And finally, I'd gotten "Distortion" @ the merch desk last nite, so I was finally able to experience the songs as released. On the Magnetic Fields list serve i'm on, someone fwd a review of "Distortion" that was labeled something along the lines of "like the Carpenters with a vacuum cleaner on". Uh, somewhat apt. There was a lot of talk that Stephin Merrit was totally consumed w/ the Jesus and Mary Chain's "Psycho Candy" when they were recording "Distortion." "Candy" is a loud record - masses and masses of loud and wilde feedback characterize this LP. It was shocking when it was released- sure there has been feedback up the wazoo from the mid 60's on- but their total dedication to feedback was seen as new and different feedback for feedbacks sake. "Distortion"? 25y after "Psycho Candy" the waves of feedback are not shocking - nor as loud - nor is it the full point of this LP. "Distortion" is very much like the groups work since "69 Love Songs", except..... well, there appears to be a vacuum cleaner left on in the background. Wait, wait - this is not a dis - I love the Lp as much as "I" - but the feedback is simply there as a ........ I dunno. But it's not The Point of the LP - just a talking point.
Having the new LP/ this being the fifth time I've seen them this wkd - allowed me to really begin to appreciate songs that were new to me on Friday. "Xavier Says", a song i'd liked, is now a song I really like - the LP version is good. One of my favourite songs from this set is a song in the same boat - "The Nun's Litany". The audience loved it - lotsa laughs - and so did I. This was easily the best version of this song yet. And then there was "Old Fools". It's an ok song, and this version was just that = ok- but I realised that now with the LP in my possession, I will give this song more chance to win myself over. It's nice having the CD.
"Drive on Driver" is another new song that I think is good - I knew from stage remarks yesterday that Claudia loved this song, so it was fun to watch her part in it's performance. If one likes a song a lot, then one enjoys it when doing it. Usually. Good version. There was also some interesting patter before this song. Stephin said it was about death, and Claudia paused and said she never thought about it. And I could see that it was about death.... but also life....
There were many other ace performance this set - there was a LOT DIFFERENT vibe than yesterdays. They opened up with a kick ass one-two punch: The best yet version of "California Girls" was immediately followed by "I Don't Believe You", one of my personal favourites. Wow - what a start!! I love these uptempo songs, and these are two of the best in the current songlist. I could write a full 25 songs of a uptempo songs for them to perform, but most would be outside the current songlist. I don't thinnk it was this show, but Claudia was talking about that the entire band sat down and played each and every song from the various groups and sub groups that make up Merritville. They culled the llist to a workable number - reculled it - and now have about 40 songs they are happy to play. I'd say I heard about 26-7 different songs over the entire weekend. It can be very frustrating not hearing - say, "Strange Powers" - but the band has lots of songs, a new LP to sell, and ideas of what they want to prsent themselves. So to speak, 'the artists gotta have it'. And the point of playing the newer songs really did the trick for me on both "i" and "Distortion" - I know repeated hearings of some of these songs sold me on them.
To further the point of commerece and art, the band continually talked of it during the sixsets. In the first show, Claudia mentioned an EP (hard to find) from the stage that they had on thre merch table. Immediately sold out. Stephin repeated the story of a "69 Love Songs" tour show in London where he had mentioned that he loved the ginger drink @ the bar. The manager of the place mentioned to Stephin after a bit if he could mention the strawberry drink because they had sold out of the ginger drink. He did.
Other songs shone. The very old "Lovers from the Moon" was outstanding - Stephins slite backing vocals set this song (mirroring Claudias backing on "Book of Love")as one of my fave's. "Papa was a rodeo" made a nice I my mind comeback - I looked forward to a solo vocal bit by Shirley Simms, and she delivered. Sally Timms, who I described as bag lady looking last time I saw her - again sang “Give me Back my Dreams” from a 6ths LP. Sounded good. And no, she didn't look like baggish today. The "Gargoyle song" I liked. And the best non encore songs from this show was the equally cool one two punch of "I thought you were my boyfriend" / "Water Torture" "Boyfriend" rocked, as always being driven by that rapacious engine of a cello. The cello is incredible inn this song. Every time the cello opens up a drives a song, I generally prize those songs above all. But not always does the cello have to be prominent in a song for me to prize it. "Water torture", that exercise in poetry sung by Claudia, ended the fifth shows first set with everyone on a deep high as it went well - big smile from Claudia was appreciated by us all.
I missed some bits of some songs that I felt could be played better - what about the deep resounding piano and cello on "I wish I had an Evil Twin" ? Missed. And some songs didn't work @ all. "The Goat Song". "Come back to S.F.". "All the tea in China". "Smoke and Mirrors". It happens.
And the talk of drugs and substance abuse by this band. When they played "Too Drunk to Dream", (not a favourite of mine) Claudia prefaced it with a remark that she hadn't drank in years. I do not knoew her history that well - I guess I know John Lennons a bit better- but the number of drug references is huge. They talked about sniffing glue backstage in a jocular way. They sang a song about taking E. Pot, cocaine, tripping all were mentioned. Well, they're a rock and roll band afterall. But sometimes the skin crawls when I think of the punishment theymust have put their bodies through earlier in their lives. Well, great art came out if it, n'est pas?
The Happy Encore
And the good vibe of this show - contrasted w/ yesterdays downer second show - was resplendent in the encore. The band came out wearing Old Town hats, hopefully - to continue the commerce -v-art angle- to get the audience to buy them. Or maybe jusy gifts from the Old Town. But maybemy favourite part of the five shows so far happened - "THREE WAY !!!" played and indeed rocked out. But the telling point was that all five members of the band - well, four, and I won't mention who did not- broke out into broad smiles as this song played. I loved it. Such a great song. And there was GF below, where I normally sat this wkd, also being able to hear it. I was so happy.
There followed a Claudia story about Donovan. They were talking about Stephins new instrument - a bazouki (sic). Seems it's a Greek instrument. This led Claudia to talk about the extras on a DVD about the Sixties icon. Seems he was in the Greek islands totally dosed out of his mind. 60's. Stephin, worried about being reported about their stage banter, referred to a story of a few years back in New York where Claudia -thinking Tony Bennet was dead- said so on stage. This led to a story on page 6 of a New York daily. Stephin told Claudia to be careful about what she reported, because "...(half of) the audience has blogs" Well, I do, but GF does not -so he's rite by my reckoning. Claudia ended the discussion with "He's on a trip", and the band started w/ one of my faves - "Take Ecstasy with Me". They were on a roll. Last song was "Book of Love", and I enjoyed the two minutes watching Gf below enjoy the show and thinking about some of my favourite lyrics from it.
But I...I love it when you read it me
And can read me anything
The book of love has music in it
In fact that's where music comes from
But I...I love it when you give me things
And ought to give me wedding rings
Great show.
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