27 May, 2007

Lastly, to-day

Two new songs that have gotten my att'n.

Avril Lavign's "boyfriend"-its ok, nothing great, but i always gotta comment on trashy pop stuff i hear on my car radio-- it keeps me feeling superior to everyone to be able to write "Hey, look @ this tenfootpole shit i like!!!". Franks like that as well, just w/out the attitude. And I do like it.

Patty Smiths version of "Smells like teen spirit", a banjo'd up version w/ her peotry innit as well. Lve love this, and cant wait till I hear it again.

Mor on patty smith and yet another Eire shit sometime in 2 weeks or months or whenever I get' round to-it.

Good nite-err, noon--and thank you.*

* As you mite guess, i've publed eveything backwards today and most days==

I try t'always to be careful/
but its always me that ends up/
getting wet.


Anonymous said...

"Eire" and "shit" in the same sentence? Looks like Hilts is looking for a wee kneecappin'.

jackson said...

let me know about cub v. mar wed nite asap.