15 February, 2008


Of very real concern, and growing all the time, is this spate of killings on campus. I have a degree from the wonderful school of Northern Illinois University, and yesterday there were mad killing there. I hate that kids can't go to the most wonderous thing ever invented (the university) w/out fear.

What's even worse is that I have three kids in college rite now- (Nephew.1, and Neices .1 and .2)and next year another (Nephew.2). I know most reading this have no one in college, but of the greatest and most closest things in the world are the Kids, and they are in this fucking stupid ass firing line. I have always worried deeply over the safety of the Kids - I covered this long ago in a post, about the 'security' we have always followed when they were tots- and it's even worse now that these fuxx are doing this.

Worry all the time. Especially nowadays.

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