29 May, 2007

The weekend in short.

Sometimes I have naught to say. sometimes it just takes longer to write, when im exhausted, etc etc etc...

This weekend was greatly characterized by early wakeups. My body is just not used to getting up @ 3pm anymore. Now its 6.45a, 6.50a, 6.32a. Agggg. So I read a bit, drink a lotta cafĂ©, and maybe walk the dog. Did some gardening- in goes the four Roma tomato plants, a little small and weak, but just in time for the searing heat of this week. I hung up Gf’s American Robin nest on the garage (took fookin’ forever). Turn the soil. Life is lived. Went to the Fire game. I wanna do a dcs piece on it- not so much the game, but on the touchy march of time*. Went to mass. Walked my mom to mass.

*=Bad Morrissey !!!

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