23 June, 2008

we need to work

Waken, sleep unglued from eyes, an online application for a catholic school, and they had this little essay to fill out.
I was amused by my snswers, quicked out to get it all done and hands washed of it, but.......here 'tis:
Please give a brief explanation below on why you chose education as a career and why you feel qualified to teach in a Catholic High School

There are many reason why I chose education as a career. A love of knowledge. An enjoyment of the process of training students. The sheer enjoyment of being in an atmosphere of learning. But most importantly, I consider it my duty to prepare the future generations for service to others - be it to their family, their country, and their world.

I am qualified to teach in catholic schools because as a 16 year student of Catholic schools and a life long practicing Catholic I believe I have well prepared for life as a There are many reason why I chose education as a career. A love of knowledge. An enjoyment of the process of training students. The sheer enjoyment of being in an atmosphere of learning. But most importantly, I consider it my duty to prepare the future generations for service to others - be it to their family, their country, and their world.

I am qualified to teach in Catholic schools for many reasons. I have 16 years experience as a student of Catholic schools and have taken my education seriously. I am a life long practicing Catholic who loves to hear the Word in mass (and reading on my own). But mainly because as a Catholic, I try to combine what I was taught in school, mass, and by my family to best prepare the youth for the future.

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