So, we raced uncomfortably fast up the Stevenson in a desperate effort to get to The Selfish Giant on time- but we were late. I dropped her off so @ least she could see it en totale, but I was late.
We'd gone to see The Selfish Giant @ the Field Museum. The tix were free - Beloved family of the Gunners had set us up w/ the tix. And the 'play' was great - a huge puppet show run by one guy while a guitar girl folked out the story to all. Very neat, and again - if you have 4-6yo's, it'd be a great deal to take them. I loved the story for 20+ years, and it's always neat to see it in person. Weepy parts.
So - here I am, the selfish giant, because I will amidt that I was vey very mad @ Gf. Selfish me. And I know, I should have let it go. Was that not the theme of the play?? But it took time to do that. We had a full day ahead of us.
After the play we looked @ the exhibits for a bit. We were on a timeline, so we just looked the stuffed birds on displays. Hawks and giant hawks. Passeger pigeons. Etc...
It had rained/sleeted/crazied while we were in the museum - the new weather front had moved in - but we missed the worst of it. What did we not miss? My bad mood and my bad rememberence of where I'd parked the Strasser - I'd ditched it and ran to the museum to try to get to the play on time.
Bless you Gunners and Kat
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