03 March, 2008

Fleet action is imminent

Nice shit on the Colony. One of the most imteresting roofs we climbed as kids. It has all sorts of different roofs and levels to clamber about. We have some pictures,non digitised, of us up there from the late 80's.

Stunning platform to rain down dstruction, water ballon style, on the targets below.
That's 59th on yr left and Kedzie on yr rite. And 60 years after this snap was pick'd, that's up on the water tower. In full view of veryone who walked by 2 nite. except they never looked up. Except when destruction rained down.


Anonymous said...

"We're going up." Do you remember stripping almost naked to get thru window in order to get to roof. -yrs before the fire escape route?

Hilts said...

The original 'in' to get to the roof of the Colony building was a tiny hole cut in a thick wire barrier to a window - I supose it was to let pets outside. We literally had to strip down to our underwear - true- and gently guide ourselfs inside the building. Those following would pass in the clothes and we'd pass onto the roof.

How about the thundering 'letting go' of the heavy iron fire escape while we raced away. Supid kids- stupid breach of security - yet we did it again and again.

I have the snaps, but as always - have to scan them.