17 June, 2008

Protestent Wake

Processed's father passes away last week, and on Friday Gf and I went to the wake for a bit. His dad was younge - died from cancer. It's the third wake I've been to in the last month or so -and as I age, there will be more and more. I haven't gotten to the old persons stage yet - checking the obits every day to see who- but .......

Processed was sad. He's a soft spoken man, but sot this day was a wayunderstatement. They said the father was in shape -dying, but 'still himself' - up until a few days before. Similar things are always expressed such wakes/funerals. This waiting for a person to die - I've never been through it. When my dad died, it was a surprise to us all (he was very sickly, but not dying). So I always wonder what that feeling is like. It'll happen to me, and again and again and again- just not yet.

This wake was different - there was no coffin. Processed's father was cremated, and so instead of a huge elevated coffin there was a small -elevated- urn. A bit jarring on the walkinto the funeral home. Said my prayers. When we were leaving, a minister came in to lead some prayers. Although we were out the door, the call to prayers proved irresistible to me and Gf and I rejoined the group. Among the prayers, the minister read from the Gospel of John. This I took to be the right sign, since I had finished Luke that afternoon and had started John.

See this testimonial from Rocky.

Gf and I steamed our way to O. RaF's - well steamed- turned around the bow south again, and had a drink @ the always crowed Rainbo of the South Side, Skylark. Gf likes this place. No Half and half's for us: straight cider for me and some beer or other for her.

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