25 October, 2007


It was almost upon me. I had so much to do, and their were only minutes to get it done. I needed to get to my post before 1844h to successfully complete the mission, and preconditions had to be met NOW!!. It was 1836.

The field fone was used to co-ordinate Mom, Gf, Neice #3 and Neice #4 on the days rations. Three calls made to make three different collection times. Hurridly. Then I asked the commanding officer, Field Marshal Mom, if the ration run could be delayed.

Then equipement. I knew that tyhe rush would not allow me to collect fotographic evidence of the movement of the target, but I realised that my binocualers (sic) would help- there they were, where they are always for just this type of hurrid operation.

Then- get into position.

Because of the terrain (both God and Man made) of the area, I needed height. I'd planned to mount the garage to spot the target's first reported sight site- due West. It was 1631h. Three minutes before M minute. But I discovered the scouts had led me wrong. Due West was the largest tree in the battlefield- a giant sliver maple towering tall. Insatntly my calculations then surrendered siting the target West, but I realised that I could track it, maybe beginning 1635h. I waited, but a second problem had occured. Although my scouts had thought the garage would have been a perfect operationg base to watch, it was also rite next to a very brite alley lite- and this in the direction of Jupiter.


But then I saw. There it was- it had to be. And it wasn't 'just' over the horizon like I feared- it was way up, over the maple, and rite on track. As it turned out, all my rushing and planning and siting and worrying signified nothing- I coulda looked out my backyard window and seen it.

But I do so love pretending to be a soldier............
foto (not from the nite i was talking about) from Processed Productions. If PP happens to get an updated foto of last nites, it may appear in this blog officially dedicated to Sanjaya......wait, Morrissey.

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