09 February, 2008

Being Wicked both 100 North and 2200 South (( fotos later when I reunite w/ my rig ))

Gf and I going to the Loop to see the big splashy musical Wicked. It was very satisfying. Clever-clever-clever, most of the songs good, and - as I said - very satisfying. I'll say it didn't 'blow me away', to use the Galloscale- that happens maybe once twice a year and is very rare - but I'm still buzzing about it. I want to tell you about some of the scences - especially one- but of course that would ruin parts of it. Such a great scence, that one. Unexpected. They got me. And thye got me to smile. Very good.

So, Wicked, sold out and expensive tickets, huh?? C'mon, this is me we're riting about. They'd run an ad about......yeah, two for one, and I immediately internetted two of the cheapest seats for a Friday. Funny- the Ticketmaster charges almost doubled the price , but not quite. Two seat, way back, $31 apeice after changes. Lovely to take the lady, knowing she'd appreciate it.

There was the nitemare of parking. Since it's a Friday in Lent, and since (in a turn of frase stolen/adapted from Crankface) I'm 'church friendly' these days, we had to eat no meat for supper. The quesadilla solution in Summit ensured, and then the dash downtown. It was a case of (stolen/adapted from Admiral Beatty) "Well Steamed Strasser" as we reached the area w/ 30m to spare. However, in the absence of available spaces, I dropped her off and raced first to Millineum Park, then to sure late nite open spots around the abode of Patience. Raced north the 1 km in my Doc Martens, fucking out of breath and worried there'd be some "yr too late to be seated bit", but all was well.

The Oriental is a nice fucking place. I rarely visit these type of huge theatres - I should more often, and am aiming to take GF to both Lyric and CSO one of these days. But it's funny to think back to those very long years where there was (to steal from Jamie) no female element where I wnet to so many Sox games, plays, movies, concerts, trips to Europe, etc and thinking "man wouldn't it be kool to share this w/ someone?" Share we do.

BCD- the one and only person other than myself who still sometimes sleeps in his parents house - also owns a condo in the North Loop area. We'd made plans the nite before to go out, and we called him @ 11. We thought about going out to a local place that had cider - but Gf and I had a real hankering to got to the South side Rainbo- what's it called- on 22d and Halsted. Skylark. I was rocking the Sacaweighas, as I do, so I spilled tonnes to the bar keep. I fully know they are welcome @ Lannies and Keegans, but Skylark is an every three months affair. I knew they were liked they second round I bought.

Fucking BCD. He has a very dominate taste in certain women, and has had lots of girls in his life. I gotta relate some of these stories (not just his), but w/out the names. Another reason for this blog to exist is to document all of the sex stories I've collected over the years, but how to disguise them so as not to make people mad? I've failed so far, but they are still here (he points to his head) Anyway, of course, some 24 yo outstanding thing started to ---hit on him? Or was it just conversation? As she had some boy there, BCD didn't pursue. But still, man. Some people are good @ that shit. I'm not gonna list others who were like that in the day, but there are. I was like that once too- say, spring of '87 through spring of '89.

Drank too much. Had four ciders, and a bibulously cider stomach in the morning.

Again, I have got pictures - but maybe tonite.

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