18 February, 2008

Letters from Iwo Jima

Just finished watching it. Was magnificant, of course - I expected it, and was rewarded. Deeply sad, deeply scarey, and with any war film nowadays, I think of the 20 yo's in Iraq and Afghanastan.

That argument where many war films are terrible because they make it seem all glamerous?? This is the type of war film where you do not want to go down to the enlistment office any time soon. Horrible.

No mistakes, either. My hyper critical nature - "Shit, they wouldnt do THAT" wasn't there. No chance.

It really was anice companion piece to "Flags of our Fathers", another very sad show. I think it was Ebert - or Roeper - who pointed out that even though the films are very different, they both have that same vibe - well, I'm not sue I can explain, but they are linked. Then again, it was the same battle, same diredtor, and same-ish secnces.

Excellent, and watch it.


Anonymous said...

Hei !!

Anonymous said...

News Flash.....SPELLCHECK!

Anonymous said...
