Nothing done @ all done by Lazers
The Set up
We were way shorthanded this gameday. It reminded me of that game several years ago when Dragon was new to the squad and was joined by Chemical Man and I. That was the famous 'stickhandeling' game where joyously Chem and I used hangman on the penultimate question and then got a 'free but lose your turn' on the last question. The joy didn't last - we lost on the final Q that day - but what about this day?
Six teams- Cup Champions J & B, Da Bar, and six other teams whose names I kinna remember. One of the teams didn't last and another team took its place - so i guess threw as seven teams. We were repped by Chemical man, GF, and Hilts.
First Half
I was feeling it. We got in late and I was immediately loud : "HEY - CAN WE GET IN??" I was sorta like the douchbage-two-times shouting "I'm putting on Body Spray Body Spray" I embarrassed Chem as much as a Stix victory shout. There would be more - much more, both good and bad.
So- late entrance by J & B, but @ end of the first quarter - it was us on top.
Here were some of the first half questions (as best as I can redo them from my sloppynotes- I am in no way equal to Lazers):
Which later famous actress was a Love Boat Mermaid?
What Peanuts character does Whoppi Goldberg have on her chest? (Gf got this one for us)
What category does Harold Baines rank 18th in ML history? (Gf got this one as well - just kidding)
Javy Vasquez's rank in ML K's since 2000 (again, Gf did not get this one)?
Mark Burlehe's rank in Al lefty K's since 2001?
Mark Burlehe's games played in the minors?
A.J. Perzinski's top HR total came w/ what team?
I'm pretty sure we got one Hat rick in this half.
Ok - I am remembering now - one of the cat's was "White Sox". The other two ?? Uhh....... uh......... Lazers?? Where were you??
Last q- Sly stallone made a 1989 commercial in Japan for what sort of meat??
Second Half
Q's culled from the Categories- Birth years/ Inventions &Discoveries / Sun Times. And there was an incident.
First Incident
Fuckin Benky. I understand to let new teams have a little lee way, but sometimes he can be a pretty big bitch. Benky did the 'Throw the ball into the box from your seat", and it was us against some other team. A girl on that team jumped over to our table to throw, and while Benky came over and asked Gf and Chem "Are you guys gonna let her do that?", I snuck over to a seat directly above the box. Benky only noticed when...................SOMEONE ON MY TEAM called out to me "Hey are you gonna ....." and Benky turned around and saw me. The girl returned of her own volition, but Benky forced me back. When i asked, fairly I thought, that HE HAD GIVEN THEM THE OPTION OF THROWING FROM OUR TABLE, SO WHAT THE FUCK ABOUT US? he started the countdown. Pissed off, i just tossed the ball - wildely and fast- in th general direction of the box. Missed, but it rolled around and almost got in. Da Bar called it "the Angry Throw". It was stupid as it missed us the points. Fuck. But.........(Censored by J and B General Staff)............
The Peppys principal was named by me - remembering always Peppys dictum "go with the first guess you had". Can't remember the question. There was also a hangman passed down to us which was asked the following: "What was Wrigley trying to sell by packaging it with gum ?
The gum proved more popular by far?" This was another Gf moment, cause she provided the "B" in "B----- ------"? And finally, when the first TV was was made, what was it's Lenght and Width? We got half rite as the first team to guess, but it cleared the bases and no one got it.
What did we get rite? Top person in all time patents? That would be my 'Secord goal' on that one, not Gf.
Pissed off @ Benky still, there came a concord of enemies that rarely happens. Da Bar had a hang man and Benky mis did the spelling. It was obvious they would have gotten it - but when the mistake was discovered, he made them throw the ball. A loud scene ensued, and he asked them "What am I supposed to do?" to which I yelled out "Give them the points!" Benky ritely hailed this Blue Moon Moment - and we.......well.....I....would hail (Not 'Heil') back.
Went into final Q fourth, behind the tied BT's (whatever that meant) and Da Bar @ 1300, Blockheads (so, I disc some name sin my notes),us @ 960, and a 770 and a 740.
Three part final, all teams had to answer it. Gf again bigtime. But would it be enough??
1) Where is that famous sculptures of "Cars on a Totem pole"?
2)What High School is @ LaGrange Road and Colorado Avenue?
3)How many miles does Joe Orr Road run east between Western and where it runs out.
By the way, I think it was Trophy who immed. yelled out 'Titty bars!" when the specifics of the last question was called out. What did I yell ?? Wait for it......!!
Answers to questions:
Terry Hatcher the mermaid
Woodstock the Whoopy
2 (i think)
1 (i think)
Sly's was pig meat
The Gum supplanted Baking Soda - Gf guessed us the "b" to keep our hang alive, and when Benky said " in". referencing him I said "B as in bitch" which Chem's said "B as in Boy".
Thomas Edison.
On the final q's, we got
22d and Harlem- rite, thanks to Gf
Lincoln Way East -rite, thanks to Gf
and we got wrong "six Miles" - my guess is every person who ever existed ever would have gotten that one wrong.
Second Incident
Before they read off Da Bars score, in solidarity stood up on my chair and did a three "BANZAII's" with my scarf tied about my head. Tried to copy it for Youtube release, but my cut off........
We lost. One of the new teamns won. Prtty sure it was the one who joinned the game inprogress.
How lame are we??
I have to excuse myself from a handful of the questions, as I received an audio-update from Chemical man. I knew the Baines, Vazquez and Car Statue answers. Guesses on a few others that Chemical man didn't pass along:
Love Boat- Teri Hatcher
Whoopi's chest- Woodstock
AJ's homers- White Sox
patents- John Connor
I'll guess the first and last: Teri Hatcher (I think her character was named "Amy", and was one of the few mermaids to ever have dialogue), and 3 miles (could be off by a mile) at Chicago Avenue. Too bad it wasn't what high school is on Joe Orr.
If Benky ever ask what actress starred in "Caberet" at the old Schubert Theater in the 1990's or in the softcore thriller "The Cool Surface", the answer is also T.H.
Since Benky has had far south suburb questions (and reads the Sun-Times), I will tell you now that the college on Halsted taking up the blocks between Vollmer and Joe Orr is Prairie State ("Harvard on Halsted") and the high school on Ashland at Joe Orr is Marian Catholic H.S. (whose top nun was just made superintendent of Catholic schools for the archdiocese because of her great fund-raising abilities). And Dixie Highway ends at Chicago Road (which takes over Route 1 from Halsted at about that point). That's about it, except for the annual Corey McPherrin went to Hillcrest question...
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