01 May, 2007

Clean Pat of Health and Plates up.to.date

Last August I went to my M.D. to get my heart and lungs checked. Finally, after a few tests and lots more of fuck'n around, I finally got all the results 2 weeeks ago: I'm fine. Mt heart, despite all of the shit I've stressed down on it, is actually kinda healthy. Somewhat active lifestyle, he reckons.

It took me 10m to get the above done. It took me until the last day to reup my licence plates. But done and done as of yesterday.

Now, that application to that great rich North Shore high school (y know the one)that's been undone since November. That's 5-6m ago. All I need to do is complete two small essaies. Since I stopped the application because I did not want to write the essaies, I have started this blog and written every word in it. Well, not every word, but y know.

Idiot, or as the Romans in The Passion would say, Idioto.


Anonymous said...

Hilts make potty now?

Anonymous said...

...said hilts make, potty!