27 February, 2008


Have been waking up w/ the clock reading starting w/ a "Five" the last few days. Normally it would start w/ a "Seven". Dunno why, especially since I now have added several hours of running to my daily regimine (sic).

Also new the last two days - finally I am a full coach again. The last time I was on the sidelines screaming "Now ! Now!", "Him ! Him ! ", "Solo! Solo !" was in the State playoffs in the Fall of 2006. Since then - just a fan. But the team here - a 3000 strong student body, rife w/ soccer potential - needs coaches, so i was overjoyed to do it.

Meet Hilts H.S. 's new sophmore girls soccer coach = Coach Hilts.

Mein Gott, what a vastly different system they have here as opposed to the president's school I was last coaching @. I'm so used to the other coaches, having been in that program for two years, it will take a long time to get used to this system. however, I am determined to instill as much of that program - in degrees, and bit by bit - of my old program. Truly, although that system worked us coaches like doggs, I count it as one of the highlites of my life so far. And, please forgive me for writing this, but I know that this is one of the things that Chr........ eerrrr, something inside me - is saying I should do. In no way shape or form am I some Jacky Charlton, but I also know I have a part to play.

That said, to all I will be very busy these next three months. That's the way it goes. Gf and Mom will be effected most. Gf and I started up a summer I was coaching two different teams @ once and then immediately started in during the school year w/ two more - so our first 14m to-gether came w/ me being busy w/ the kids. Mom? This will be like ...... what, the fourtieth team I'm involved with, so she also knows.

For everyone else? Y'll have to get used to more soccer updates and a dearth of "What did he do last nite" type posts.

@ least it's not gonna be "Oh look @ how cute my ..." endlesses. I'll let you fill in the endlesses. And the bloggers I read don't do it.

But, i'm busy. learn to do w/out. It's Lent, after all.

It's so different.

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