"Yeah, yeah"my lazy ass always tries to say, but my lazy ass can't speak - it is just a place for me to sit.
The Faces brought the white pudding, Heinz beans, and potatoes. Gf brought bread and Crunchies. Shipley brought the hen's eggs. And the babies brought the noise (nah- just felt like writing it). Rocky brought some Guiness. Team effort.
Last time - that half decade ago- I brought up the stuff fully prepared to cook it- its the one thing I can cook real well - but Gallo had taken over (don't get me wrong, hat was kool - remember the lazy ass and that...). Gf was lecturing me on 'yd better cook', but from the moment the fry drop happened it was all taken out of my hands. What - are you serious with Gallo, Shipley , and Face in the house? Please. Give me more time to read the Sunday NYTimes- which they get and I do not (I'm a m-f man)

Playing with the kids, reading, kooking, and talking about shit - lots of stuff - and watching them cook. Nice. They obv. love cooking, and it smelled great. Shiply let me sit opposite her husband, which is always welcome. It was all just good. The chicken flavoured potatoes. The bacon. sausages. Black and whites. The beans. Yes, to some eating breakfast for dinner mite seem strange, but to me it's all rite. Note from Monday: I just cooked up extra fry that we didn't use last nite- Last nites three cooks did it better.
Gf, patience and I talked about "Lost". We all have questions. The house. The coffin. Who are the others that make up the "Oceanic Six" Rehashing the "You are everybody/ I'm a Rock'n'Roll Star" connexion. Patience's jetride w/ "Charlie" - seems he's a very outgoing lad. Gallo and I had talked of Winters the Christ-figure in "Band of Brothers" on Friday, and this nite I once reaffirmed my allegience to Jack of Lost - another Christ figure. But is he? So excited about the show now - we all are, it seems, amongst the Lostheads. We kept the faitth through 2 just so shitty seasons, and it seems we are being rewarding. Well, who knows how it will turn out, but........my blood runs warm again.
Again, it's funny. Jesus, Jack, Major Winters. Who I look to for guidence. Well, maybe not Jack. He makes mistakes left and right, and - sudden flash here- what if they end the series - the whole series - with the "We have to go back" scene. So many possibilities.
Rocky came over, but as he is on bigtime daddyduties, he only stayed for a drink and a smoke. I had one of his drinx, but none of his smoxx. What a fuck I am. I have not vivisted him yet - along with Jackson's presidential baby, I haven't seen either of them. And factor in the Twins of LFP - they are what, ten now?? Some frind I am. I bet they all would appreciate a visit from me.
Good time, good food. Lay back in the sun.................
Two TV sets and two Cadillac cars, well ya know, they ain't gonna help me at all. My life was saved by Rock n' Roll.
私はのより古い姉妹! 得る! Banzai!!
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