12 February, 2008

Blacky the Muscian (have I covered this before??)

Two of my favourite Blackie as musician stories. Ya see, he's a real muscian (yes, I know, there's heavy doses of muscians here, including Hilts, who played Lincoln Logs*, The Tinker Toys*, and the pots and pans*)and it's always fun to watch him work. In all reality, Blaxx and I have cut about 15 songs, most under the aegis of "The General Strikes", and some of the songs are great. (Again, my favourite? The "Last patrol" song, where I and only I know what it's about. And no one else ever will know).

Wait wait wait, not hilts - Blackie!!!!!!! Stay focused!

Two stories on blackie the musician--

About ten years ago I brought over this video on VCR.

Blacky had one look @ ricky Wilson's guitar (I think he played w/ only two strings, not six), and said "Ohhhhhh - So that's how they get that sound".
Lame story? I really liked it. This one is better.

Rocky visiting from Cali, 10+ya, fresh full in his Kinks fase. Those days he lugged around his guitar and a massive stack of sheet music. We all sat down one late Friday or Saturday, Roxx played for us "Picture Book" from the Kninks. Nice. but what struck me was when he turned to Blackee, plopped down the sheet music in front of him while handing him the acoustic and said "Now you". And fuck if Black didn't lean over, read the music, put his fingers on the strings, and coldly came out-------- a perfect ragged version of "Picture Boook".
Liked it a lot.

One of these days, I'll teach him how to to employ the Lincoln logs for "Chrissy On Over".
*= punk rock percussionis, y'all. It was a beautiful thing in 1979 to make music w/ whatever happened to be strewn on the floor - or from the kitchen cabinets. Wait, I thought this was about Blacky.

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