13 March, 2008

again and again and again

Not being a parent, I know not the true meaning of tired or busy. Said and done, sorry for the slaak that security out has temp. become. Next week, I promise. And then 'leftovers' for a bit and I promise.
Last nite = first good sleep -onlly woke up 3 times - in ............MONTHS. Why? Exhaustion won out.
But back to boring bits about my neices and nephews.
Two are on Spring break this week, and so with this the only nite until next Monday I have off (This being Magnetic Fields week and all.... oh I can't wait - I'm on a list serve of dedicated Fields heads, and I fully am going to embrace pubbing S.O. ! on it) , it was time for a pizza party !! Used some coupons, they were all late as usual in coming, and Gf was there. Had to get the pies from 2 diff places, but both were good.
Neice.2 was late - went to see her olde danse company perform something or other in season. Nephew.2 was also late - after volleyball practice, he had a meeting w/ some group he is in and then another meeting w/ another group he is in. So -he's a varsity athelet on a team that only has space for 12 - a very mean feat @ a school that won state w/in the last few years. Ok, so I have nothing to write except bragging on the kids.
Also- we watched Idol. Finally I have taken an interest in it. One of the kids in school - the one who loved Sanjaya last year- has infected me enough - well, I just wanted to see who is in it so I can converse w/ her (all Idol/all time). They had "Beatle day" so I figgered it'd be a good time to watch it. Most sucked, but one was good = a guy did his take on "She's a Women". From anacdeotes, it seems everyone really liked his version. GF as well. So, I have watched it twice this week, and......uh.... mite watch it next week............. so what.

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