I employed(sic) Spongian Logic- it was better to go and enjoy frenz company instead of forcing an unnatural leaving time just to make a mass. Making mass was not a 'religious rule' - but it was better to skip mass for the betterment of man...... or something like that.
Nice ride up to Evanston after collecting Gf @ the collection point. It was a Shipley dinner - extremely delicious chicken a la Reisling. Totally great - the skin was simply scrumptious - I love chicken skin a lot - generally it is the most tastiest piece of the bit. Again, I know I could do it, but the various parts and burns and saltings and turns and etc. are as fascinating to watch as good to eat.
Also part of the dinner was the the tiny potatoes. I may have written this before, but these tiny potatoes (organic babies)reminded me of time ago when I was supping it up @ Gallo's and I casually let it slip that I really dislikes boiled potatoes - the MAIN staple of Mom and Dad. As it happened, the next week was another Gallo supper -and on the menu was goodly tasting boiled spuds. I will also amidt that spud in Ireland - boiled - also taste great. Something about context .... err, the gravy.
Gf and I left and we stopped by a Frank Lloyd Wright house on Sheridan Rd. -about 7300 North. We always wanted to stop by, and 'this is when we did it'. We'd be driving back and the alert in the car would go out -'where is it?' as we crossed the area. Promise keepers. I had just a few seconds of juice left in the camera batteries, and you can see the result.
typical hilts - claims its a snap of a f.l.w. house, but still he's the center.
I quite like the snaps here -suits me !!
Shipley - stop yr daughter from insulting me !!!!!
no i didn't !!!
I did, big sis !!
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