14 February, 2008

!3 Feb.2 / Shopping

Since iwas in the Lop, and the kids were taking the El home - not the yellow bus we came on - I took lunch by walking to a store inWater tower place and got Gf a nice little trinket that I'd been looking for on tuesday. I'd ripped an ad out of the NYT form late week for a Movado bracelet and basically just walked in, caught the sales ladies eyes, held it up and said "Got this?" it was inexpensive - I swear guys, there was ths real nice brcelet from Tiffineys, but $2000 is, eh, a bit outside of reality. This was about 10% of that, and I knew that SHE WOULD JUST LOVE IT. By now I know.

The thing is is that, um ,previous to last week, when my ideal date would have been to read the NYT downstairs in my room, I now am very active. It was nice to get lots of little trinkets for her in addition to the bacelet. Already talked of the underwear ($10 for the 5 or so God Bless Marshalls) and a cheap $12 shirt, but also got her a $1 box of decaf geen tea (she's like an Irishwoman w/ the staggering amounts of tea she drinxx - believe it or not, she actually drinzz more of it than my mom - and it was great to see in the play the totall irish obsessiveness w/ tea - eriously, any house inEire you walk into, they jump up and put down the kettle. In my visits, I have literally drank cup after cup cup when visiting relatives). I list off what I got her because in those NYT in my bassement reading days, sometimes......y know....... i finally got around to getting her xmas shit in, well, June. I've made a point to be on time. So, even though I only got her a cheap air of $20 skates for xmas, she mita been far more touched that I got it to her ON TIME than the cheap skates.

All she wants is my involvement in her life. Abundent involvement. So it's fun when I know I've done rite by her. Doesn't always happen......... and I blame The books of Matthew Jenke for that.... no, no, no : I blame my self.

I was in such a good mood yesterday after the play - when it started, w/ the affected brouges of the four actors in the play, I will amidt that I had the melancholy start, w/ thoughts of my Mom etc... - but the kid milleau I wrote of above got me out of it. I was even happier when I realised that I no longer needed take the El to the city center to get her the trinket - as I was already downtown just short of the river, I decided to quickwalkit the mile to North Mich Ave. (and then damned myself for not taking the subway - though it saved me 30 cents !!!) That mission done made me even happier.

Funny, I'm the ideal customer sometimes - I was in the store 6-7m making the purchase and then out. Although what i got was inexpensive (in the context of that store), I'm sure the sales lady appreciated a customer who knew exactely what he wanted.

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