Gallo wanted to go to another, but the chemicals in my DNA was preventing me from going further. My family history includes depression- hey, lets go into the confessional type of blog- and it has hit me many times. My junior year of university had its impossible moments- that was my first 'hey, what is this?'. Sometimes it lasts a long time-- that girl who broke my heart 4-5 years ago??--the breaking of the heart was just a good excuse for me to let the chemicals in my DNA go--. Usually it just lasts a few hours, and I understand and just ride it out. It's not a big deal, unless you have plans with other people. And don't get me wrong- this is no debilitating thing-just, every 2-3 monthes or so, i have these moments. hit saturday.
SO-I was having a great time, was really glad Gallo was down here, but it struck @ sometime, and I realised I just wanted to go in and be by myself. Gf got 'mad'- well, she doesn't realise the 'moods' thing I go through, thinking everything is self-refential, so 'mad' would not be the correct term- becacuse she usually comes in acvter a nite out She wouldn't take hints, broad hints, me asking her, me tellinh her, then finally me sleeping on the couch== until she left. Why did this have to happen?? The deal being, again, she thought it was her fault for something, and she's someone who , well, is rally hard to get to listen to anything I say. I used to have that problem ==from me this time= from Q and Madonna. Now its my turn.
Ok, away from confessional. Back to self aggrandising. Got more love for the blog from Gallo, and like I said before, I realise its a good thing. A time line in words (follows). When Rocky came down last week, he told me he dug the blog and it's conceit (it's 'fanciful idea') was good- basically, its conceit shouldn't be changed because.............well, what would be the point? This gave me the idea of, fuck it, just lay in with the scatologiacl humour--the shit jokes. That led me to write the posts for the Friday edition of securityout! blog-the one with "how come I get no comments?' and the Reversnd Jackson one. Personally, I think they are amongst the best stuff I've done, but I realise that too many shit jokes will make this blog worthy to be flushed down the toilet. So, I'll mix up shit with confessions and 'what i did yeaterday' and bird watching and etc........................I will let my audience come to me sometimes, but will also shit on them from time to time.
Disturbing news: A second friend has now said that he doesn't read my blog @ all because it's too hard to read. Blackie joins Dragon as good frenz who have an inability to read my poetry and prose. Now, ya gotta realise that both of these guys spend 34% of their waking lifes hunched @ the computer, so I was shocked- my writing is so bad they can't take the blog for the 45sec it takes to read it every day (except for whenever Ithica sees the lite of nite)??
After the first week of this blog long a go people commented on the language, and I cleaned it up a bit. However, this is about as far as it goes. Unlike Dylan, I'll go to my audience just a bit- the rest of y (easy, all- how could I NOT use this allusion??) will just have to deal with being shitted upon.
Wait, he's now comparing himself do Dylan? The Jesus, Joyce, and Paul ones were about enough. I'm quitting this shit!
Why doesn't he compare himself with Winters anymore?
Say, I want him to blog about that time he used a city alley for a garbage can that one nite.
Say hilts, can you compare yourself with that one guy from Mr. Show, or one of the Monty Python people??
Iv'e stopped reading this blog- I'm only i it for the comments!!
Can't read your blog?? Check out Dragons................
Are you also comparing yourself to that guy from plush??
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