14 May, 2007

Proof !

Strange request, yes, but I put so much time writing in this that any writing I do (and all the galloists additions as well)is now fair game.


This is two seperate essaies I had to write for a school app. The first is a good first draft, the second is a smeely 1/2 draft. I know y'all ain't media specialists, but do proof, tell me what words Ive used too much , what is too jargoned up etc.......any suggestions, seroius or not, is appreciated
Here tis:and they are drafts, so don't judge me by................oh, wait, y'all benn reading this shit for months now, you know my style. well, here's my "Jargon style". Feel free to email me commenst, or do the reply. And yes, I'm ready for the Galloists.

Philo of education - media specialist

A media specialist has many different parts to play in supporting a schools curriculum. The media specialist must manage the media centers information resources and materials so that the students and staff can profit from their use to the highest degree. He must also be able to collaborate with the staff. Lastly, the media specialist must foster a love of reading in the students that will carry with them their entire lives.

One of the most important jobs of a media specialist is to manage the schools information resources in order to allow the media center to support the schools curriculum. The media specialist must be able to use the capabilities of the various resources to their highest capabilities, constantly expand on these abilities, and keep the collection current and up to date. Therefore, the media specialist should know the media centers collection of materials and information databases to best support the teachers lesson plans in particular and the schools curriculum in general. Also, the media specialist must develop this collection, be it books, databases, AV materials, and other materials to provide this support. This includes the weeding of materials that are no longer up to date. In addition, the media expert must be able to exploit the resources in the media center. Most importantly, this means being proficient with technology. Finally, both staff and students must be made fully fluent on the use of the resources in the media center, be it computers, databases or the card catalog.

Collaboration with staff members is another incredibly important facet of the job. A school succeeds when the staff works closely together. The media specialist should be able to work with other teachers with planning lessons, directing research, and co-teaching classes. Collaboration should also include both educating the staff on the resources of the media center as well as input into the selection of materials for the collection.

Finally, the media specialist needs to be at the forefront in supporting literacy in the school. A media specialist should be knowledgeable about the latest books and materials that will develop a love of ‘reading for reading’s sake’ in students. Therefore, the media center should be made an inviting place for students to visit and work in. It should have a lot of displays and advertisements promoting reading. Programs like book clubs and competitions should flourish. Lastly, the media specialist should know the students and their particular reading styles. This personal touch includes taking students suggestions for the collection as well as recommending materials to the students.

Describe your career goals five years from now.

In five years, I wish to be among the very best media specialists in secondary education in the country. In order to achieve this goal, I need to fully master many different capabilities, expand my abilities in many areas, and stay current with the many issues pertaining to media centers and education.

A particularly important item is technology. It is important for every media specialist to master the latest technology trends in light of this fields constant updating and change. This is especially true because of the vast importance technology has for students doing research..

Another key aspect towards achieving my goal is to keep abreast of the latest media trends. Like technology, new media trends are shifting focus, and it is important for the media specialist to understand all of the latest approaches being theorized and applied in education. This way the media specialist will be able to use the best ideas for his school. Likewise, a media specialist must also keep abreast of the latest reading materials and trends in literature. One of my goals is to be au courant in these fields.

Finally, I plan to use the next five years of work experience to achieve my goals. Through hard work, and perpetual learning from other professional media specialists, staff, and students, I believe that I will be at the very top of all media specialists in the country and be a gigantic asset to my school.


Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot for the help, my so called frenz

Anonymous said...

Mt frenz don't add up to won han, won han