18 May, 2007

Fantastice olde bloge

Well, well, well, I found one of the first blogs ever written!! Not quite as old as Peppys, but it's fantastic!! The only problem is the terribly long enteries for each day. For example, his description of 16 June, 1904, goes on for 763 pages!! In my readings, I ran across this passage:

So off they started about Irish sports and shoneen games the like of lawn
tennis and about hurley and putting the stone and racy of the soil and
building up a nation once again and all to that. And of course Bloom had
to have his say too about if a fellow had a rower's heart violent
exercise was bad. I declare to my antimacassar if you took up a
straw from the bloody floor and if you said to Bloom: LOOK AT, BLOOM.
DO YOU SEE THAT STRAW? THAT'S A STRAW. Declare to my aunt he'd talk
about it for an hour so he would and talk steady.


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