Was a north side kinda nite. Practice broke off @ 5.45 or so and I had enough time to hit Gf's. I was going to see Redmoon's Boneyard-Prayer. She cooked me up some good supper- cheese casa dias. Then, the NS1 Strasser pointed its' bows north and sailed @ a high rate of steam to make sure I was on time.
Despite pretending to be a theatre guy, I haven't actually seen any of Redmoon's stuff....ever. They are kinda a deal in Chicago, so I feel stupid. William Randolph H loves this company, and always sees their shit. He has told me before to get to see their stuff - this is the product of that 'pressure', finally.
It was also the unveiling of Randolph's new lady friend. Some fetching young thing who was met @ that great Halloween party. Seems kool. Who was there to greet her? The couples of Gunner and Treats. Chartman, Snowden, and Guitars. And I. Of course I skipped the pre play meal- concerns over the running time of my teams scrimmage and cheapness lead to that ideas on my parts destruction.
Play was stunner. Three puppets - near live size man, woman, and child. Slow, laconic, mournful songs. Lotsa drinking. Lotsa shifting soil from one cart to another. Wow, it was really different. I mean SLOW, MOURNFUL, DEPRESSING songs - no happy go lucky House play here. Everything was slow movement - from the fact that the story was supposed to be told in a dirge manner, and that the puppets needed to be handled slowly and carefully. It seemed to be about an alcholic who lost his wife and baby to the drink a long time ago, and wants to have another go @ it. I'm pretty sure.
' the shifting of light and soil.......nothing can be held in my hands for long.....(sic)'.
After the play, I swung the bows of the Strasser north yet again whilst the rest of the battle squardon hove to into the friendly anchorage of The Cobra - a local bar. I needed replenishment for the battles to come, and so found my coalier. South again, and finally was able to hang with the crowd. Cobra- in a strange 'hood (Lake and Ashland) for this type of bar I would think - (but all neighbourhoods change), it was filled with rocker hipster types. It's rite near the Redmoon Complex (the Redmoon has taken over a giant old factory (I assume) building in an industrial area that is just rite for this company. Seems to me they need a giant building to hold onto their industrial type sets.). They also had a band start to rock around 11pm or so. They did not have cider, but drank a Blue Moon and later a lite beer*.
The married types hung out for a bit. Then all three couples left - Two married, one with child - and the third only one month into the courtshiop deal. So they had reasons to go. The four boys remained and left ensemble.
What did we talk about? S X SW, which Gunners, Chartman, and Guitars had gone to . Lots of unfamilier bands and places and hills and motels, but I always love to hear their talk of this weekend. It's always a celebration for these guys. I jabbled on about the soccer team - theories of coaching and the like. There was gossip about the new lady friend of Randolph - what did you expect?? The idea that English Matt will be going back to England for a bit on passport business- and that he may not come back - we are scared. And future plans on group get to-gethers.
Strasser south, and despite my planning to go to lanigans for a drink, I collapsed in port and after a bit fell asleep.
*= " yah, yah, give me a lite beer !! "
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