Issac is a bigtime Beargater when its in season. He needed 3h to set his shit up, and as it turned out he really needed that amount of time to grill up the sausages and potatoes; we were and rushing ready and stuffing our faces @ the same time to go into the park by kickoff-we failed and missed the first goal 4m in. Typical. Sausages were beyond good- Issac knows his craft well and enjoys employing it. Mustard. Good. I also drank a lot- I brought along a six of Woodpexx ta wibble down and wibble it up I did. Visited the porta-potties again and again after four drinx outside.
Were visited by several types. A bunch of young fans- one of which I had been arrested with- were hanging around Issac’s kettle fire keeping warm. I got the feeling that they were hoping for some free food, but boxing out by Issac et al eliminated their esperence. I’m sure they’ve been fed other times, but not today. Niece #1 and Nephew #2 came over to collect their tickets- I later visited their own tailgate party and scribble up some gobbles. Usually I stand with the kids, but since they had a bunch of their frenz there, I stood outside of Section 8. I magically found two of the Woodpexx when I got inside and Roxx (also magically) some of his Guiness. I was discreet, but he had to disobey my wishes by holding his can of drink up, until, of course, security hauled him out. Bad Rocky.
Was good to see J Val. He is the one person in the world besides the guys I grew up with (and only a few of them-Idol and Chemical Man, well, would be the two) who will laugh @ pretty much all of my garbage jokes. My humour works on the absurd and repetitive levels. Usually it drives most away after a little bit. However, I think I’m funny, and so do three others. Or maybe they just laugh because they are polite and it’s the rite thing to do.
Listen, don't listen, see fer yrself=
Or, if you want J Vals version, hit this shit.
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