So, that great new song--well, its old or so now--by Justin Timberland has Nelly Furtado on it? I can't rem. her part, just that the song rocks and that I wanted to put a sexy picture of Nelly on this site (and I discovered they did have some sort of collaboration). Truth be told, what made me fall in love with the image of Nelly F. was an old concert pisture in the trib from 2-3y past. I remember someone writing in 'cause they were dissapointed by her turn to 'hot and sexy mama'. They all grow up, and although that's hard to accept in someone with five baby neices, its a natural thing.
New Justin song=great
1 comment:
at least a song like that helps improve the spelling abilities of our youth. when was the last time you heard of a pop(ular) tune with that many syllables in the title? PROM-ISK-YOU-US. now that's a mouthful. a mouthful of hot love.
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