the recovery started, and the countries population has only just topped 4 million in the Republic lately.
So, in retrospect, than Mom and Dad………………and God.
I’m haven’t studied the immigration debate that much, and this little bit is not to be taken as any sotra pronouncement on the debate, but I am tickled by some arguments. It seems that immigration is demonic to many………….but , uh, we till have to get in the 400k or the 200k foreign workers because, uh, our economy won’t work correctly, so, uh, ……..
I’ve no idea about immigration. I love Ireland, but fuck me big time if I’d not had the opp. to grow up in America (my favourite nation by far, both good and bad). I thank my parents for making the move, and not stopping permanently in London or Manchester or Leeds or Boston or N.Y.C. ……..wait, shit, what about my .007% plans for the City??- hypocritter!!!). Think of it: My dad, age 40, came here and never saw his parents again, and only made it back to Eire once. Mom was able to make it back 3 times and saw Grandmother once and Grandfather three times. Fact of the matter is, most their brothers and sisters came to the States, which made it easier. But still, to lave it all……….
Thanx Mom and Dad. I doubt I would ever have had it in me. But then again, most people reading this have no idea that Eire in 1949 was the worst of the worst. It was described as the only Third World country in Europe. When I visit, I can still see the past. Dublin and Galway are brilliant and beautiful and overrun with cranes and concrete trux, sure, but the countryside stays w/ family (yes, Hilts is an all city boy, but my families background is pure country) always rock me with the realization of the difficulty of life back then.
So, uh, country, to this yank.
On both sides of the family, I get a kick out of seeing the tiny family farms we had- a tiny patch here or there, most the size of………..the yard in the back of my house here. My family was lucky in the general scheme of things. They were not just farmers, they were also 50% fishermen, so the seas bounty (ICK!!!!!!) had a big part in keeping our line alive. Moreover, I think the single biggest plus in the line was that the Potato Blight missed the Aran Islands. A great deal of the “3d World” ideas above come from a terrible famine that came about because of the potato blight that ruined Eire starting in the late 1840’s. Eire went from a healthy, though occupied, zone of the English empire of 8 million people to a terrifying desperate slum of 2 million a few decades later. Some of that six million went to America or England or Canada or Australia, or wherever; but most of that was death, and it still represents a drop of 6 million= same as the Jewish holocaust, of ww2. It pales to the African holocaust of the slave trade or the Native American holocaust, but still: Eire population was cut by 75%. It’s only in the mid 80’s that the recovery started, and the countries population has only just topped 4 million in the Republic lately.
So, in retrospect, than Mom and Dad………………and God.
26 May, 2007
ewetobe to-nite
Not sur if you've seen ts be-ferr
You tube to me means being outside (avec Gf) a public lib @ 2245h/satnite and finally seeing shit that cps dint allows ye ta.
Also saw bits of sanjaya that ive heard all about- tisna the time nor place, but...
added again::thanx to roxx, blax, and j.a.v.a.xx==on some , its taken months, but w.t.w
You tube to me means being outside (avec Gf) a public lib @ 2245h/satnite and finally seeing shit that cps dint allows ye ta.
Also saw bits of sanjaya that ive heard all about- tisna the time nor place, but...
added again::thanx to roxx, blax, and j.a.v.a.xx==on some , its taken months, but w.t.w
25 May, 2007
Tenth item today to make it an even Bakers Dozen.
I put in TEN items today- well, I really didn't do anything fresh, just processed clips from others, shout out to rocky, the J and B update from last nite and from 3-4 years ago, and this..........nothing original except for the bittle bit of comments I put on last nites update.
I'm kool.
I'm kool.
There was a time when I wrote the J & B updates
There was only one time I did it, and i sent it around in emails. Looking back, I'm thinking this is pretty good! I should start a blog! The email had all fancy colours and fonts and centerings, which i ain't gonna redo here, but do enjoy. 13 days till we go @ it again.
The J & B Unedited
Champions !!!
J & B rebound from loss 2 weeks ago
Stunning controversy allows three teams to claim win
Arguably the best week for chix @ T.C.'s
Stix orders corned beef, not chicken stix
J & B, suffering their first loss in three months last game, rebounded with a win that should not have been as close or controversial as it became. After playing a magnificant game that had them in the lead by c.700 points, and a final question that they had prepared for only tens of minutes before, the championship of the game finally rested in a tearful confession by the fake champs before the near sellout crowd.
J & B, suffering from both from their placement of 6th of 7 teams in the rotation and the injuries of the two all star middle infielders got under way slowly. However, when they got the ball @ their feet, they rolled-in fact, they only screwed up on one question (movie and award, 1990 , whopie goldberg=best supp actress, ghost-they guessed 'sister act'). As usual, a large number of points were racked up in the music category, with all star 'chicken stix' go-go-gowey leading the team on-although some of the questions were answerable by all, it was "Stix Time", as J & B carried the 2q into the lead. Questions were answered, throws were converted, hang mans came through, resulting in a lead, built eventually to a 2300 - 1560 advantage over their closest rivals. This lead seemed safe when the final question was announced :
The AFI announced this week the top 100 movie songs of all time: the top ten-name them, with 6/10 getting credit, and 2000pt bonus for 10/10.
The long spring training had come to fruition, or so they had thought. Despite the list having been consulted in the 3q and tucked safely in the pocket of'blackguard' **, J & B in the end could not insure they would keep the lead. Despite having 9/10, they could not get the last item, a song from 'pinocho' . Assured of the 6/10, they now needed to have other teams get @ least one wrong, to keep them away from the abnormally and absurdly large 2000 pt bonus. This almost didnt happen: The closest challenger basically 10/10, but on review, Pat " That's rite Mick-man" Benkowski ruled that "somewhere/rainbow" didnt qualify correctly as "somewhere over the rainbow":goodbye 2k bonus, hello possible championship J & B. J & B, aware that they were still on a thin wire because of the bonus, conceeded defeat when "The (loser?) experience", (the youngest team to compete in a while) completely against the run of their lame play, got all ten out of ten. Shouts of "1919 black sox!!!", "tommy t is involved!!!", "riddle me this, batman" , and "Trade reinsdorf !!!" roiled out of the crowd: in a stunning sequence, the leader of the loser experience, Loser "loser" Loser, was called before the replay judge, and asked that the trophy to awared to the next team in line= J & B. After consulting w/ each other, J & B decided, on a vote of 2/3 to award 1/2 (instead of 100%) of the winnings to the "somewhere/rainbow" team.
So J & B are again on top, despite the month long absence of the middle infield all star tandem of "dr. pepper" ** and "dangles"*** . Over the last month, their injury list time has ruined J & B's championship dreams once and damaged- though not fatally-another raising of the belt. One can only think that if 'pepper' had been on the pen end of the 'what will we bet for final q" , a total bet would have ensued instead of a palty 731(?). As it is, champions again, all heil J & B !!
the evil question of the mobile phone has now occured two week's in a row=last championship was largely credited as a "da bar" cheat scheme
as noted above, there were seven teams in this weeks competition.
several remembered cats: a=movie awards/roles/movies/year.............b=tv roles..........c=typical 60-90's tv........................d=2004 baseball stats from wednesday.......e=some sorta music category.......................
what a nite for chix..................unknown to all, it seems dangles and dr. p prove probmatically noxious to stunning women=in addition to the women of the 3d milinnium, J & B 's barmaid****, there was "little pony tail" on the 'loser experience' -nice nice little body, cute little tite outfit, and that little FUCKING pony tail................................................................................ok, ok, continue.....................................................................................there were also the little nippet with the halter type top, beautiful face and wonderful long brown hair who had the drink off with out barmaid-- despite repeated shouts of " pillow fite!! pillow fite!!", most notably from J & B, they carried on ................................after this drink off, all 3 members of J & B curiously went to seperate bathrooms and remained in them for severals of minutes, coming out all sweaty and red, muttering "drink off, i'll give them something to drink off.."................there was another, but details were lost............................J & B's barmaid was in finest fashion, tite jeans, exquisite little top showing off her glorious midriff and tatoo on the small of her back*****, just............glorious............................in a smart move destined to lead nowhere, there was actually some heavy flirting going on w' "ms. 3d Millinium".......................she'll be back next week, but the question is- will halter top and little pony tail be? the world wonders and hopes
Chicken stix indeed!!-out of nowhere, it was the rueben sandwich experience that blackguard and captain walked in on
*= Chemical Man....and notice that he had a different nixname back then
**=Peppys....and notice that he had a different nixname back then
***=Lazers....and notice that he had a different nixname back then
****=This must mean Glasses
*****=Yeah, its Glasses.
The J & B Unedited
Champions !!!
J & B rebound from loss 2 weeks ago
Stunning controversy allows three teams to claim win
Arguably the best week for chix @ T.C.'s
Stix orders corned beef, not chicken stix
J & B, suffering their first loss in three months last game, rebounded with a win that should not have been as close or controversial as it became. After playing a magnificant game that had them in the lead by c.700 points, and a final question that they had prepared for only tens of minutes before, the championship of the game finally rested in a tearful confession by the fake champs before the near sellout crowd.
J & B, suffering from both from their placement of 6th of 7 teams in the rotation and the injuries of the two all star middle infielders got under way slowly. However, when they got the ball @ their feet, they rolled-in fact, they only screwed up on one question (movie and award, 1990 , whopie goldberg=best supp actress, ghost-they guessed 'sister act'). As usual, a large number of points were racked up in the music category, with all star 'chicken stix' go-go-gowey leading the team on-although some of the questions were answerable by all, it was "Stix Time", as J & B carried the 2q into the lead. Questions were answered, throws were converted, hang mans came through, resulting in a lead, built eventually to a 2300 - 1560 advantage over their closest rivals. This lead seemed safe when the final question was announced :
The AFI announced this week the top 100 movie songs of all time: the top ten-name them, with 6/10 getting credit, and 2000pt bonus for 10/10.
The long spring training had come to fruition, or so they had thought. Despite the list having been consulted in the 3q and tucked safely in the pocket of'blackguard' **, J & B in the end could not insure they would keep the lead. Despite having 9/10, they could not get the last item, a song from 'pinocho' . Assured of the 6/10, they now needed to have other teams get @ least one wrong, to keep them away from the abnormally and absurdly large 2000 pt bonus. This almost didnt happen: The closest challenger basically 10/10, but on review, Pat " That's rite Mick-man" Benkowski ruled that "somewhere/rainbow" didnt qualify correctly as "somewhere over the rainbow":goodbye 2k bonus, hello possible championship J & B. J & B, aware that they were still on a thin wire because of the bonus, conceeded defeat when "The (loser?) experience", (the youngest team to compete in a while) completely against the run of their lame play, got all ten out of ten. Shouts of "1919 black sox!!!", "tommy t is involved!!!", "riddle me this, batman" , and "Trade reinsdorf !!!" roiled out of the crowd: in a stunning sequence, the leader of the loser experience, Loser "loser" Loser, was called before the replay judge, and asked that the trophy to awared to the next team in line= J & B. After consulting w/ each other, J & B decided, on a vote of 2/3 to award 1/2 (instead of 100%) of the winnings to the "somewhere/rainbow" team.
So J & B are again on top, despite the month long absence of the middle infield all star tandem of "dr. pepper" ** and "dangles"*** . Over the last month, their injury list time has ruined J & B's championship dreams once and damaged- though not fatally-another raising of the belt. One can only think that if 'pepper' had been on the pen end of the 'what will we bet for final q" , a total bet would have ensued instead of a palty 731(?). As it is, champions again, all heil J & B !!
the evil question of the mobile phone has now occured two week's in a row=last championship was largely credited as a "da bar" cheat scheme
as noted above, there were seven teams in this weeks competition.
several remembered cats: a=movie awards/roles/movies/year.............b=tv roles..........c=typical 60-90's tv........................d=2004 baseball stats from wednesday.......e=some sorta music category.......................
what a nite for chix..................unknown to all, it seems dangles and dr. p prove probmatically noxious to stunning women=in addition to the women of the 3d milinnium, J & B 's barmaid****, there was "little pony tail" on the 'loser experience' -nice nice little body, cute little tite outfit, and that little FUCKING pony tail................................................................................ok, ok, continue.....................................................................................there were also the little nippet with the halter type top, beautiful face and wonderful long brown hair who had the drink off with out barmaid-- despite repeated shouts of " pillow fite!! pillow fite!!", most notably from J & B, they carried on ................................after this drink off, all 3 members of J & B curiously went to seperate bathrooms and remained in them for severals of minutes, coming out all sweaty and red, muttering "drink off, i'll give them something to drink off.."................there was another, but details were lost............................J & B's barmaid was in finest fashion, tite jeans, exquisite little top showing off her glorious midriff and tatoo on the small of her back*****, just............glorious............................in a smart move destined to lead nowhere, there was actually some heavy flirting going on w' "ms. 3d Millinium".......................she'll be back next week, but the question is- will halter top and little pony tail be? the world wonders and hopes
Chicken stix indeed!!-out of nowhere, it was the rueben sandwich experience that blackguard and captain walked in on
*= Chemical Man....and notice that he had a different nixname back then
**=Peppys....and notice that he had a different nixname back then
***=Lazers....and notice that he had a different nixname back then
****=This must mean Glasses
*****=Yeah, its Glasses.
Joys to work with
I'm not supposed to talk about school on this blog= work and all that.
I work with a staff in the media cenetr that is just a joy to be around. So positive, so hard working, so good for the kids (and yes, my motto in edu. is always "whats best for the kids?")
Here is a joke fwd by one to another and thence to me. See what I mean (readbelow) about depending on others- just like the Hero's finale, rite??
I met an older woman at a club last night. She was OK for 53, we drank a bit, had a bit of a song & she asked if I'd ever had the sportsman's double, a mother and daughter threesome? I said no. We drank a bit more, then she says that tonight was my lucky night. I went back to her place. She put the hall light on and shouted upstairs:
"Mom you still awake?
I work with a staff in the media cenetr that is just a joy to be around. So positive, so hard working, so good for the kids (and yes, my motto in edu. is always "whats best for the kids?")
Here is a joke fwd by one to another and thence to me. See what I mean (readbelow) about depending on others- just like the Hero's finale, rite??
I met an older woman at a club last night. She was OK for 53, we drank a bit, had a bit of a song & she asked if I'd ever had the sportsman's double, a mother and daughter threesome? I said no. We drank a bit more, then she says that tonight was my lucky night. I went back to her place. She put the hall light on and shouted upstairs:
"Mom you still awake?
fart jokes
Sometimes I have not a lot ot say. I'm depending today on the work of others (update to J & B now in), and for this one I'm shocked: Someone has fwd me a picture of me right after- well, a 1/2 h after
I ate
that great
-est of all foods: Harolds Chix.
===the aftermath.
Bless you Roxx
I ate
that great
-est of all foods: Harolds Chix.
===the aftermath.
Bless you Roxx
A Trivia Wedding: Chemical Man and S. O’N.
Written by D.L.
It was a night on which TC Pub initially was dead. It was a night on which the biggest feuding for once did not involve J&B. It was a night on which J&B recognized that one of Stix’s roles on the team is to pick our categories when we are in control of the board. It was a night on which Pat solicited Benkowski as a reference on his resume. And it was a night that was sponsored by Bats By Buck.
J&B represented by: Chemical Man, Hilts, Peppys, Gf and Nixon
The competition: Bar and Undecided. Circumstances would create a fourth team by the end of the night.
TC Pub represented by: cute waitress, no nickname and making an effort to learn our regular order.
First Half: White Sox/80s & 90s TV/News- May 2007
Year in which Luis Aparacio won his last Gold Glove as a White Sox player?
1990-Sandra Bullock starred in short-lived sitcom based upon Melanie Griffith movie?
1985- Fisk tags out two Yankees at home plate on one play- name the two Yankees tagged out and the Yankee who had hit the ball?
Michelle Obama recently resigned from ____ _____ Foods?
(brought up only because of the Bars’ great joke guess of Moo and Oink…a guess that elicited much applause from J&B)
Upon returning from the restroom, Chemical Man to Hilts: “You’d be amazed at how your voice carries.”
Scores at the half: Bar 2200 J&B 1040 Undecided 570
Second Half: Sports/Mixed Up/Southside Oriented Fast Food Places
By the start of the second half, Benkowski notes that Undecided has grown up to 15 members. He makes them split into two teams. The Senoritas faction is split off into “Quattro Senoritas.” Undecided then complains about the number of people who sit at the bar and (allegedly) play for the Bar. Benkowski: “Not all of them are playing. That guy is reading stock reports. That guy is thinking about the weights he’s not lifting.”
First AL pitcher to 14 saves this season?
The 2 Yankees currently top two in the AL in hitting (as of yesterday)?
Tampa Bay Devil Rays’ announcer and former chick magnet Dave Wills is in the house.
Bill, of all people, brings up Ric Flair tonight.
Scores into Final: Bar 3320 J&B 2740 Undecided 1160 Senoritas 220
Choice of Final Category: Chicago Streets or Mid-90s TV
All teams select the TV category. Benkowski: “Streets was easier.”
J&B wagers 419- enough to beat Undecided if they double, and figuring we need the Bar to get the question incorrect anyway.
I’m pretty certain Benkowski said 4 of 5 wins wager; in actuality, I think he allowed 3 of 5 to win the wager.
Final Question: ABC-TV (Channel 7) Tuesday night lineup from 7:00-10:00 (CST) in Fall 1994…5 shows total: 4 sitcoms and 1 non-sitcom.
Pick up your #2 pencil and get to work….
Part The Second
Part II
J&B guesses Roseanne, Grace Under Fire, Home Improvement, Spin City and NYPD Blue
Just after Benkowski came around to gather the last answer sheet (J&B was the straggler), the Bar tries to retrieve their answers in order to change one. Benkowski denies the request.
First Half answers:
Working Girl
Dale Berra and Bobby Meacham tagged out; Rickey Henderson was the batter
Tree House
Second Half answers:
Todd Jones (Detroit)
Jorge Posada and Derek Jeter
Senoritas- 220- guess Home Improvement (yes), Roseanne (no), Perfect Strangers (no), Family Matters (no), NYPD Blue (yes)- wagered 0- left with 220.
Undecided- 1160- guesses Empty Nest (no), Jake & The Fatman (no), Matlock (no), Murder She Wrote (no), and everybody was laughing so hard at their answers that I didn’t catch their last one (no)- wagered 1100- down to 60.
J&B- 2740- guesses Roseanne (no), Grace Under Fire (yes), Home Improvement (yes), Spin City (no), NYPD Blue (yes)- wagered 419- Benkowski gives the points- up to 3159.
Bar- 3320- guesses Roseanne (no), Home Improvement (yes), Grace Under Fire (yes), Full House (yes), NYPD Blue (yes)- wagered 2161- up to 5481 and tonight’s victory.
The missing show: Me and the Boys (with Steve Harvey as a widower- I’m not holding my breath waiting for that one to turn up on TVLand anytime soon)
Benkowski: “In my conversation with ABC-TV, they tell me that’s what the lineup was.”
So Benkowski was making phone calls as research? I’m impressed.
The evening ended with much conversation about the best television shows of all-time. Peppys and Chemical Man almost dropped the gloves over Seinfeld’s status on such a listing (Chemical Man- pro, Peppys- con). Our waitress also became involved in the discussion- she was off to a bad start by citing “Dancing With the Stars” as her favorite show, but further talk improved her reputation. She was even able to sing some of the theme to “Speed Racer”- astounding, since she looks like she is all of 20 years old.
Next trivia at TC Pub is June 7th. I expect to be “in.”
It was a night on which TC Pub initially was dead. It was a night on which the biggest feuding for once did not involve J&B. It was a night on which J&B recognized that one of Stix’s roles on the team is to pick our categories when we are in control of the board. It was a night on which Pat solicited Benkowski as a reference on his resume. And it was a night that was sponsored by Bats By Buck.
J&B represented by: Chemical Man, Hilts, Peppys, Gf and Nixon
The competition: Bar and Undecided. Circumstances would create a fourth team by the end of the night.
TC Pub represented by: cute waitress, no nickname and making an effort to learn our regular order.
First Half: White Sox/80s & 90s TV/News- May 2007
Year in which Luis Aparacio won his last Gold Glove as a White Sox player?
1990-Sandra Bullock starred in short-lived sitcom based upon Melanie Griffith movie?
1985- Fisk tags out two Yankees at home plate on one play- name the two Yankees tagged out and the Yankee who had hit the ball?
Michelle Obama recently resigned from ____ _____ Foods?
(brought up only because of the Bars’ great joke guess of Moo and Oink…a guess that elicited much applause from J&B)
Upon returning from the restroom, Chemical Man to Hilts: “You’d be amazed at how your voice carries.”
Scores at the half: Bar 2200 J&B 1040 Undecided 570
Second Half: Sports/Mixed Up/Southside Oriented Fast Food Places
By the start of the second half, Benkowski notes that Undecided has grown up to 15 members. He makes them split into two teams. The Senoritas faction is split off into “Quattro Senoritas.” Undecided then complains about the number of people who sit at the bar and (allegedly) play for the Bar. Benkowski: “Not all of them are playing. That guy is reading stock reports. That guy is thinking about the weights he’s not lifting.”
First AL pitcher to 14 saves this season?
The 2 Yankees currently top two in the AL in hitting (as of yesterday)?
Tampa Bay Devil Rays’ announcer and former chick magnet Dave Wills is in the house.
Bill, of all people, brings up Ric Flair tonight.
Scores into Final: Bar 3320 J&B 2740 Undecided 1160 Senoritas 220
Choice of Final Category: Chicago Streets or Mid-90s TV
All teams select the TV category. Benkowski: “Streets was easier.”
J&B wagers 419- enough to beat Undecided if they double, and figuring we need the Bar to get the question incorrect anyway.
I’m pretty certain Benkowski said 4 of 5 wins wager; in actuality, I think he allowed 3 of 5 to win the wager.
Final Question: ABC-TV (Channel 7) Tuesday night lineup from 7:00-10:00 (CST) in Fall 1994…5 shows total: 4 sitcoms and 1 non-sitcom.
Pick up your #2 pencil and get to work….
Part The Second
Part II
J&B guesses Roseanne, Grace Under Fire, Home Improvement, Spin City and NYPD Blue
Just after Benkowski came around to gather the last answer sheet (J&B was the straggler), the Bar tries to retrieve their answers in order to change one. Benkowski denies the request.
First Half answers:
Working Girl
Dale Berra and Bobby Meacham tagged out; Rickey Henderson was the batter
Tree House
Second Half answers:
Todd Jones (Detroit)
Jorge Posada and Derek Jeter
Senoritas- 220- guess Home Improvement (yes), Roseanne (no), Perfect Strangers (no), Family Matters (no), NYPD Blue (yes)- wagered 0- left with 220.
Undecided- 1160- guesses Empty Nest (no), Jake & The Fatman (no), Matlock (no), Murder She Wrote (no), and everybody was laughing so hard at their answers that I didn’t catch their last one (no)- wagered 1100- down to 60.
J&B- 2740- guesses Roseanne (no), Grace Under Fire (yes), Home Improvement (yes), Spin City (no), NYPD Blue (yes)- wagered 419- Benkowski gives the points- up to 3159.
Bar- 3320- guesses Roseanne (no), Home Improvement (yes), Grace Under Fire (yes), Full House (yes), NYPD Blue (yes)- wagered 2161- up to 5481 and tonight’s victory.
The missing show: Me and the Boys (with Steve Harvey as a widower- I’m not holding my breath waiting for that one to turn up on TVLand anytime soon)
Benkowski: “In my conversation with ABC-TV, they tell me that’s what the lineup was.”
So Benkowski was making phone calls as research? I’m impressed.
The evening ended with much conversation about the best television shows of all-time. Peppys and Chemical Man almost dropped the gloves over Seinfeld’s status on such a listing (Chemical Man- pro, Peppys- con). Our waitress also became involved in the discussion- she was off to a bad start by citing “Dancing With the Stars” as her favorite show, but further talk improved her reputation. She was even able to sing some of the theme to “Speed Racer”- astounding, since she looks like she is all of 20 years old.
Next trivia at TC Pub is June 7th. I expect to be “in.”
Rockets firing
I may be being set up here * since in CPS i canna obtain Youtube - there's the CPLib to-morrow-- but Ji.Va. sent me some more rocketry stuff== this is unedited footage of ....well, here's his annotations...........
"Here is some great footage of the shuttle from one of the booster rockets. I like it especially because it's unedited.
"Rockets Ahoy!!" "
Bless you Ji.Va.
*= I jest
"Here is some great footage of the shuttle from one of the booster rockets. I like it especially because it's unedited.
"Rockets Ahoy!!" "
Bless you Ji.Va.
*= I jest
24 May, 2007
Lovely. And finally, something in the last two seasons (sorry to be a snob) to finally equal the first year. Here's to the future.
N.Y.C. / Dreams of another teacher and a hot tub.
So, I kinda tolf Gf yesterday about, well, maybe thinking about moving to N.Y.C. (.00001% chance), and uh, kinda got into trouble. I just don't want to be a sub. tacher till 'm 95, and I've already waited too long- though obv. all my hope's not gone*.
Good news about all that me being a sub. business again. Seems I will not only keep my insurance for awhile (how long??) , but I won't have to pay the $330/m Cobra. I knew yesterday I'd get the privledge of paying the $330/m (which is ok), but then I was told that I won't have to fork over the $330. We'll see.
And yes, I had a dream (see above title). The "freudian" deal was obvious:
It was a fun day yesterday (23d/Wednes.) 'cause the Queen Bee (lady whose been out and I have been working in her position for) came back to see everyone. She's back on 1 June for good (I revert to being a sub. that day), so I will miss the pay etc...
So the dream went thus. Apt. Complex. There are lots of hot teachers here, and one of them (prob., #7 or #8 on the list) was talking to me. A guy came over and invited #7/8 into the hot tub, but did not invite me as well. I woke, and it was kinda just a shallow meaning: The school year moves on, I lose my full officer status, and I will have to look myself for another school next year. Pretty easy call on that one.
*=Bad Morrissey!!!
The Rockateers

Wait- you wanna see as well?
Try these, sent by JI.VA. with original annotations by him:
Here's the NASA page for their upcoming launches:http://www.nasa.gov/missions/highlights/schedule.html
This is a cool site: http://www.heavens-above.com/main.aspx ((::Hilts Note:: Iv'e had trouble w/ link= cut and paste the address and y'll do just fine)). It shows when the International Space Station, the Shuttle, various satellites and visible space junk is flying overhead. You have to enter the coordinates of your viewing site.
This page can tell you that: http://www.census.gov/cgi-bin/gazetteer
The heavens-above page has info on when to see Iridium flares which are momentary relections of sunlight off of Iridium phone system satellites. I'll** attach a photo I took of one.
Back to Hilts:: Tried the various formulas, and it's preddy nice. I'd like to go see the Space Shuttle launch live-all that Fire-but it'll have to wait.
*=sometimes I can't stick to just one name.
**= JI.VA.

You're it
No, you're it
Hey, you're really it
You're it
No I mean it, you're it
Say it Don't spray it
Spirit desire (face me)
Spirit desire (don't displace me)
Spirit desire
We will fall
Miss me
Don't dismiss me
Spirit desire
Spirit desire
Spirit desire
Spirit desire
We will fall
Spirit desire
We will fall
Spirit desire
Spirit desire
Spirit desire
We will fall
Spirit desire
We will fall
My Liverpudlian Days

Liverpool is not my favourite team, or favourite team from England, But generally I’ll support English teams unless they are playing an American, Irish, Mexican, or even a Canadian team. I’ve stated this before, I have three teams : Chicago Fire, Man. United (Premiership winners, F.A. Cup finalists, Champion’s League semi-finalists- not a bad year, but it was close to the ‘99 teams success) , and Club America- who I root for otherwise is negotiable. But this is about Liverpool, and my three favourite Liverpool moments. Chronowise.
Spring 1997 found me in Ireland for the first time in 17 years, and this time by myself. I was just over from England and visiting my cousin and family in Belcoo, a tiny spot rite on the border between Free Ireland and Occupied Ireland (bizarre seeing heavily armed troops making patrols in the streets- the worst of The Troubles was over, but still automatic rifles were a common site on the streets). I am a very social person, but I also have a wicked antisocial side as well, and I’d just been in London by myself for two weeks. Now, I had to deal with my cousin’s family. I’m sure they liked the American visiting, since I do believe I’m still the only gringo to have visited- most family visitors go to my parents islands. So I got off the bus, my Cousin collected me @ the stop, there was the immediate tea and ’have y ate?’ and small talk. It continued until I queried “Em, are ye watching the Liverpool game?”. As always, sports has a great way of breaking down barriers, and from that moment on, I fell in love with Belcoo. It was Liverpool-Paris SG (I think), and they were down 0-3 from the first of two games. Liverpool had to score three to tie it all up. 60m in , it became 1-3. 80m in, it was 2-3, and the usual screams, jumping up from the seats, and mad cheering continued. I remember there was added time, and they sang past the end, but whatever will be will be, and there it ended. Half time we went to the streets and I “took corners”* with the lads, 10-18 y.o.
Spring 2003 (?) found me working as a sub once again, but @ a school that had an every other Thursday ½ day. As a sub, I could break out early (Now I’d have to stay till until closing time, but subs didn’t have to- nice!). This was very nice, since it allowed me to el to Fado, an Irish sorta bar on Grand, and take in Liverpool games with Gallo. They started @ 1.30p, so we’d have a drink or two, maybe a cigarette or three, and even some fry. Liverpool this time was chasing three cups: The F.A. Cup (winners), the league cup (winners), and the one we were watching -UEFA cup again. It was really enjoyable, and Fado was a perfect ½ way point for us to meet. We went over a series of months and caught 6-7 game to-gether. It was a happy coincidence that we were both able to make it. Liverpool won in the final- three cups in one season, a nice accomplishment. As an aside, we watched the League cup final, taped, @ his crib that season as well. It was a high scoring beginning and Liverpool, as I remember, fell behind early. I made the remark as I do @ a lot of games: “It’ll be a 6-5 game” as soccer fans just love highscoring games. It ended 6-5 Liverpool in OT, although neither of us watched the end- it was 5-5 late late late, and wherever we were going we had not budgeted all that extra time.
The last time Liverpool played A.C Milan in a Champions league final was two years ago- same teams, same cup, different result. I watched that game over @ goodkixxs place. He lived in the ‘hood back then (divorced, in the process of--now Pilsen, from whence he was berthed). Fucking Liverpool was totally outplayed, and looked real bad. They fell behind 0-3, and our attention wandered. Kixx handled stuff around the house, and I decided to carry one, with one eye on a book and one eye on the game. Then, 1-3. “Hey, they just scored- it’s 3-1”.
A minute or two later, they scored again.
“Yeaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! Get in here, y gotta see this goal!!”
Then unbelievable, they tied it up- three goals in six minutes, and I instantly realized, as I always do watching some sporting event when something like this happens-
“I watched it live!! I watched it live!! I watched it live!! I’m gonna be able to brag about watching this as it happened fucking forever!!!!”
Those six minutes were the only part of the entire 120m (O.T. added 30m to this game’s regular 90m)- the only part- where Liverpool looked like they like they belonged on the same pitch. But that, and the penalty kick deciders after which gave the title to Liverpool-lets me brag to this day. As I brag rite now.
They had a slite article on the final I think, in the Times, and one of the players was talking about the halftime scene when they were down 0-3. He was talking about how, even down 0-3, the 45,000 Liverpool fans could be clearly heard in the locker room singing the famous L.F.C. song= “You’ll Never Walk Alone” by whatever 60’s Liverpool band that made it famous originally.
*=played soccer
23 May, 2007
I decided to Sylar myself.

I look like Sylar.
One of the great joys I teaching @ a school like this-- a fine arts school- is that lots of kids AND teachers are funky. It allows me the opportunity to work hard and , hopefully, make a small difference in kids lives. But it also allows me to play the goof: since I got the haircut last nite, I came across glasses that....well, ther' glasses. I taped the picture of him in the above link to my i.d., and taped "Sylar" over the name. Eventually, I just started calling everybody Sylar. Viva being a goof, and viva being in a situation where I can goof.
Speaking off goofing, There is a girl who loves Sanjaya. I've written about her before. Updates on Ms. Snajaya:
:She has now become a supporter of Jordin
:She has floor tix to Idol on Tour
:She misheard me when I called her Sylar and thought I called her Simon. She was deeply befuddled and amused.
:She, like all the kids @ this here school, is fantastic. I like this place, it suits me well.
Haircut 3000
Finally got my hares cut- after a wait of, truly, 5m+. It got done @ Jokers in Bridgeport on the day before the date I originally tried to post this posted above.
I specialize in 2 diff cuts these last, say 15y- the ‘straight cut’, from my barber since 1985, Aldo--and a “shaveontheback and letitlongontop” drop, from my frenz, starting 1987. The styles have long histories.
Aldo’s I‘ve been to since the ‘cut for sister#2’s wedding’ in July of that year. Short n the sides, a little hi’r on top. I looked alright: I knew it was a nice cut. He had a place a bit east on 63d and when the time came and I ‘finally’ needed a responsible cut I’d go to him. Then I’d let my grow worn and rustic and looking really ridiculous -- and go back. He moved to a shop west on 63d past the Central Park tracks and I’ve
The “shaveontheback and letitlongontop” drop was an alternative style of chop; a friend or other would take a electric shaver and best they untrained could, razor off the hair from the ears on down. Instantly it looked cool and was easier to wash and free and best of all, a buddy did it- kool punk rock style. To this day, I have never had a pro cut it this way- why bother / would be the point??
The first of this style to surface was in the ‘87 basement of the old house- five of us trying to get the cut to go in a straight line. As time went on, I had a succession of “do-it-y’self” barbers. Stoi, Scotty Boy, Jackson, and Joker each were barbers for awhile; others, I remember, had their parts to play as well. The last time I had such a cut was……..maybe summer 2002 by Joker. @ that point I’d let my air just really go on top while getting the chop behind. My hair was horrid and wilde and ratty and awful and really needed to go. And the go decision was made by me to return, @ long last: to Aldo’s Responsible Style. It was a desperate attempt to impress an impossible to impress girl. Since then four years ago I’ve kept that style, maybe still trying to impress that girl.
But chance look into a mirror changed that tack. The last time I was @ Aldo’s was really the Last Time- the 63d Street building he moved into in 1987 he was now moving out of. The building was being sold or something, and even gotten dangerous; Aldo had been in the adjoining store when a gun was pulled during the robbery. As I was getting my final cut in this shop, I saw my self in the reflection of a whole new bank of mirrors that were being put in where never there’d been mirrors before. Aldo had, well, basically shaved the back of my head and was just about to cut down the top- what I saw looked good, and I wanted that again. But I’m so timid, and whatever else was the deal, but I didn’t stop him and tell him to leave it except for a little shaping. The moment passed, my hair was cut, and I realized: 4-6m before I could get it again.
However, 4-6m became…..10-12m, and so raggedly did my hair become. It took 5m of correct connexions to be made and remade before finally - finally- it got done. It wasn’t a radical cut, but it was a comfortable fit. Joker’s no pro, but he’s done it enough times. I guess more than any one else he’s handled the chop, so he’s become really proficient. It only took what- 10m- but it was decades off my soul. Perfect job.
So good to get a haircut. My hair, a terrible stress for 3m now (a real worry everyday) suddenly became easy-- FUN even. I play jokes with it like the Sylar episode. Good for me. And I’ll cut it again like this, and maybe even try to get it sculpted this way- Aldo has hinted that he is totally willing to cut some former customers hair @ his crib out in the suburbs. It’d be boss to drive out there and get this properly styled. Maybe after I let it go some more and then Joker cuts it again. We’ll see.
I specialize in 2 diff cuts these last, say 15y- the ‘straight cut’, from my barber since 1985, Aldo--and a “shaveontheback and letitlongontop” drop, from my frenz, starting 1987. The styles have long histories.
Aldo’s I‘ve been to since the ‘cut for sister#2’s wedding’ in July of that year. Short n the sides, a little hi’r on top. I looked alright: I knew it was a nice cut. He had a place a bit east on 63d and when the time came and I ‘finally’ needed a responsible cut I’d go to him. Then I’d let my grow worn and rustic and looking really ridiculous -- and go back. He moved to a shop west on 63d past the Central Park tracks and I’ve
The “shaveontheback and letitlongontop” drop was an alternative style of chop; a friend or other would take a electric shaver and best they untrained could, razor off the hair from the ears on down. Instantly it looked cool and was easier to wash and free and best of all, a buddy did it- kool punk rock style. To this day, I have never had a pro cut it this way- why bother / would be the point??
The first of this style to surface was in the ‘87 basement of the old house- five of us trying to get the cut to go in a straight line. As time went on, I had a succession of “do-it-y’self” barbers. Stoi, Scotty Boy, Jackson, and Joker each were barbers for awhile; others, I remember, had their parts to play as well. The last time I had such a cut was……..maybe summer 2002 by Joker. @ that point I’d let my air just really go on top while getting the chop behind. My hair was horrid and wilde and ratty and awful and really needed to go. And the go decision was made by me to return, @ long last: to Aldo’s Responsible Style. It was a desperate attempt to impress an impossible to impress girl. Since then four years ago I’ve kept that style, maybe still trying to impress that girl.
But chance look into a mirror changed that tack. The last time I was @ Aldo’s was really the Last Time- the 63d Street building he moved into in 1987 he was now moving out of. The building was being sold or something, and even gotten dangerous; Aldo had been in the adjoining store when a gun was pulled during the robbery. As I was getting my final cut in this shop, I saw my self in the reflection of a whole new bank of mirrors that were being put in where never there’d been mirrors before. Aldo had, well, basically shaved the back of my head and was just about to cut down the top- what I saw looked good, and I wanted that again. But I’m so timid, and whatever else was the deal, but I didn’t stop him and tell him to leave it except for a little shaping. The moment passed, my hair was cut, and I realized: 4-6m before I could get it again.
However, 4-6m became…..10-12m, and so raggedly did my hair become. It took 5m of correct connexions to be made and remade before finally - finally- it got done. It wasn’t a radical cut, but it was a comfortable fit. Joker’s no pro, but he’s done it enough times. I guess more than any one else he’s handled the chop, so he’s become really proficient. It only took what- 10m- but it was decades off my soul. Perfect job.
So good to get a haircut. My hair, a terrible stress for 3m now (a real worry everyday) suddenly became easy-- FUN even. I play jokes with it like the Sylar episode. Good for me. And I’ll cut it again like this, and maybe even try to get it sculpted this way- Aldo has hinted that he is totally willing to cut some former customers hair @ his crib out in the suburbs. It’d be boss to drive out there and get this properly styled. Maybe after I let it go some more and then Joker cuts it again. We’ll see.
22 May, 2007
Shake it up baby now/ Shake it up baby/twit and shout/twit and shout

It's two days in a row, now. I join the ranks of the unwashed again Friday when I become a sub again for the 1,017th time. The lady I was in for since October is finally coming back. This is very very good news since she is a friend: but obv., being what I really really want, an officer who shouts "Follow Me!!!", is now @ an end. I've enjoyed the rank, and of course the pay and insurance, but all things.....
Just for one day......

But Heroes was good, it was good to experience it with her, as we discovered the show and characters and all that to-gether (have never watched the show w/out her by my side), and , well…….good. I’ll wait till next year for the next round.
Before I laugh and act like a fool.........
Miserable day in school on Monday. Feel it for me, guys- that fancy north shore school? Already did they hire somebody for “my” position. A guy teaching there already in English got the job. In all honesty I prob. never had a chance, although, in all honesty, I bet I’d be 100+x better than whoever they hired. All day it was black mood. Wasn’t good. I remembered “ be good to the kids”, and I very much was- I can’t tell you what a rush it is working with these kids, so happy- but the fact that I started (here’s the rub) the application on 17 November and I haven’t even hit send YET on the online app was the killer.
Again- I held on to the app from then (the suburbs have online app’s, and the districts are all linked online so that when you put in yr email, you basically have all the info already ready for the new district- except for any essays) until now because I was never happy about my essays. I fucked up, and fucked up bad, and there’s no where to go but down*. On the other hand, the city has put out some new tantalizing schools that need their lib. position filled, some beautiful South and some beautiful North. Spurred, To-morrow I send out 4-5 letters/resumes for those places. I got all the confidence in meself for these positions- how fun any interviews will- but…………….so god damn frustrating.
So, I know y’all hate it, but I’m also thinking of casting my eyes East- N.Y.C’d be fun. I’d be going for the simple reason that the city has 2.5x as many people as Chicago, and presumably 2.5x as many library positions. I am somewhat seriously thinking of it. I love cities, and in America, NYC’d be the only choice.
So………the lesson from these two enteries, I guess, is that I’m thinking of moving to New York and becoming a writer**………..wait, what kind of clichĂ© is this??
Again- I held on to the app from then (the suburbs have online app’s, and the districts are all linked online so that when you put in yr email, you basically have all the info already ready for the new district- except for any essays) until now because I was never happy about my essays. I fucked up, and fucked up bad, and there’s no where to go but down*. On the other hand, the city has put out some new tantalizing schools that need their lib. position filled, some beautiful South and some beautiful North. Spurred, To-morrow I send out 4-5 letters/resumes for those places. I got all the confidence in meself for these positions- how fun any interviews will- but…………….so god damn frustrating.
So, I know y’all hate it, but I’m also thinking of casting my eyes East- N.Y.C’d be fun. I’d be going for the simple reason that the city has 2.5x as many people as Chicago, and presumably 2.5x as many library positions. I am somewhat seriously thinking of it. I love cities, and in America, NYC’d be the only choice.
So………the lesson from these two enteries, I guess, is that I’m thinking of moving to New York and becoming a writer**………..wait, what kind of clichĂ© is this??
Must go now......Security………..OUT!!!!!!!
*=Bad Morrissey!!!
**=but we all know that next year I’ll still be a Chicago sub. teacher. How could I leave Mom??
*=Bad Morrissey!!!
**=but we all know that next year I’ll still be a Chicago sub. teacher. How could I leave Mom??
Sandra, but not that Sandra

Sandra, but not the Sandra in Security Out’s ‘Ithica’= im’a talking about Sandra Oh, l’actrice. I always thought that she was unforgivably ugly, but having watched “Sideways”, I realise she really has a sexy side. Her intro. Scene in the movie did it- she (bartender) filled one of the characters wine glasses full to the brim, and he said along the lines of “You’re a bad girl!” She responded by saying “I should be spanked” rite when she turns to walk away- my god what a pair of jeans she has on. Then the other scene-- ok, y get it. Again, I worry about any females that read this- I know I have @ least one- will be offended. Nah, not this entry.
“Sideways” was pretty good. I read that critics liked it because it was about critics, but I found it rewarding. It wasn’t just about critics: it was also about a writer…….so I paid att’n. Again, back to the writing thing- I understand my pronouncements about writing may come across as pompous, but as I’ve said before, this is my blog, and if I wasn’t being a pomper, what’d be the point? However, I realize that jotting down haphazard thoughts and memories and diary enteries and the occasional deeply satisfying Hitler or shit styles doesna make me a Joyce- but I’m surprised that I still have shit to say (and wipe off my hands) and people enjoy it. However, the real kick is the creeping feeling that- if I devoted more time to it………..man, the shit I could do. I really could sit here and whip out New Association story after this old girlfriend story after dying my hair orange story after Peter Strassers last mission story, not to mention Ney’s “…all these pretty English bullets…”……but……..where’s the creative process? What fictions could I do? I’m pretty dull o’ wit, and my mind’s not supple enough to make stuff up.
But I do have the antithesis of the ‘Spaniard in the works‘= I get some time off next month- drunk amounts of time, months @ a crack- and if I don’t get to teach (doubtful) s.school or other work, we’ll see. I’m thinking of taking a Spanish class- my dream to talk another language ’d be kool and very doable, seeing my city, line of work, frenz, etc… I’m sure I’ll be helping ref games this summer-no coaching unless I’m needed. But I will have time. I have written some stuff- there have been poems and even my regular writing style ain’t just to get across a point. However, very obv. , the poetry is quickoffs not to be taken seriously--please don’t- but it is a meander thataways. Or a Strangeways*. But its fun to think about.
But for now, I’ll just alert y’all to the fact that Sandra Oh ‘s got a hot ass. Maybe it was those awful scrubs she wears on her teevee show.
*=Bad Morrissey!!!
“Sideways” was pretty good. I read that critics liked it because it was about critics, but I found it rewarding. It wasn’t just about critics: it was also about a writer…….so I paid att’n. Again, back to the writing thing- I understand my pronouncements about writing may come across as pompous, but as I’ve said before, this is my blog, and if I wasn’t being a pomper, what’d be the point? However, I realize that jotting down haphazard thoughts and memories and diary enteries and the occasional deeply satisfying Hitler or shit styles doesna make me a Joyce- but I’m surprised that I still have shit to say (and wipe off my hands) and people enjoy it. However, the real kick is the creeping feeling that- if I devoted more time to it………..man, the shit I could do. I really could sit here and whip out New Association story after this old girlfriend story after dying my hair orange story after Peter Strassers last mission story, not to mention Ney’s “…all these pretty English bullets…”……but……..where’s the creative process? What fictions could I do? I’m pretty dull o’ wit, and my mind’s not supple enough to make stuff up.
But I do have the antithesis of the ‘Spaniard in the works‘= I get some time off next month- drunk amounts of time, months @ a crack- and if I don’t get to teach (doubtful) s.school or other work, we’ll see. I’m thinking of taking a Spanish class- my dream to talk another language ’d be kool and very doable, seeing my city, line of work, frenz, etc… I’m sure I’ll be helping ref games this summer-no coaching unless I’m needed. But I will have time. I have written some stuff- there have been poems and even my regular writing style ain’t just to get across a point. However, very obv. , the poetry is quickoffs not to be taken seriously--please don’t- but it is a meander thataways. Or a Strangeways*. But its fun to think about.
But for now, I’ll just alert y’all to the fact that Sandra Oh ‘s got a hot ass. Maybe it was those awful scrubs she wears on her teevee show.
*=Bad Morrissey!!!
21 May, 2007
So I lied........

Good things coming in this day of tilting @ windmills....
Three are in, incl. the Morrissey review, but ya gotta wait till all linx are good and that shit. Check, say, 1pm, and nothiung before then, so don't bother.........but three good ones then.
Two days running with “That Crowd”
I have written about frenz and disappointments and such before- the dissolution of the group and the fraying of units and such… one group of frenz in particular I complained about was That crowd, which I wrote that once they all got their wives, they stopped hanging out the 1.2x a week they used to . Well, we had strong representation both Saturday and Sunday. Saturday was draining. The 6am wakeup call was terrible, and the fucking Sox bullpen had to blow a second straight fucking game. 15 or so of the Crowd showed up to celebrate Guitars b-day @ Quenchers, 2400 N. Western. Went with Gf, and had a pretty good time. Even though they had cider, I drank beer: Rocky had turned Gf and I to a Belgian beer (on Devin Hester nite -v- Rams), and since they had it, I had two. Since I haven’t been hanging with Matty boy Jenke a lot lately, I tend to talk and talk and talk until my head explodes,; so I did blather on till total exhaustion felled me. We filled four tables, and the Rogers Park Twins were there (rarely see them anymore). They also had a kool band play- well, one song was great, so good that I thought that it was on the radio. I asked William Randolph H. what the name of the group was, and he looked 2 the chart of bands on the bill and said “well, its either this group or this group”==realizing me that “Hey, this racket I’m digging? It’s being produced live in the other room!!” Liked that song, but the rest was forgettable-back to the frenz room!!
This nite was Sopranos nite @ Mr. and Mrs. John Gunners. They had saved up the three latest episodes to orgy all @ once (their tyke, Gunnar, had broked their old tee vee, so they tivo’d it all). It was real nice: people brought over food (as usual, I brought over nothing, but my much better 4/5th ’s brought some food- bless her) and we had tasty plates of various meat pies, pasta doodles, weird salads, and etc-- I know not the names of any of it, but it all tasted ace.
Wow!! Three hours, in maybe 3 ½ h. So much good show, and its all coming to an end. I believe there is only 2h left. Halloween 2002 a bunch of us went as Sopranos characters to a singularly good party thrown by Vampire. Since then, whenever there is a gathering to watch Sopranos, I always greet those boys who were in costume that nite- and no one else- in the ‘Family style”-Johnny Gunners was Tony, so I’ll go up to him, throw my arms around patting him on the back and say “TONY!!!!”. I do believe that I will retire this greeting in a few weeks, with the shows ending.
This nite was Sopranos nite @ Mr. and Mrs. John Gunners. They had saved up the three latest episodes to orgy all @ once (their tyke, Gunnar, had broked their old tee vee, so they tivo’d it all). It was real nice: people brought over food (as usual, I brought over nothing, but my much better 4/5th ’s brought some food- bless her) and we had tasty plates of various meat pies, pasta doodles, weird salads, and etc-- I know not the names of any of it, but it all tasted ace.
Wow!! Three hours, in maybe 3 ½ h. So much good show, and its all coming to an end. I believe there is only 2h left. Halloween 2002 a bunch of us went as Sopranos characters to a singularly good party thrown by Vampire. Since then, whenever there is a gathering to watch Sopranos, I always greet those boys who were in costume that nite- and no one else- in the ‘Family style”-Johnny Gunners was Tony, so I’ll go up to him, throw my arms around patting him on the back and say “TONY!!!!”. I do believe that I will retire this greeting in a few weeks, with the shows ending.
Writing and being paid, and not in that order.
They all have had their effects on me. This time it was that one that broke my heart several years back, Afrika Korps*. She was Miss Budget, working in summer and after school and whatever Saturdays she could to make that cash, and I do believe she spent it all on thongs. But she imprinted on me in a way my dad never did that ‘if they are going to pay you, work it.’ So I got six hours @ my hourly rate, which is pretty good these days. A pretty good thing for her to imprint on me. That and a complete distrust of all women** .
So I worked. Had to get up 6am on a Saturday to get to the Mayor Daley Book Club on time. It was fun and a little illuminating. It was a series of workshops for kids who are readers and culminates in a quiz contest between three surviving schools on 20 different books the kids are supposed to have read (four kids on each team). Hilts H.S. was not in it, but we got to go to the workshops. I went to two, and they both dealt with writing (uh, oh!!!!!!). Yeah, because of the blog, my old dream of getting down all the old roofing stories into some sorta workable form (decades now have I wanted this) noww seems just a matter of a little work. Since I was here for workshops, I decided to use my time wisely. So I first went to one that focused on writing inspired by listening to music. The lady, a West side born and bred 60’s blackpowerhippyactivist , was kool as hell. We meditated for a bit (cleanse the energy or something), then she played different songs to inspire us. A propulsive song, called something along the lines of “heart in hand”, was my choice, and I wrote about writing…………. In a blog…………. This is what I scribbled down:
“Rambling on sometimes, sentences awry, but with all eyes on its just a matter of course to carry on. It’s the duality of responsibility & total lack of responsibility, both sides of a double side”
“I tend to ramble on, but its important to put some stuff down to get something going-y can come back and edit it up, but start now. I’m in the position of ’not letting go the tigers tale’, because I have the responsibility of writing now because I know my work is appreciated by frenz, but they have vibed me that I can write about anything (no responsibility), as long as I keep doing it.”
It goes back to that day in the basement months ago, with Gf hanging with my Mom upstairs and Roxx, Matt Jenke and I hanging downstairs. Rocky quizzed me hard about the blog, and I realized that “Shit: he’s really reading it, getting the jokes, liking the form, and challenging me to keep going.” I totally knew others had appreciated it, but with both Roxx and Jenke hammering on the theme, it was the first time I realized that I really was on to something.
to this day, my favourite blog enteries were the ones directly after that meeting w/ rocky: the two shit themed ones( #1 & #2 ) - I was given the go code to totally put my impramateur on my work- funny, but i needed it. And now, after this weekd, I have 2 more favourites: the Morrissey review, which is somewhat tepid, and the comments on the 'Adolph Hitler ist der sieg' one.
The second workshop was with a published author of “Back Romance” genre novels. Part of the wshop was “list reasons why you write”. My quick jots (non italicized parts) were:
My frenz like it.
I like to push myself on others (see the Morrissey review)
Documentation (Roofing stories, to be collected under the name “Fleet Action is Imminent”)
Discipline (Try to write dcs material very structured and on ‘deadline‘)
I should
Q & A time got me to ask some q’s, like “Do you write when you are tired?” (no), and “Where comes the stories ?” (everywhere, sometime just flashed of inspiration, sometimes interests,)
So, although it totally wasted me tired, I was glad went. I got paid, I helped my fellow librarian with the day, and I got to start thinking about this writing thing…………………..
*=Why that name? Google Afrika Korps, find the correct German three word term for that part of the Whermacht, and then initial it up. That’s the last time…….
**=just a funny. My Mom has many imprints on me, so understand I totally trust women. And my love of a thronged girl long predates her. I’ll write about that girl one day.
So I worked. Had to get up 6am on a Saturday to get to the Mayor Daley Book Club on time. It was fun and a little illuminating. It was a series of workshops for kids who are readers and culminates in a quiz contest between three surviving schools on 20 different books the kids are supposed to have read (four kids on each team). Hilts H.S. was not in it, but we got to go to the workshops. I went to two, and they both dealt with writing (uh, oh!!!!!!). Yeah, because of the blog, my old dream of getting down all the old roofing stories into some sorta workable form (decades now have I wanted this) noww seems just a matter of a little work. Since I was here for workshops, I decided to use my time wisely. So I first went to one that focused on writing inspired by listening to music. The lady, a West side born and bred 60’s blackpowerhippyactivist , was kool as hell. We meditated for a bit (cleanse the energy or something), then she played different songs to inspire us. A propulsive song, called something along the lines of “heart in hand”, was my choice, and I wrote about writing…………. In a blog…………. This is what I scribbled down:
“Rambling on sometimes, sentences awry, but with all eyes on its just a matter of course to carry on. It’s the duality of responsibility & total lack of responsibility, both sides of a double side”
“I tend to ramble on, but its important to put some stuff down to get something going-y can come back and edit it up, but start now. I’m in the position of ’not letting go the tigers tale’, because I have the responsibility of writing now because I know my work is appreciated by frenz, but they have vibed me that I can write about anything (no responsibility), as long as I keep doing it.”
It goes back to that day in the basement months ago, with Gf hanging with my Mom upstairs and Roxx, Matt Jenke and I hanging downstairs. Rocky quizzed me hard about the blog, and I realized that “Shit: he’s really reading it, getting the jokes, liking the form, and challenging me to keep going.” I totally knew others had appreciated it, but with both Roxx and Jenke hammering on the theme, it was the first time I realized that I really was on to something.
to this day, my favourite blog enteries were the ones directly after that meeting w/ rocky: the two shit themed ones( #1 & #2 ) - I was given the go code to totally put my impramateur on my work- funny, but i needed it. And now, after this weekd, I have 2 more favourites: the Morrissey review, which is somewhat tepid, and the comments on the 'Adolph Hitler ist der sieg' one.
The second workshop was with a published author of “Back Romance” genre novels. Part of the wshop was “list reasons why you write”. My quick jots (non italicized parts) were:
My frenz like it.
I like to push myself on others (see the Morrissey review)
Documentation (Roofing stories, to be collected under the name “Fleet Action is Imminent”)
Discipline (Try to write dcs material very structured and on ‘deadline‘)
I should
Q & A time got me to ask some q’s, like “Do you write when you are tired?” (no), and “Where comes the stories ?” (everywhere, sometime just flashed of inspiration, sometimes interests,)
So, although it totally wasted me tired, I was glad went. I got paid, I helped my fellow librarian with the day, and I got to start thinking about this writing thing…………………..
*=Why that name? Google Afrika Korps, find the correct German three word term for that part of the Whermacht, and then initial it up. That’s the last time…….
**=just a funny. My Mom has many imprints on me, so understand I totally trust women. And my love of a thronged girl long predates her. I’ll write about that girl one day.
18 May, 2007
Teaser for the Morrissey review
But what of the secrets?
She's on fire ...yesterday, i guess.
And I do wonder if she is hot. I've been with two glorious librarians in my life.
And I do wonder if she is hot. I've been with two glorious librarians in my life.
Fantastice olde bloge
Well, well, well, I found one of the first blogs ever written!! Not quite as old as Peppys, but it's fantastic!! The only problem is the terribly long enteries for each day. For example, his description of 16 June, 1904, goes on for 763 pages!! In my readings, I ran across this passage:
So off they started about Irish sports and shoneen games the like of lawn
tennis and about hurley and putting the stone and racy of the soil and
building up a nation once again and all to that. And of course Bloom had
to have his say too about if a fellow had a rower's heart violent
exercise was bad. I declare to my antimacassar if you took up a
straw from the bloody floor and if you said to Bloom: LOOK AT, BLOOM.
DO YOU SEE THAT STRAW? THAT'S A STRAW. Declare to my aunt he'd talk
about it for an hour so he would and talk steady.
So off they started about Irish sports and shoneen games the like of lawn
tennis and about hurley and putting the stone and racy of the soil and
building up a nation once again and all to that. And of course Bloom had
to have his say too about if a fellow had a rower's heart violent
exercise was bad. I declare to my antimacassar if you took up a
straw from the bloody floor and if you said to Bloom: LOOK AT, BLOOM.
DO YOU SEE THAT STRAW? THAT'S A STRAW. Declare to my aunt he'd talk
about it for an hour so he would and talk steady.
Different Sports, Different Results, Different Media (unfit for dcs)

17 May, 2007

While were on animals, wovely wittle bunny wunny wanging wout win why yaaard every day- it'll get big, but now its a tyce and fun to watch. The grass is a bit in need of a cuttin', so just him hanging there means he's under cover. My ackyard is the wilderness: birds galore, bunny, squirrels, sometimes cats in search of everything above, bees (please), butterflies, our next door neighbours dog (Charlie), Bolo II himself, and the most most (Oscar) Wilde item, the neighbourhood possum. Here is my ode to get around writing about my encounter w/ said possum 2 nites ago. Don't just enjoy, LOVE=
The Sunning of Oneself in the Moon

Late nite kinda kat/
balancing on that fence/
run muthafucker from me:/
humans are the enemy/
But beady eyes look back/
The 20 minute backyard balance/
Ignore the offerings I give?/
But: I am a friend/!
v. hILTS
Evanston Possum/ Evanston Dog

Clash of Species
Who will win?
Ripping teeth
this skin i'm in
Fighting fangs
keep off me
White bison
My champion is He!
Another day
both would be petted
Tonites nite:
both get credit
Lazers: December 2006 (Trip #25)- Luxor
Sometimes I have not the time nor the place to blogout--maybe later for an original from me. However, Lazers, who writes the J & B recaps every other Thursday, is a talented writewr who lets me pub. his stuff some times. This was saved for a rainy day, and its his recap of his trip 6m ago to Vegas:
Remember: what happens in Vagas gets published in Chicago.
There is a coda to this trip which I will Pub. later iin the day:: it's Peppy's additions to above. He is alspo a J and B'r---
December 2006 (Trip #25)- Luxor
Written by D.L.
ed. (names only) by Hilts
My 25th trip to Las Vegas coincided with what I believe was Peppys 28th jaunt. The plan was to meet at the Luxor sportsbook around noon on Monday, December 11th.
On the flight, the first song to play on my ipod was “Devil in Disguise” by Elvis. I like the Elvis connotation to begin the trip.
My flight is a bit early, and I arrive at the Luxor before 10:00 am. Peppys is not yet here, and I’m already down $55. Of course, that was in cab fares rather than gambling. I place Zo’s $10 bet on the Bears (giving 6 ½ vs. Rams on Monday Night Football later that night) and spend some time becoming acclimated with Luxor, at least the route between the sportsbook and the poker area.
I had never stayed at Luxor before, and I looked forward to staying in the pyramid just for rides in an elevator that ascended at an angle (they call it an “inclinator” rather than “elevator”). The Inclinator was a huge disappointment. They should have windows so riders can enjoy the ride, but there are none. I couldn’t even tell that we were rising at an angle.
Luxor rooms are on the outer fringe of the pyramid, and the center remains open. The inner portion of the hallway had a short wall over which guests can look down into the atrium. Peppys and I are both curious as to how many people have fallen to their deaths.
After some grub, we head up to Bellagio and manage to get seats at the $5 handicap table. As usual, the waitresses were solid. I thought one in particular would make a great wife, at least through the honeymoon.
Our main dealer was Rodrick from Oklahoma. In case you were wondering what ever happened to Uncle Joe from “Petticoat Junction” he is now dealing blackjack at Bellagio. Rodrick was filled with one-liners. Some were funny. Some became tiresome (example: if someone left the table, Rodrick would yell “Next!”). A Rodrick lines did lead to one of the trip’s running gags, as he gave a rundown of how he was feeling and, since in mixed company, substituted “feet” to describe his sore “ass.” Thereafter, many women were complimented with “nice feet.”
I don’t think Rodrick much liked when Peppys and I would get a good banter going. I think he liked being the show.
The swing dealer was Rod from Las Vegas, quickly nicknamed “Buzzkill.” I would say that Rod had no personality, but I hate even to use the word “personality” in a sentence about him.
Some of the players at our table were abysmal. One guy who played first base may have been the worst blackjack player ever. He seemed to make the opposite play in every situation. For example, if he had 14 against the dealer’s 4, he would take a hit. Then if he had 14 against the dealer’s 8, he would stay. I think this was the guy who led me to ask if Peppys had ever read Bill James’ description of Willie Mays Aikens playing defense.
Blackjack count: Lazers 14 Peppys 7
Peppys up $112. Peppys down.
We move over to the sportsbook for the football game (final: Bears 42 Rams 27 and Zo wins $9.10 on her bet). Peppys decides to downgrade his gambling losses by the $11 that he decided not to bet on the Rams (kind of like “opportunity cost”).
With the Five Diamond World Poker Classic taking place at Bellagio, we did see some pro players. As a matter of fact, the Seniors event had started on Monday (leading Peppys to ask, “why couldn’t it be the Hot Chicks tournament?”), and we did catch Men the Master at one table.
The main poker room is right next to the sportsbook, and a few pros were coming in and out. Eskimo Clark (nickname appropriate) would often come by to monitor the football game. On one of those trips, he sat next to me and started talking football with me. He said odds on the Saints to win it all were at 27-1 not all that long ago, and he ran through a few mathematical examples of how much could be won under various betting amounts (“if you bet $10,000, you could win $270,000”- yeah, as if I have $10,000 sitting around to wager on the Saints).
The barely alive Titans were at 999-1, leading to Peppys and I concocting a master plan to raise the funds to have our own casino (with no single-deck, 6-5 blackjack or other unnecessary table games). However, we never got around to making the Titans bet, which was to be the first step in the financing of the casino. Assuming the Titans win the Superbowl, of course.
We walk over to Ellis Island for dinner, backed-up by the worst karaoke I’ve ever heard, although I did enjoy the effort put forth by one guy who sang “Monster Mash.”
After dinner, we made our way up north to Wynn then back again. We couldn’t find any low limit tables that were anything but the plague that is single-deck, 6-5 blackjack. It’s a Monday in December! Notice the higher limit tables that were empty! Notice the small amount of people walking on the Strip! Isn’t it a good time to cater to lower limits so that you will have somebody gambling something?
Making our way back south, we go through Flamingo. I notice a hot, Asian gal in tight jeans and midriff-baring top. She takes a seat at the front bar, alone. She is definitely for sale, and I should probably circle around for a closer look, but Peppys was well ahead of me by now. I elect to catch up with Peppys instead of a scouting mission.
We end up in Barbary Coast, where there are a couple of cute Asian dealers, but none of them are at our table. Overall, we had a table that played pretty decent, including the lady from Canada (we played with several Canadians today) who got rattled when she had a
6-6-6 situation with her cards.
Peppys finds himself in the “Mike North” hand: 4-4 against the dealer’s 5. Peppys splits the 4-4, wins with both hands, and calls North a jackass.
We struggled at this table. Our worst dealer was something along the lines of Tajj’e from Abyssinia. I’m not sure how much of that I have correct, but I do know she had the apostrophe in her first name. Who the hell has an apostrophe in their first name? As for her origin, Peppys thought it looked like something written in pig Latin.
By the time the shifts changed, and our table received the pretty Julia from Brazil, Peppys was down and I managed to climb back up to even (the killer for me at this table was doubling down- they just weren’t working).
Blackjack count: Peppys 5 Peppys 1
Day one drinks for me included Captain and Coke, Amaretto Sour, Amaretto Stone Sour, and a beer that I never ordered at Ellis Island. I had enough to drink that by the time we were gambling at Barbary Coast, it took me awhile to figure out 1) that the faucets in the restroom were NOT motion activated (don’t know how long I stood there waving my hands beneath them, trying to trigger the motion sensor), and 2) there WAS an automatic shuffler at our table, and that’s the reason why the dealer was shuffling so fast.
Back at Luxor around 4:00 am. Awake around 7:00 am (stupid body clock). Out of bed around 10:30 am.
I head down to the Luxor poker area to enter the noon tournament for $30 plus $3 add-on. I didn’t know about the add-on component until we were seated at the table, and I made a quick dash to one of the shops to buy some Mentos so that I would have three singles (I do not know why I didn’t just have the dealer break my $20, but on the plus side, I got to eat Mentos later!).
The tournament had around 50-60 people. Top 7 spots pay. Starting chip stacks were $400 plus $200 (the add-on). Blinds started at $25-$25 and went up every 15 minutes. This is a very fast structure with not a whole lot of chips. Stacks are probably too small to make any bluffs, unless I can get some hands and build a large stack early.
The player who is supposed to be in seat #11 is sitting in seat #1. When the error is pointed out, he says, “Oh, I thought it was clockwise from the dealer.” Duh- it is clockwise from the dealer. What kind of clock does this guy use?
The first hand I played, I had A-7 (don’t recall if suited or not)- good example of how loose the play had to be with the blind structure. I ended up with a chopped pot in this one.
I had an A-K hold up against an A-J. Later, I was fortunate to have an A-5 beat A-Q. However, I lost a coin-flip for my final hand as my 7-7 was beaten by K-Q when a queen hit the turn. I played for perhaps an hour and finished somewhere around 24th or so.
After Peppys and I have lunch (the second McDonalds meal of the trip), we head over to Monte Carlo, where Peppys will play first base and I’ll be at second.
I make an early mistake by ordering a Rusty Nail (inspired by one of our Bellagio teammates the day before)- that would be scotch and drambuie. Goodbye esophagus. I would switch to a White Russian after that fiasco.
One of our middle infielders earns the nickname Charles de Gaulle do to his propensity to surrender his hand under many circumstances.
One of our dealers was a foreign guy named Richie. English was not his strong point, and it was not easy to negotiate when I tried to buy his vest and nametag. Richie’s break dealer was Betty, and I probably did some damage to table karma when I quickly called her Betty Boop.
Peppys can fill the details in for this one, but on one of my restroom trips, our table had a bad incident in which one of our middle infield clowns decided to start splitting 10s.
Peppys starts to collect commissions from the table for giving out advice on their hands.
After Richie departs, our dealer is Leo, who is very serious. He won’t even tell us a joke. As a matter of fact, Leo doesn’t even like jokes. This guy needs to loosen up a bit.
Blackjack count: Peppys 21 Peppys 18; however, just like the Negro Leagues, I think those statistics may be sketchy.
I was up around $200 while Peppys was down.
The Monte Carlo table was one of those situations in which Peppys and I were the table. One good example of that was the lady who went back to her room to get more money so that she could keep playing (I think she was one of the commission payors).
Peppys loses $100 so quickly that I don’t think there was time for any stories to develop.
Poker satellites for the WPT tournament are still running in the Fontana Lounge. Jennifer Tilly is playing. Clonie Gowan is also seen prancing about in her tight, little jeans.
Back to Luxor sometime between 2 and 2:30 am. Same morning schedule from the day before.
I again sign up for the noon poker tournament at Luxor. Less people are playing today, perhaps 35 or so. I’m the big blind for the very first hand and get to see a flop with 7-2 offsuit, the worst starting hand in hold ‘em. Players keep checking the hand around until I draw a straight by the river. Lazo is in the lead.
The old guy three seats to my right wins some big pots early by drawing out on the river. He wasn’t very good at paying attention in general, though. Since our dealer apparently wasn’t good at that either, my table had a fiasco with the blinds. See, the old guy decided to raise the blinds on his own. While the other tables were still at $25-$50, our table played several hands at $50-$100. The error wasn’t realized until the blinds really went up to $50-$100, and I was one of the people screwed by it.
With blinds still at $50-$100, I raise to $300 under the gun with K-10 offsuit. Mr. River calls. The flop comes 10-high with all clubs. I move all in for my remaining $175, and Mr. River calls with his nut-flush draw. Of course, he hits it on the river, and I’m eliminated somewhere around 14th.
I nicknamed one of the guys at my table Latka, as he frequently had that “deer in the headlights” look every time it was his turn to act.
One of the things I noticed about moving back and forth between hold ‘em and blackjack was that I would need a few hands to adjust when I would go back to blackjack. I would look at K-K at a blackjack table and subconsciously think it has A-J dominated. The situation is similar to the days of going to Great America, and we would spend the last 60-90 minutes riding the bumper cars. It would take the same subconscious adjustment to go from bumper cars to driving my real car.
After poker, I made the rest of Zo’s bets. Her $10 bet on red at the roulette table (let it ride twice if wins) was a loser on the first spin. However, her $10 passline bet at craps (let it ride three times if wins) made its way up to $160. On one roll, the dice flew off of the table. Despite a heavy search, only one of them was found. Later that evening, as I was emptying my pockets in the hotel room, I found the other die. Good souvenir.
I find Peppys playing videopoker, and I manage to turn a quick $20 profit doing the same.
We head over to the Hooters casino for lunch at the café. One of my candidates for hottest chick of the trip was a gal sitting at one of the front blackjack tables- tiny, busty, Asian gal that was just gorgeous.
After lunch, we play some blackjack at Excalibur with our dealer, Sandy. I drop $100 in no time, and Peppys also drops some money.
Blackjack count: Peppys 5 Peppys 1
We did have a cute Asian girl at third base. However, the lady sitting next to me was a horrible player. She had a blackjack reference card sitting right in front of her on the table, and she still was making incorrect moves.
I tried my first Zombie. I didn’t like it.
Back to Monte Carlo, and the scenario was deadly. I liked both of our dealers: Rosario (a hot Mexican girl with short, dark hair, glasses, and a nice rack. She may be my pick for hottest chick of the trip, though Peppys didn’t care much for her), and Darlene. We had a cute, Asian waitress named Jerilee, who may have been on her first night on the job (we saw her following another waitress earlier, as if training, and she once dumped over a tray of drinks). I kept ordering a keg from Jerilee, and she told me that next year we’d have a private keg. Not sure what that means. And to make the whole scenario even worse, we had a table filled with people who overall knew how to play and were either fun or characters. Everything is great and I don’t want to leave this table. Unfortunately, I was getting my ass kicked at blackjack.
Two of our early teammates were a couple of old, foreign ladies from California. My favorite moment from them came when one yelled at the other to “wake up!”
Our long-term third baseman was a kid from upper Michigan who was on the 6th night of his first Las Vegas trip. He now knows that six nights is way too long.
Peppys and I toast Ed Rebacz for his birthday.
I don’t remember why she did this, but Rosario (Rosa for short) once did a seig heil.
One ancient guy joins the table (Rosa still isn’t sure if it was a guy or girl). His hair is slicked back, he is wearing sunglasses, and the collar of his white coat is turned up, like Fonzie. He puts $120 on the table but was then baffled when Rosa gave him $120 in chips. He thought he had placed $40 on the table.
Rosa later gives herself the giggles when she says “shit” in front of us.
For her last shift, Rosa had taken off her glasses, as they were giving her a headache. She can’t see as well and noticeably squints (Rosa looks hot when she squints). I get a great reaction from the table when I tell her that I’m better looking than she remembers.
After Rosa left, the dealers were Anthony with swing dealer Edith.
I tried my first Alabama Slammer and didn’t like it, so I switched back to White Russians. I lost $215 at this session. Peppys left the table long before I did, a losing session for him also. I had become so accustomed to losing with Rosa that one time I won a hand but automatically started to place another chip in the betting spot before Rosa had paid the winning bet. It looked like I was cheating, and I felt very embarrassed by the incident.
We head back towards Luxor, making our way through New York New York. There a foreign gal getting her photo taken with a $15 voucher for her slot machine win. I think she was British, but at the least had a great rack.
After Peppys leaves for the airport, I head back to Bellagio. The handicap table is filled with 4 guys that appeared to be together. The dealer was helping them out a lot with some very basic decisions. I decide to roam a bit- Fontana Lounge, poker room- then head back to the handicap table. Third base is now open, but before sitting down I witness one of the friends double-down with a 12. I decide not to join the table.
On the walkway between Bally’s and Barbary Coast: I’m pretty sure that the guy waiting for the elevator is wearing a dress.
I decide to scout Flamingo. The gals in pink who were earlier dealing for the tables right by the entrance are replaced by regular dealers. There aren’t any $5 tables- Flamingo still thinks it’s a destination.
Back to Barbary Coast, and although there are several $5 options for blackjack, I notice one of the cute Asian dealers from the other night is dealing $10 2-deck blackjack. I decide to join the table with Shan Shan from China for some gaming and rum and cokes.
The other three people at this table were together, having some sort of work relationship. I was at first base. Bob, an older, laid-back guy was at second and playing two spots. Julie, a younger, somewhat overweight blonde that wasn’t really playing herself but would occasionally take over for her co-workers, was sitting next to Bob and I suppose counts as our shortstop.
Our third baseman was Karen- perhaps in her 50s- and one of the drunkest, most obnoxious people of all-time. I would describe Karen’s alcohol-graveled voice by saying “this one goes to 11.” Game on!
Nearly every sentence she uttered began with “Julie! Julie!” while Julie was bending Bob’s ear about some relationship she was having.
This was one of those tables where the cards are dealt facedown and players get to handle them. To double-down, a player places the cards face-up and places the additional bet. The dealer would then deal the hit card facedown. However, Karen always requested that the dealer show her the hit right away. The dealer would give Karen a glimpse, then everyone in the casino knew if it was a bad card as Karen would yell “that card sucks!” or howl “Nooooo!”
As drunk as she was, Karen played blackjack surprisingly well, but some of her advice was brutal. I was admonished for splitting 7-7 against the dealer’s 4. Karen told me “never split 7s- you’ll just end up with two 17s.”
Although I was introduced into the group by name, Karen quickly forgot my name and started calling me Junior.
When we all would win a hand, high-fives were exchanged, and I still don’t know how Karen managed not to topple over the table when reaching to give a high-five to me.
Karen was betting decent-sized amounts, and she would put silver chips atop her wager for the dealers (our swing dealer was also a cute Asian, Cindy from Saigon). After each winning hand, Karen would ask the dealer “how much of this is yours?” The question was particularly funny after she won a monster amount of chips after some splitting and asked the question while pointing to her unorganized mountain of chips.
Usually, dealer tips would ride around twice before Karen made the dealer take it. Karen would drunkenly place the chips on the table in a way that they splashed all over. Chips would roll into the table’s chip tray, and Karen would reach into the tray to retrieve them, getting herself in trouble in the process.
Karen took close to forever to stack her chips into a bet, reminding me of the drunken craps player at Imperial Palace from the 1992 trip.
Karen liked Shan Shan and Cindy, but she did not like Julianna from Las Vegas (also Asian but not cute). Karen once became very serious and sternly told her “I will never tip you.” She also frequently referred to Julianna as a bitch. (Note: I had the sense to see a major shift in karma at the table and left soon after Julianna became our dealer).
Karen once stopped a lady who was walking past and ordered a drink from her. The lady was not a waitress or even an employee.
When Cindy first joined our table to deal, Karen was happy and kept badgering her to tell the rest of us how much money Karen made with her earlier.
Karen once requested a blue chip from the dealer tray. There aren’t any blue chips in the dealer tray.
I’m sure I’m missing more lines and incidents from the Karen Show, and hopefully I’ll remember more, as she was damn entertaining.
I left Barbary Coast down $81.
On the trip back to Luxor, I was crossing the bridge between New York New York and Excalibur. There were three black girls headed in the other direction. They weren’t dressed like hookers, so I wasn’t thinking that they were, until two of them altered their path to make sure they intercepted me. The gal who picked the best route approached me first and said, “can you give me a hug? I’m cold.” I just kept moving and was back in the hotel room by 3:00 am.
Trip #25 to Las Vegas is over and though nothing monumental, it was very fun, as usual. My thoughts on Las Vegas could probably best be summed up by my thoughts as the plane was landing at McCarran Airport on Monday morning- even though a trip was already set up for next August, I felt somewhat bummed that a second trip wasn’t already on the agenda, too.
Remember: what happens in Vagas gets published in Chicago.
There is a coda to this trip which I will Pub. later iin the day:: it's Peppy's additions to above. He is alspo a J and B'r---
December 2006 (Trip #25)- Luxor
Written by D.L.
ed. (names only) by Hilts
My 25th trip to Las Vegas coincided with what I believe was Peppys 28th jaunt. The plan was to meet at the Luxor sportsbook around noon on Monday, December 11th.
On the flight, the first song to play on my ipod was “Devil in Disguise” by Elvis. I like the Elvis connotation to begin the trip.
My flight is a bit early, and I arrive at the Luxor before 10:00 am. Peppys is not yet here, and I’m already down $55. Of course, that was in cab fares rather than gambling. I place Zo’s $10 bet on the Bears (giving 6 ½ vs. Rams on Monday Night Football later that night) and spend some time becoming acclimated with Luxor, at least the route between the sportsbook and the poker area.
I had never stayed at Luxor before, and I looked forward to staying in the pyramid just for rides in an elevator that ascended at an angle (they call it an “inclinator” rather than “elevator”). The Inclinator was a huge disappointment. They should have windows so riders can enjoy the ride, but there are none. I couldn’t even tell that we were rising at an angle.
Luxor rooms are on the outer fringe of the pyramid, and the center remains open. The inner portion of the hallway had a short wall over which guests can look down into the atrium. Peppys and I are both curious as to how many people have fallen to their deaths.
After some grub, we head up to Bellagio and manage to get seats at the $5 handicap table. As usual, the waitresses were solid. I thought one in particular would make a great wife, at least through the honeymoon.
Our main dealer was Rodrick from Oklahoma. In case you were wondering what ever happened to Uncle Joe from “Petticoat Junction” he is now dealing blackjack at Bellagio. Rodrick was filled with one-liners. Some were funny. Some became tiresome (example: if someone left the table, Rodrick would yell “Next!”). A Rodrick lines did lead to one of the trip’s running gags, as he gave a rundown of how he was feeling and, since in mixed company, substituted “feet” to describe his sore “ass.” Thereafter, many women were complimented with “nice feet.”
I don’t think Rodrick much liked when Peppys and I would get a good banter going. I think he liked being the show.
The swing dealer was Rod from Las Vegas, quickly nicknamed “Buzzkill.” I would say that Rod had no personality, but I hate even to use the word “personality” in a sentence about him.
Some of the players at our table were abysmal. One guy who played first base may have been the worst blackjack player ever. He seemed to make the opposite play in every situation. For example, if he had 14 against the dealer’s 4, he would take a hit. Then if he had 14 against the dealer’s 8, he would stay. I think this was the guy who led me to ask if Peppys had ever read Bill James’ description of Willie Mays Aikens playing defense.
Blackjack count: Lazers 14 Peppys 7
Peppys up $112. Peppys down.
We move over to the sportsbook for the football game (final: Bears 42 Rams 27 and Zo wins $9.10 on her bet). Peppys decides to downgrade his gambling losses by the $11 that he decided not to bet on the Rams (kind of like “opportunity cost”).
With the Five Diamond World Poker Classic taking place at Bellagio, we did see some pro players. As a matter of fact, the Seniors event had started on Monday (leading Peppys to ask, “why couldn’t it be the Hot Chicks tournament?”), and we did catch Men the Master at one table.
The main poker room is right next to the sportsbook, and a few pros were coming in and out. Eskimo Clark (nickname appropriate) would often come by to monitor the football game. On one of those trips, he sat next to me and started talking football with me. He said odds on the Saints to win it all were at 27-1 not all that long ago, and he ran through a few mathematical examples of how much could be won under various betting amounts (“if you bet $10,000, you could win $270,000”- yeah, as if I have $10,000 sitting around to wager on the Saints).
The barely alive Titans were at 999-1, leading to Peppys and I concocting a master plan to raise the funds to have our own casino (with no single-deck, 6-5 blackjack or other unnecessary table games). However, we never got around to making the Titans bet, which was to be the first step in the financing of the casino. Assuming the Titans win the Superbowl, of course.
We walk over to Ellis Island for dinner, backed-up by the worst karaoke I’ve ever heard, although I did enjoy the effort put forth by one guy who sang “Monster Mash.”
After dinner, we made our way up north to Wynn then back again. We couldn’t find any low limit tables that were anything but the plague that is single-deck, 6-5 blackjack. It’s a Monday in December! Notice the higher limit tables that were empty! Notice the small amount of people walking on the Strip! Isn’t it a good time to cater to lower limits so that you will have somebody gambling something?
Making our way back south, we go through Flamingo. I notice a hot, Asian gal in tight jeans and midriff-baring top. She takes a seat at the front bar, alone. She is definitely for sale, and I should probably circle around for a closer look, but Peppys was well ahead of me by now. I elect to catch up with Peppys instead of a scouting mission.
We end up in Barbary Coast, where there are a couple of cute Asian dealers, but none of them are at our table. Overall, we had a table that played pretty decent, including the lady from Canada (we played with several Canadians today) who got rattled when she had a
6-6-6 situation with her cards.
Peppys finds himself in the “Mike North” hand: 4-4 against the dealer’s 5. Peppys splits the 4-4, wins with both hands, and calls North a jackass.
We struggled at this table. Our worst dealer was something along the lines of Tajj’e from Abyssinia. I’m not sure how much of that I have correct, but I do know she had the apostrophe in her first name. Who the hell has an apostrophe in their first name? As for her origin, Peppys thought it looked like something written in pig Latin.
By the time the shifts changed, and our table received the pretty Julia from Brazil, Peppys was down and I managed to climb back up to even (the killer for me at this table was doubling down- they just weren’t working).
Blackjack count: Peppys 5 Peppys 1
Day one drinks for me included Captain and Coke, Amaretto Sour, Amaretto Stone Sour, and a beer that I never ordered at Ellis Island. I had enough to drink that by the time we were gambling at Barbary Coast, it took me awhile to figure out 1) that the faucets in the restroom were NOT motion activated (don’t know how long I stood there waving my hands beneath them, trying to trigger the motion sensor), and 2) there WAS an automatic shuffler at our table, and that’s the reason why the dealer was shuffling so fast.
Back at Luxor around 4:00 am. Awake around 7:00 am (stupid body clock). Out of bed around 10:30 am.
I head down to the Luxor poker area to enter the noon tournament for $30 plus $3 add-on. I didn’t know about the add-on component until we were seated at the table, and I made a quick dash to one of the shops to buy some Mentos so that I would have three singles (I do not know why I didn’t just have the dealer break my $20, but on the plus side, I got to eat Mentos later!).
The tournament had around 50-60 people. Top 7 spots pay. Starting chip stacks were $400 plus $200 (the add-on). Blinds started at $25-$25 and went up every 15 minutes. This is a very fast structure with not a whole lot of chips. Stacks are probably too small to make any bluffs, unless I can get some hands and build a large stack early.
The player who is supposed to be in seat #11 is sitting in seat #1. When the error is pointed out, he says, “Oh, I thought it was clockwise from the dealer.” Duh- it is clockwise from the dealer. What kind of clock does this guy use?
The first hand I played, I had A-7 (don’t recall if suited or not)- good example of how loose the play had to be with the blind structure. I ended up with a chopped pot in this one.
I had an A-K hold up against an A-J. Later, I was fortunate to have an A-5 beat A-Q. However, I lost a coin-flip for my final hand as my 7-7 was beaten by K-Q when a queen hit the turn. I played for perhaps an hour and finished somewhere around 24th or so.
After Peppys and I have lunch (the second McDonalds meal of the trip), we head over to Monte Carlo, where Peppys will play first base and I’ll be at second.
I make an early mistake by ordering a Rusty Nail (inspired by one of our Bellagio teammates the day before)- that would be scotch and drambuie. Goodbye esophagus. I would switch to a White Russian after that fiasco.
One of our middle infielders earns the nickname Charles de Gaulle do to his propensity to surrender his hand under many circumstances.
One of our dealers was a foreign guy named Richie. English was not his strong point, and it was not easy to negotiate when I tried to buy his vest and nametag. Richie’s break dealer was Betty, and I probably did some damage to table karma when I quickly called her Betty Boop.
Peppys can fill the details in for this one, but on one of my restroom trips, our table had a bad incident in which one of our middle infield clowns decided to start splitting 10s.
Peppys starts to collect commissions from the table for giving out advice on their hands.
After Richie departs, our dealer is Leo, who is very serious. He won’t even tell us a joke. As a matter of fact, Leo doesn’t even like jokes. This guy needs to loosen up a bit.
Blackjack count: Peppys 21 Peppys 18; however, just like the Negro Leagues, I think those statistics may be sketchy.
I was up around $200 while Peppys was down.
The Monte Carlo table was one of those situations in which Peppys and I were the table. One good example of that was the lady who went back to her room to get more money so that she could keep playing (I think she was one of the commission payors).
Peppys loses $100 so quickly that I don’t think there was time for any stories to develop.
Poker satellites for the WPT tournament are still running in the Fontana Lounge. Jennifer Tilly is playing. Clonie Gowan is also seen prancing about in her tight, little jeans.
Back to Luxor sometime between 2 and 2:30 am. Same morning schedule from the day before.
I again sign up for the noon poker tournament at Luxor. Less people are playing today, perhaps 35 or so. I’m the big blind for the very first hand and get to see a flop with 7-2 offsuit, the worst starting hand in hold ‘em. Players keep checking the hand around until I draw a straight by the river. Lazo is in the lead.
The old guy three seats to my right wins some big pots early by drawing out on the river. He wasn’t very good at paying attention in general, though. Since our dealer apparently wasn’t good at that either, my table had a fiasco with the blinds. See, the old guy decided to raise the blinds on his own. While the other tables were still at $25-$50, our table played several hands at $50-$100. The error wasn’t realized until the blinds really went up to $50-$100, and I was one of the people screwed by it.
With blinds still at $50-$100, I raise to $300 under the gun with K-10 offsuit. Mr. River calls. The flop comes 10-high with all clubs. I move all in for my remaining $175, and Mr. River calls with his nut-flush draw. Of course, he hits it on the river, and I’m eliminated somewhere around 14th.
I nicknamed one of the guys at my table Latka, as he frequently had that “deer in the headlights” look every time it was his turn to act.
One of the things I noticed about moving back and forth between hold ‘em and blackjack was that I would need a few hands to adjust when I would go back to blackjack. I would look at K-K at a blackjack table and subconsciously think it has A-J dominated. The situation is similar to the days of going to Great America, and we would spend the last 60-90 minutes riding the bumper cars. It would take the same subconscious adjustment to go from bumper cars to driving my real car.
After poker, I made the rest of Zo’s bets. Her $10 bet on red at the roulette table (let it ride twice if wins) was a loser on the first spin. However, her $10 passline bet at craps (let it ride three times if wins) made its way up to $160. On one roll, the dice flew off of the table. Despite a heavy search, only one of them was found. Later that evening, as I was emptying my pockets in the hotel room, I found the other die. Good souvenir.
I find Peppys playing videopoker, and I manage to turn a quick $20 profit doing the same.
We head over to the Hooters casino for lunch at the café. One of my candidates for hottest chick of the trip was a gal sitting at one of the front blackjack tables- tiny, busty, Asian gal that was just gorgeous.
After lunch, we play some blackjack at Excalibur with our dealer, Sandy. I drop $100 in no time, and Peppys also drops some money.
Blackjack count: Peppys 5 Peppys 1
We did have a cute Asian girl at third base. However, the lady sitting next to me was a horrible player. She had a blackjack reference card sitting right in front of her on the table, and she still was making incorrect moves.
I tried my first Zombie. I didn’t like it.
Back to Monte Carlo, and the scenario was deadly. I liked both of our dealers: Rosario (a hot Mexican girl with short, dark hair, glasses, and a nice rack. She may be my pick for hottest chick of the trip, though Peppys didn’t care much for her), and Darlene. We had a cute, Asian waitress named Jerilee, who may have been on her first night on the job (we saw her following another waitress earlier, as if training, and she once dumped over a tray of drinks). I kept ordering a keg from Jerilee, and she told me that next year we’d have a private keg. Not sure what that means. And to make the whole scenario even worse, we had a table filled with people who overall knew how to play and were either fun or characters. Everything is great and I don’t want to leave this table. Unfortunately, I was getting my ass kicked at blackjack.
Two of our early teammates were a couple of old, foreign ladies from California. My favorite moment from them came when one yelled at the other to “wake up!”
Our long-term third baseman was a kid from upper Michigan who was on the 6th night of his first Las Vegas trip. He now knows that six nights is way too long.
Peppys and I toast Ed Rebacz for his birthday.
I don’t remember why she did this, but Rosario (Rosa for short) once did a seig heil.
One ancient guy joins the table (Rosa still isn’t sure if it was a guy or girl). His hair is slicked back, he is wearing sunglasses, and the collar of his white coat is turned up, like Fonzie. He puts $120 on the table but was then baffled when Rosa gave him $120 in chips. He thought he had placed $40 on the table.
Rosa later gives herself the giggles when she says “shit” in front of us.
For her last shift, Rosa had taken off her glasses, as they were giving her a headache. She can’t see as well and noticeably squints (Rosa looks hot when she squints). I get a great reaction from the table when I tell her that I’m better looking than she remembers.
After Rosa left, the dealers were Anthony with swing dealer Edith.
I tried my first Alabama Slammer and didn’t like it, so I switched back to White Russians. I lost $215 at this session. Peppys left the table long before I did, a losing session for him also. I had become so accustomed to losing with Rosa that one time I won a hand but automatically started to place another chip in the betting spot before Rosa had paid the winning bet. It looked like I was cheating, and I felt very embarrassed by the incident.
We head back towards Luxor, making our way through New York New York. There a foreign gal getting her photo taken with a $15 voucher for her slot machine win. I think she was British, but at the least had a great rack.
After Peppys leaves for the airport, I head back to Bellagio. The handicap table is filled with 4 guys that appeared to be together. The dealer was helping them out a lot with some very basic decisions. I decide to roam a bit- Fontana Lounge, poker room- then head back to the handicap table. Third base is now open, but before sitting down I witness one of the friends double-down with a 12. I decide not to join the table.
On the walkway between Bally’s and Barbary Coast: I’m pretty sure that the guy waiting for the elevator is wearing a dress.
I decide to scout Flamingo. The gals in pink who were earlier dealing for the tables right by the entrance are replaced by regular dealers. There aren’t any $5 tables- Flamingo still thinks it’s a destination.
Back to Barbary Coast, and although there are several $5 options for blackjack, I notice one of the cute Asian dealers from the other night is dealing $10 2-deck blackjack. I decide to join the table with Shan Shan from China for some gaming and rum and cokes.
The other three people at this table were together, having some sort of work relationship. I was at first base. Bob, an older, laid-back guy was at second and playing two spots. Julie, a younger, somewhat overweight blonde that wasn’t really playing herself but would occasionally take over for her co-workers, was sitting next to Bob and I suppose counts as our shortstop.
Our third baseman was Karen- perhaps in her 50s- and one of the drunkest, most obnoxious people of all-time. I would describe Karen’s alcohol-graveled voice by saying “this one goes to 11.” Game on!
Nearly every sentence she uttered began with “Julie! Julie!” while Julie was bending Bob’s ear about some relationship she was having.
This was one of those tables where the cards are dealt facedown and players get to handle them. To double-down, a player places the cards face-up and places the additional bet. The dealer would then deal the hit card facedown. However, Karen always requested that the dealer show her the hit right away. The dealer would give Karen a glimpse, then everyone in the casino knew if it was a bad card as Karen would yell “that card sucks!” or howl “Nooooo!”
As drunk as she was, Karen played blackjack surprisingly well, but some of her advice was brutal. I was admonished for splitting 7-7 against the dealer’s 4. Karen told me “never split 7s- you’ll just end up with two 17s.”
Although I was introduced into the group by name, Karen quickly forgot my name and started calling me Junior.
When we all would win a hand, high-fives were exchanged, and I still don’t know how Karen managed not to topple over the table when reaching to give a high-five to me.
Karen was betting decent-sized amounts, and she would put silver chips atop her wager for the dealers (our swing dealer was also a cute Asian, Cindy from Saigon). After each winning hand, Karen would ask the dealer “how much of this is yours?” The question was particularly funny after she won a monster amount of chips after some splitting and asked the question while pointing to her unorganized mountain of chips.
Usually, dealer tips would ride around twice before Karen made the dealer take it. Karen would drunkenly place the chips on the table in a way that they splashed all over. Chips would roll into the table’s chip tray, and Karen would reach into the tray to retrieve them, getting herself in trouble in the process.
Karen took close to forever to stack her chips into a bet, reminding me of the drunken craps player at Imperial Palace from the 1992 trip.
Karen liked Shan Shan and Cindy, but she did not like Julianna from Las Vegas (also Asian but not cute). Karen once became very serious and sternly told her “I will never tip you.” She also frequently referred to Julianna as a bitch. (Note: I had the sense to see a major shift in karma at the table and left soon after Julianna became our dealer).
Karen once stopped a lady who was walking past and ordered a drink from her. The lady was not a waitress or even an employee.
When Cindy first joined our table to deal, Karen was happy and kept badgering her to tell the rest of us how much money Karen made with her earlier.
Karen once requested a blue chip from the dealer tray. There aren’t any blue chips in the dealer tray.
I’m sure I’m missing more lines and incidents from the Karen Show, and hopefully I’ll remember more, as she was damn entertaining.
I left Barbary Coast down $81.
On the trip back to Luxor, I was crossing the bridge between New York New York and Excalibur. There were three black girls headed in the other direction. They weren’t dressed like hookers, so I wasn’t thinking that they were, until two of them altered their path to make sure they intercepted me. The gal who picked the best route approached me first and said, “can you give me a hug? I’m cold.” I just kept moving and was back in the hotel room by 3:00 am.
Trip #25 to Las Vegas is over and though nothing monumental, it was very fun, as usual. My thoughts on Las Vegas could probably best be summed up by my thoughts as the plane was landing at McCarran Airport on Monday morning- even though a trip was already set up for next August, I felt somewhat bummed that a second trip wasn’t already on the agenda, too.
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