names edited by hilts
This past Saturday, J&B made its third foray into trivia battle at St Bede’s. A few years ago, J&B knocked on the door. Last year, J&B beat on the door. This year, J&B planned to kick the son-of-a-bitch in!
The competition: ballpark of around 45 teams total for the event.
J&B represented by: Moho, Chemical man, Peppys, Stix, Hilts, Dragon, Nitenurse, Gf, Lazermann, and Chemical Man's’s friend WhiteSoxMann.
An ugly twist was added to the fundraising event this year: people were allowed to purchase raffle tickets, and after each of the first three quarters, five individual winners were allowed to answer one question posed by a nun. For a correct answer, one point was added to that player’s team score. Don’t anyone mention this terrible wrinkle to Benkowski.
General play consisted of twelve rounds of ten questions each. The top three scores finish in the money. For tiebreaker purposes, each team had to select the number of the 120 total questions they felt they would answer correctly. J&B selects 90 as its tiebreaker.
Answers will appear at the end.
Who holds the MLB record for times stealing home?
What quarterback holds the record for passing yards in one Superbowl game?
Who was the first Bear to rush for over 1000 yards in one season?
Year of the Chicago fire?
Original name of O’Hare airport?
For a category expected to be a strength, J&B was off to a weak start with the sports category (only around 6 correct). However, the team greatly rebounded with strong showings in the second category (Famous Couples), as well as the third. The scoring update after one quarter placed J&B in first with 24 correct answers.
Clint Eastwood:
What actors played the “Good”, the “Bad”, and the “Ugly”?
1989 Eastwood movie had a bounty hunter team with a mother whose baby was kidnapped by neo-nazis?
The second quarter was off to a strong start with a TV Theme Songs category, and J&B put up an average score in the Clint Eastwood one. The final category of the quarter was Spelling, and a lowly 5 points or so was the result. After two quarters of play, J&B dipped to second place with 46 correct answers.
Academy Awards:
Who is the only Oscar winner whose parents both also won Oscars?
Who is the all-time leader in Oscars for acting categories?
What person won the most Oscars at a single ceremony?
Who has the most nominations but no wins for Best Actor?
In the show “Knight Rider”- what does KITT stand for?
What actor took over on “West Wing” after President Bartlett stepped down?
Name the monkey on “Friends”?
Name the first winner on “Dancing With the Stars”?
With the above categories mixed with a visual “Where Am I”, J&B moves back into the lead with 69 points after three quarters. The team is happy but mildly concerned by the potential questions in the categories for the final quarter. The lead was 2 points, but the raffle points were not yet added into the scores.
Who wrote the “Acts of the Apostles”?
Who wrote, “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”?
Who wrote the “Diary of Anne Frank”?
J&B was rankled after the Literature category, as one question asked teams to list three books written by John Steinbeck. When answers were later given, one of the J&B guesses (The Red Pony) was not listed amongst them. Since several members of J&B had to read “The Red Pony” during high school, the protest papers were prepared to be filed.
Regardless of whether or not J&B received its Steinbeck point, a good point total was attained in the Literature category. Next up was a pathetically easy Current Events category, and then the answer sheet was handed to Stix for the final Name That Tune by Decade category (during which song clips were played for each of the decades from 1910s through 2000s).
J&B finished with a flourish, but would it be enough to hold off the bonus points? J&B estimated it had 95 points and was certain to have finished in the money. Third place was determined by tiebreaker between two teams with 90, and I thought they said second place also had tiebreaker involved. However, no tiebreaker was involved for the victorious 95-point J&Bers, who skated their victory lap around the room while other teams conspired to keep us off the invite list for next year.
Sports- Ty Cobb, Kurt Warner, and Beattie Feathers
Chicago- 1871 and Orchard Field
Clint- Clint Eastwood (Good), Lee Van Cleef (Bad), Eli Wallach (Ugly), and “Pink Cadillac”
Oscars- Liza Minelli, Katherine Hepburn, James Cameron, Peter O’Toole
TV- Knight Industries Two Thousand, John Goodman, Marcel, Kelly Monaco
Literature- Luke, Truman Capote, Anne Frank
Next St Bede’s trivia- February 2009. Right now, I’m “in”.
Chems is currently looking into details regarding a trivia battle at another church, apparently April 19th. Details to come.
The competition: ballpark of around 45 teams total for the event.
J&B represented by: Moho, Chemical man, Peppys, Stix, Hilts, Dragon, Nitenurse, Gf, Lazermann, and Chemical Man's’s friend WhiteSoxMann.
An ugly twist was added to the fundraising event this year: people were allowed to purchase raffle tickets, and after each of the first three quarters, five individual winners were allowed to answer one question posed by a nun. For a correct answer, one point was added to that player’s team score. Don’t anyone mention this terrible wrinkle to Benkowski.
General play consisted of twelve rounds of ten questions each. The top three scores finish in the money. For tiebreaker purposes, each team had to select the number of the 120 total questions they felt they would answer correctly. J&B selects 90 as its tiebreaker.
Answers will appear at the end.
Who holds the MLB record for times stealing home?
What quarterback holds the record for passing yards in one Superbowl game?
Who was the first Bear to rush for over 1000 yards in one season?
Year of the Chicago fire?
Original name of O’Hare airport?
For a category expected to be a strength, J&B was off to a weak start with the sports category (only around 6 correct). However, the team greatly rebounded with strong showings in the second category (Famous Couples), as well as the third. The scoring update after one quarter placed J&B in first with 24 correct answers.
Clint Eastwood:
What actors played the “Good”, the “Bad”, and the “Ugly”?
1989 Eastwood movie had a bounty hunter team with a mother whose baby was kidnapped by neo-nazis?
The second quarter was off to a strong start with a TV Theme Songs category, and J&B put up an average score in the Clint Eastwood one. The final category of the quarter was Spelling, and a lowly 5 points or so was the result. After two quarters of play, J&B dipped to second place with 46 correct answers.
Academy Awards:
Who is the only Oscar winner whose parents both also won Oscars?
Who is the all-time leader in Oscars for acting categories?
What person won the most Oscars at a single ceremony?
Who has the most nominations but no wins for Best Actor?
In the show “Knight Rider”- what does KITT stand for?
What actor took over on “West Wing” after President Bartlett stepped down?
Name the monkey on “Friends”?
Name the first winner on “Dancing With the Stars”?
With the above categories mixed with a visual “Where Am I”, J&B moves back into the lead with 69 points after three quarters. The team is happy but mildly concerned by the potential questions in the categories for the final quarter. The lead was 2 points, but the raffle points were not yet added into the scores.
Who wrote the “Acts of the Apostles”?
Who wrote, “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”?
Who wrote the “Diary of Anne Frank”?
J&B was rankled after the Literature category, as one question asked teams to list three books written by John Steinbeck. When answers were later given, one of the J&B guesses (The Red Pony) was not listed amongst them. Since several members of J&B had to read “The Red Pony” during high school, the protest papers were prepared to be filed.
Regardless of whether or not J&B received its Steinbeck point, a good point total was attained in the Literature category. Next up was a pathetically easy Current Events category, and then the answer sheet was handed to Stix for the final Name That Tune by Decade category (during which song clips were played for each of the decades from 1910s through 2000s).
J&B finished with a flourish, but would it be enough to hold off the bonus points? J&B estimated it had 95 points and was certain to have finished in the money. Third place was determined by tiebreaker between two teams with 90, and I thought they said second place also had tiebreaker involved. However, no tiebreaker was involved for the victorious 95-point J&Bers, who skated their victory lap around the room while other teams conspired to keep us off the invite list for next year.
Sports- Ty Cobb, Kurt Warner, and Beattie Feathers
Chicago- 1871 and Orchard Field
Clint- Clint Eastwood (Good), Lee Van Cleef (Bad), Eli Wallach (Ugly), and “Pink Cadillac”
Oscars- Liza Minelli, Katherine Hepburn, James Cameron, Peter O’Toole
TV- Knight Industries Two Thousand, John Goodman, Marcel, Kelly Monaco
Literature- Luke, Truman Capote, Anne Frank
Next St Bede’s trivia- February 2009. Right now, I’m “in”.
Chems is currently looking into details regarding a trivia battle at another church, apparently April 19th. Details to come.
The tie-breaker for 2nd was against the team that finished 3rd (ie 3 teams ended with 90, and 2nd place was nearer on their guess - within 1).
Since J&B guessed 90 exactly, we would have won a 4-way tie at 90. It was more in the bag than even we imagined.
One correction:
In regards to the question of which person won the most oscars in one ceremony, James Cameron was our answer which was wrong. The answer was Walt Disney with 4. By the way, WhiteSoxMann did say Walt Disney and I talked him out of it becuase I did not think they recognized animated films as they do now.
The morning after the Oscars, I turned on the TV and the first thing I heard was "they (the Coen brothers) also won the oscar for best screenplay which gave them 3, one short of Walt Disney's record 4 in one ceremony."
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