06 February, 2008

Stopping by Woods....

The last two weeks have produced strange weather - freezing, nice, boatloads of snow, back to all melted and done, then snow again, massive fog when the temp immed. goes up, etc...... Today was supposed to be horrible- and I guess it was up up in the north subarbs- but here on the way South Side we just got a few inches today - we were prepared for up to 14".

Jeeze, let me tell you that there isn't just a bit of a difference betwixt Chicago and it's subarbs - it's gigantic. Well, @ least in terms of the quality of the snow control on the streets. That cycle of freeze and melt has devestated the roads, producing some of the worst street conditions vis-a-vis potholes. Go slow. Be prepared to violently captain the car to avoid instantly falling into the third or even fourth circle of Hell. Now, Chicago has been hit as bad as anywhere for the pot holes. But fuck - driving Pulaski Ave. to school and back means having to go through the subarb of Evergreen Park and it's unplowed streets.

Seriously - one can take the city streets in speed - but cross 87th going south, and suddenly one needs a snowplow and four horses. It's crazy. Clean swept street suddenly turns into snowy country lane.
Dangerous, holed, crappy, country lane.

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