04 June, 2008


I like Father Pfleger a lot. I've written it before, but I've gone to his church, St. Sabina's for mass and tried to get Gf to go in future as well. He's the Catholic priest who mocked Hillary two weeks past. He looked bad, but Istill support him. news is now is that he is on "leave" from St. Sabina's and is now @ the church I was baptised into - St. Kilians on 87th and May.

St. Kilians Parish was one of those that experiences 'white flight' in the late 1960's. One year is was all white - and literally 12m later the neighbourhood was 80%. Capitalists took advantage of people weakness -in this case racism- and cleared out neighbourhoods so that they could make more sales. The movement to privatise social security? Also attempting to take advantage of peoples weaknesses - that time greed. Funny - if we had stayed, i'deve gone to Leo HS (probably- rite?) and been with out the magnificent 63d Street street scape - Marquette Park being a hugely built up area as opposed to 87th @ that point.

I've never been to mass @ Kilians, but I've been on the block many times after we moved out. Dad used to put roof's up on houses- a nice side job - and he had a couple of jobs on our old block. The most famous? The Sunday that Britt Burns battled the eventual World Champ Orioles into the 10th of the 1983 playoffs. I was on a roof working, and stole seconds off of the ladder to listen in on the car radio.

So - back to Father Pleger. Here are a few Sun Times pieces I liked.

1 comment:

Dread Pirate Jessica said...

His 'mockery' of Hillary Clinton was not even worth a raised eyebrow, let alone all that ink. God, the American media is so fucking dimestore. So much news, so little balls to uncover it.