16 April, 2007

Sunday nite

Went to Johnny Gunners to watch the first two episodes of Sopranos miniseries on HBO. He'd taped the first episode (which was on Easter) and presented a package deal of both. There was a crew who watched Sopranos each Sunday years ago (Fall/2002) whne I first became a fan of the show (season 3 ??). We watched it @ Smoky Treats with a crowd of four or five or so (Guitars, Gunners and Cat, ummmmmmmmmmmmm...............). I'd gotten into the Sopranos for good that fall when The Joker/Lipton had dvd'd them from Blockbuster, and the ability to follow the story (prev. i'd watched isolated episodes) got me hooked.

But going to the Sopranos presented a problem: it cut into hanging out w/ the Gallos, which for longtemps was a special feature of Sunday nites. For a time there I went to their crib maybe 85% of all Sunday nites for a few years there. 85% seems to hi, but 70% would have to be the minimum. By fall 2002 there was no 70% clip, but I went up there often enough. Its always a nice experience and a nice crew to hang out with-the Gallos, lots of times other frenz, some little babies crawling about...So when I got addicted to seeing the Sopranos, and now seeing them live, I felt guilty when I lost the Gallo connexion for 4-5 months. I went tho their crib only once that season. I've never brought this up before, but there was a sorta guilt. However, a blog, as I've said before, often lets me put stuff out that I felt uncomfort. with saying before. It's very hard for me to juggle all of the diff. responsibilities friendship wise - its the best to have such a set of frenz, but I totally know that I've let people down-wait- note to self-stop the confessions now and back to sunday nite, but be more upfront in the future.................

The next season (the last season before the present)I saw only the first show, and praise be to Allah, I was given the "documented" episodes (#2-13?) from Smokey Treats after the fact to watch by my lonesome. I was caught up fully Sunday nite.

Now that I can start to have favoured memories of her, I remember Afrika Korps Girl and I went to see a double shot of Sopranos the nite before Thanksgiving @ Smokey's- I do believe it was the hi-point of our relationship- and a dinner @ Gallos several weeks later-our pentumulate(sc) date. Whatever.

So, Sunday nite was fun: Gunners got 14 people to show up, incl GF and I, and we chowed down on pizza. I brought nada except my jenkesized self, but of course GF brough some crispy cremes and something else. I'm pretty oblivious to duties when one visits frenz, so luckly she covers for me......yes: ?what would I do w/out her? Missing was the character who hooked me into the show=Lipton. I'm glad 14 showed up - next week I'm pretty sure it's the Gallos for Sopranos next week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should feel guilty. But luckily I am big enough to forgive you for your past disrespect. See you sunday -- bring a glove.