22 May, 2007

Sandra, but not that Sandra

Sandra, but not the Sandra in Security Out’s ‘Ithica’= im’a talking about Sandra Oh, l’actrice. I always thought that she was unforgivably ugly, but having watched “Sideways”, I realise she really has a sexy side. Her intro. Scene in the movie did it- she (bartender) filled one of the characters wine glasses full to the brim, and he said along the lines of “You’re a bad girl!” She responded by saying “I should be spanked” rite when she turns to walk away- my god what a pair of jeans she has on. Then the other scene-- ok, y get it. Again, I worry about any females that read this- I know I have @ least one- will be offended. Nah, not this entry.

“Sideways” was pretty good. I read that critics liked it because it was about critics, but I found it rewarding. It wasn’t just about critics: it was also about a writer…….so I paid att’n. Again, back to the writing thing- I understand my pronouncements about writing may come across as pompous, but as I’ve said before, this is my blog, and if I wasn’t being a pomper, what’d be the point? However, I realize that jotting down haphazard thoughts and memories and diary enteries and the occasional deeply satisfying Hitler or shit styles doesna make me a Joyce- but I’m surprised that I still have shit to say (and wipe off my hands) and people enjoy it. However, the real kick is the creeping feeling that- if I devoted more time to it………..man, the shit I could do. I really could sit here and whip out New Association story after this old girlfriend story after dying my hair orange story after Peter Strassers last mission story, not to mention Ney’s “…all these pretty English bullets…”……but……..where’s the creative process? What fictions could I do? I’m pretty dull o’ wit, and my mind’s not supple enough to make stuff up.

But I do have the antithesis of the ‘Spaniard in the works‘= I get some time off next month- drunk amounts of time, months @ a crack- and if I don’t get to teach (doubtful) s.school or other work, we’ll see. I’m thinking of taking a Spanish class- my dream to talk another language ’d be kool and very doable, seeing my city, line of work, frenz, etc… I’m sure I’ll be helping ref games this summer-no coaching unless I’m needed. But I will have time. I have written some stuff- there have been poems and even my regular writing style ain’t just to get across a point. However, very obv. , the poetry is quickoffs not to be taken seriously--please don’t- but it is a meander thataways. Or a Strangeways*. But its fun to think about.

But for now, I’ll just alert y’all to the fact that Sandra Oh ‘s got a hot ass. Maybe it was those awful scrubs she wears on her teevee show.

*=Bad Morrissey!!!


Anonymous said...

As a long-time fan of the women of the Far East, I feel I should add my two cents to the Sandra Oh discussion. There is an odd look to her, but I always kind of liked her, especially when she would wear the glasses on "Arliss" (the glasses!). The jeans scene referenced from "Sideways" made me take even closer note- great feet. She's not my favorite of the celebrity Asian gals, but dang, I'd still love to spend a weekend in the hot tub with her.

Hilts said...

And then there's that scene where she gets up from the table and gives us a bellyful of her lovelybelly.