16 October, 2007

boring I know

The Reds
The tomatoes plants have some left in them- although they have been exhausted beyond belief in the act of fruiting (vegtabling) so grandly all late summer, there still will be another 20-30 veggies left that I think will go red. Then? Everythings left green. The shit on the ground in the foto to the rite, I think, the last single supercull of the year. Others will be on a pluck by needed basis. A lot will be given out in school- I have a regular network of people who like the shit.
The Greens

Still on, brave Sprouts, Brussels will be ours by next month. Don't beware the first freeze of the season, we sprouts are more powerful than it- we will survive that cold shoulder. See how proud we Sprouts stand!! See how powerful we are in comparison to the other vegtables. WEhen others have been culled to death, withered away by the change in season, We soldier on.


Dread Pirate Jessica said...

You should pickle the green tomatoes under olive oil, salt, and garlic. Mmm, nothing better.

Hilts said...

Funny- I'm just good @ growing them. I entirely rely on others for the preparing of them- until Gallo showed me the way forward w/ salsa. Now, pickling them? Yeesh, that seems hard. However, it can be done.

Say, what exactly are green tomatoes? Are they non ripe reds or is there a breed of greens that never go red?