16 February, 2008

Acting Out

Got into the printers row place @ 4.47p - 2m off schedule, but joyous to both 'face and 'ilts. 'atience ? 'ick 'rom 'ood 'oisoning - and the next morning it would be my turn to be sick in the stomach: but that was from the drink.

Cabbed it to Water Tower area to 'et 'allo. He was lawyerly taking notes while they were fresh in
his mind. We went to some swanky hotel bar - The Peninsula, I'm sure that's the name. Again, gorgeous set up, plush seats we sat, plush drinx we drank, and plush burgers they ate. So Plush I was lookin' fer Liam, but he was probably in the studio knobbling it up.

I drank what was unquestionably the most expensive drinx I have ever had. Both the Glimmer Twins were cognizant of my cheapness, but it was no problem. I'm pretty cheap, but not always - just think about how much of my $ has gone up in smoke, y'know? I settled on a "Strawberry Fields", and had 2 / $11 each. WOW!! But they were tasty as hell. Amittidly I was worried that I couldn't taste the alcohol, but my guess is is that this was one of those drinx that hides it well.

We talked on a wide range of topix, as always. Blackie, and visiting him is many diff. guises. Gallo's St. Valentines Day massacre in Korea Town. I prattled on about Jesus and the early gospels. Lent. I totally came out and asked Crankface - well, ran it by him - well, actually just brought it up while my hands were over my face as I was addressing him and , oh, wondering if I could do a real interview on Security Out! about the dissolution of the Trust. I really didn't ask, and tell you the truth would be scared to do the interview, but @ least I brought it up. Gallo and I ganged up on Crankface to try to force him to watch Band of Brothers, and we talked a lot about it (and, on second thought, Gallo - I'm now sure you are correct and that I did see the Spiers moment @ yr crib - #6 is the one I'm now pretty sure I missed that half decade ago). And of course, as always w/ these two fuxx, they started to talk of - not 20th century furniture design, but some other pretentious subject. However, they are NOT pretentious - they were talking in earnest by themselves and simply put they like that shit. Wasn't the furniture this time - was it some designer? Talked on the spliffy- err, spiffy -jacket and shoes de Crankface. NICE shit. gallo was in his barrister best - it was I who looked like a fucking slob.

However, looking like a slob REALLY served me well later. And that's the part where we stop for the day.

However, the art exihibit we went to was outstanding, for many reasons. I liked it because I acted out, and i acted out deliciously. Those who I grew up with can remember my wilde Wilde days, when most have not seen in in my 'element'. Well, I returned to the 15 yo Hilts fer a bit, and it really went down well. I was feeling .

Tune in whenever for the continuation of the story.

Delicious turns this story takes.
Part the second.

So, we walked to the exhibit in Lewis Tower, one of the LU buildings. We were on The List, always a kool deal. Face, Crank? On the list. O, Gall? Listed. Hilts, Virgil? Carry on. Hooked up w/ the Hamms - Daddy, Mummy, and baby boy. Hamm werkes @ teh school, and it was he who got us in.

The exhibit? Andy Warhols famous "Silver Clouds" mylar ballons exhibit from the 60's (and done since) was one part of the piece, but it seemed second to the around-the-Factory fotographer Nat Finkelstein's displays. There were also some Warhol prints - though my copains didn't think too much of it.

There were also fonts of campaign and wine and whatever - but free campaign, which is like pop to me, was hard to say no to. So I kept topping my flute from the very nice ladies who were in charge of that. They liked us. It was also nice to ditch my coat on a rack -freedom of action.


The mylar balloons. Fun stuff. Billowing silver clouds fanned and tossed about the space as distinct parties of people became apparent. I'll mention only two sets - the silvery dressed students, most who were kool but some were very obv. Bush/Reagan/Hitler supporters, and the children. The kids - one was Hammson and the other was ME - took obvious delight in turning the balloons about the space. I punted some, used others to mixx the ones caught up in the ceiling so that they didn't congregate, tossed others, 'rode' others, and even did my best Soljesker '99 header impersonation. At a certain point, some deiter type Ran over and said "Easy, easy easy...". That was kool - almost certainly I was being too active, and in toal good faith I immediatly slowed my pace. I was sincere, and also very "yes sir... yes sir...oh, of course sir."* In no way did I want to break anything o get anyone in trouble. Wassn't a big deal.

A kool moment happened when we actually got to talk to Mr. Finkelstein. He was sitting in a corner chair in one of the parts of the gallery that featured his snaps. Incredible shots of Warhol, Dylan, etc etc etc and the Factory. Righteous. Gallo took the lead, but I was totally interested in our conversations. Chicago '68, Vietnam, etc. Mr. Finkelstein had the view that Chicago '68 was not the place for him to be - he relayed the story about training the hippys in 'kung fu' to go up against the Cops. He wasn't anywhere down with that. It was real kool talking w/ him. But there came a time when three gorgeous gallery goers walked up to to have their talk w/ Mr. Finkelstein - Gallo had the immortal frase (parafrased here, though) when we spotted these model looking types walk up "All rite, we know when we're beaten" and we made way. More on that corner later.

We mixed, enjoyed, talked, appreciated, etc.... Eventually, I got back to the balloons, and was having fun, and being very mindful to be mindful in the gallery. Then an Astor @ 106 type walked up and crabbed something @ me - and believe me, I had been very chill this time - and it was very ..."What?.....Huh?" from me. So, whatever, I got away from that plague, but feeling free, I took off my button down shirt, revealing a turned inside out raggy T- shirt. Now understand - I'm rocking the full beard these days and a month past proper haircut time, so already I looked like a slob. So, to mock the dressed up Astor types who probably should have the 17 flutes that had been stuffed up thier asses, I decided this was my peaceful protest.

Time went on, it was great, and we wanted to get back to Mr. Finkelstein. There was a question that I wanted answered: "So, the Beatles and the Stones. Did ya ever, and what were they like??". I really wanted to know. I kept looking over to his corner, but there were always fans there talking to him. Finally opened up the space, and I walked over to talk of Mick and Paul when there formed a cordon about him and the cordon (almost) shouted @ me "NO MORE - YOU CAN'T TALK TO HIM !!!" . I'm not sure if if was because they didn't like my style of dress .............. or, well, because he was an older man and maybe he was just zonked from the activities - a very real possibility - but it was just so deflating. Wasn't this a Warhol exhibit ??

So, and here's where I became very self proud, I decided to do a Matthew Macconaughy and take off my shitty t shirt. Just an instant reaction, nothing planned or whatever. The thought went through my head "Illegal?", but I realized that I wasn't in a store etc.... That's the freedom I was talking about earlier - there was no violence, loudness, scoffing, etc - just my pecs** and the denial of old women’s petty morals to run my time of enjoyment. Yeah, yeah, I know, acting out, but hey - wouldn't've Andy (Warhol) wanted half naked guys walking about his art pieces?

It was a hit. There weren't too many old men there - but that wasn't the important thing. It as a hit w/ me. I like.

Obv. it rocked the Glimmer Twins, and the Hamms were kool with it. All Artists. The Champaign server girls from earlier who I said were kool - their eyes were wide smiles when I went for more of the pink. Some of the silverclad college girls were down w/ it too- they posed for pictures w/ me ((and swear to God, whenever crankface gete thse pics up -they are fone shots - I WILL SEND THEM TO THE "HOT CHICKS W/ DOUCHBAGS" site. Have to. )) I realized that lots of people there artists and kool. And when one of the 12 y.o college girls/ gallery workers told me "All right , that's enough", we had taken enough pictures and the joke had run its course - I was saited. So, one last 'protest' -put my button down on backwards and turban my t-shirt sur me tete.

I'm just hoping that the official fotographer, who was hard @ work throughout the day, got some snaps. If he didn't?

They lost.

We wait for Cankpixx. We still wait for Crankpixx.

Time to split- Crankface go home. Gallo and I stop @ yet another hotel bar , and then we went to yet another. Carzy places, carzy views, and eventually crazy stomach - th last drinx we both had were $2.50 7 ups. (sorry....Bloom). It's funny - I hang out usually @ dank rocker places like Rainbo or Irish bars like Keegans or Lanigans - these places are beyond exotic to me. Another world.

We ended the nite by me 'piloting' the bmw to one of the Pasadita's on Ashland nera division. We ate @ the Southernmost one on the West side of Ashland - for those who need to know - and I had a great plate of quesadillas and beans and rice. Fuckin' allrite !!

Gallo Evaston bound by now, I changed plans immedialty/slightly and instead of going into the subway @ Division I hopped the Ashland bus that was these to take me to the Midway El stop of Ashland- where I could take it back to the Strasser. Fun = when we crossed Madison Avenue, it was the Spice Girls concert crowd flooding the streets and surrounding the bus. Since Gf and Neices .1, .2, and .3 were all there, I took notice of the good spirits of the flocking of Spice Fans and hoped all of my beloveds had had a great show.

Pulaski home. Talk to Gf.

Womb? Weary?
He rests. He has travelled.
*=I can be very good @ that. Although I'm very good @ adding colours to the chameleon when I want, here I was sincere.
**= yeah - but what about a guys?

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