03 May, 2007

Patrice Leconte and I share more than just a first name

My initial forey into tv commercial production. All y fux who took varying film classes @ university, and I am the only one producing( I only wanted to use the phrase "all y fux") film. Oh, wait, Dragon is as well. Oh shit, and Rocky has put his shit on utube. Okok, so I'm not that special, I'm just able to use "all y fux".

Okok, so the first commercial went well. This series of commercials will appear over the school's tv's ; they show a 2m 'news' show every day during division. This series will be about "getting yr books back on time."

I'm developing Nostradomus (one of the kids here)as a star- he's the spokesman of the media center, i'm trying to make him to be. First commercial is just the kids around a locker, one of them spots an overdue library book in N.'s locker, and pulls it out. Then a massive amount of books falls on top of him. One by one, the books are picked up off his dazed face, until you can see it all. N. then says "I should've returned my overdue books a longtime ago!" Cut.

Okok, not 'M. Hire' but the next best thing= if only we could be Sandrine Bonnaire to appear in it. Just kidding. But there she is. My favourite actrice. Wait wait, the next commercial!! The next one will be just a kid (N.) being watched by eyes he can't get awat from. They follow him into this room or that room. he runs down a hall to escape: they magically appear in front of him. etc etc he can't get away, until he yells "What do you want!?!?" the two mysterious figures then say " we just want the over due books". Pretty obvious, but the kids'll dig it. something about kids and ............ah, whatever.


Anonymous said...

"I am the only one producing." What does that mean? It's spectacular that you are working on your video projects, but many of "y fux" have been working on our little projects as well. We don't feel the need to announce it to the world because they are simple little projects. I'm sick of this self-aggrandizement. I officially declare that I will never read this blog again. Record this date down in your history books. Someday the world will look upon this date and children will dance around May poles while lighting off fireworks in remembrance of the beginning of the end of this blog. I will be hailed as a hero and you, Hilts or whatever you call yourself, will be despised, like Hitler. Good riddance. Come on y'all. Join the bandwagon and boycott this and all blogs. Down with technology. Long live the King Ludd.

Anonymous said...

Beleive it or not, this item was not posted by me. Well, THIS one was, but the above one was.

I'd like to say, especially to 匿名 , to fux off.

Anonymous said...

匿名 belongs with Tojo.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you announce them to the world using, um, lets see, Youtube??