08 June, 2008


Consisted of fucking around, more fucking around, close consultations w/ Matt Jenke on military issues, and the continuous updates on the tornado that struck south of Chicago.

Now, the tornado was pretty close to my area - 10m away - but GF was very close to it. They cut regular programming on some stations -who knew Fox TV was good for anything? - and the projected path was basically rite near her brothers house where she was @ (yes, correct english, i know). So, called her to make sure she knew, and of course they did. Turns out, the tornado's path was as predicted (radar predicted? oops, that's GErman WW2 antiarcraft speak -and Lord do I love that phrase. It had'to've been one of the slippy names that shot through the titles of the more arcanly named "Security Out" site on the web. This place.) and went to the north of Gf's area. They were prepared.

And finally a ride to see the Chicago Fire lose a soccer match to a team they should have beat. Fuxx. It was a risk, because w/ the atmosphere all jumbled up I mite have been going to the Fire House to sit in pouring rain - but it turned out to be perfect weather.

An alive Gf collected me @ the secret parking spot tht saves me $15 every game and we drove her semi blind brother back home from where they were. Again, he's the dude that lives up on Harlem and Belmont (Worked @ O'Hare is the explanation for himliving inthat area- but it's not that bad, cityspeaking wise. Harlem actually has a mini walking city feel up and over there. No Marquette Park with walls of three and four story buildings on the main drags like 63d or Kedzie or Western - but better than a desert. So, a long rdie to drop himoff - the 'secret parking space' is on the way for gf's driving oddessy from 197th south to 32d north. Dropoped him off - he really should get a car, or rather start the car that he has and drive himself - ahem - and we turned south.

Stopped by and I had two and she one @ James Joyce. Then home. And, for just the second time ever, it was both of us jangling it up. Really- just the second time. Dunno why last nite was picked by her. Then more fun.

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