29 March, 2007

Fado and the telly

Went for some meat there on Wednesday. I had to get my car jumped- I left the lites on. We drove to Loop, found a free space 5 blocks away from fado, and walked it. We were thinking about a movie (well, I was), but flaked out in the end. We ate the irish breakfast, and Loved it. Drank a cider, and had to find an alley to piss it away somewhere around Archer and Racine. Gf came over, had a nap, and we watched Lost. I hate to say it (this is a set up for below), and I’ve said it before, but I’m not all that interested init anymore. I’m still watching, but so much less interest. Now, what I hate to say is this “Dude- lost was so much cooler way back, dude- it’s so uncool now, dude.” Now, gf and I have been trying to watch other tv shows so it can be “our time” and our interests. Two shows were taken from us, so we now watch “Betty la Fea”, (the anglo version) and are getting into Hero’s, the NBC show. I taped a whole bunch but we never watched it, until finally getting into the tapes we’ve had since, like November. Its really good, as I figgered. There was a outstanding moment of “Hey, fucking Great!!” in the last episode we watched. Nice when that happens. (Now the joke) We missed the first 5 shows, which hurts. But what would hurt more would be someone confronting us saying “Dude, Heroes was only cool the first five episodes, dude. After that, it was all downhill……man, but those first five shows………….damn, that was straight.” But I still have a lot of hope for Lost. That outfit that girl was wearing in last nites episode ?? Viva Lost.


Anonymous said...

i like my heroes wid salami.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I will check them out. Streaming is not bad, but since I'm not online @ home, it means gf and I have to go to the public lib and listen o headphones. We will do it, especially since we also have to watch the remaining episodes of cancelled series Daybreak and The Nine. man you guys are quick to respond today.

Anonymous said...

I used to really look forward to reading your blog. Nazi jokes, bathroom humor, Marquette Park memories . . . Now you seem so boring. Why don't you just watch some tv.

Anonymous said...

They did not let me print this response to the 4th reply. Dunno why. Here tis+

Some good MqPk stuff is coming- the Shavid stuff- but I'm a busy man. While I have more than the "five good colums" they talk about everyone having in context of, I media specialist, I family, I friend, I boyfriend, I uncle, and all that takes up an enormous amout of my remaining energy. However, the good news is is that I've thousands of more things to got out, and that's just the start of it. Just in general give me some time. I know that once inawhile I'm dormant for a day or 3, but stick with it.