26 February, 2008


I wasn't aware of this when it happened @ the time, but it's a stunner. As, of course, a raging anti communist when I was 12, I fully believed that any Soviet attempt to get @ our battle fleets had next to nil chance of success. Now it seems that not only have Chinese convential submarines have been able to shadow a carrier battle group undetected, but their fleet is expanding. Shocker. I guess this means we will have to pour trillions more into the department of defense. President Obama?

Funny - with all the press the U-boats of Nazi Germany got in ww2, it was the American fleet actually had the war winning role in choking Japan to death. I haven't studied either campaign too much - well, 10-15 books on the Atlantic battle. But I know that of all the posts one could get, probably the worst was to be serve on a German U Boat.

Who am I kidding? As our poor American children stuck in the Middle East will testify, virtually any service is "the worst".

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