30 April, 2007

Friday nite's running with the Bulls

Cranx place fer the game. Was gonna make it uke-rain, but the storm clouds had passed before I remembered to call the weather line. Ahem. Later. We watched the Bulls administer a beat down to Miami. it was a lot of fun, and if you added 14 people it would have reminded me of those times in '92 when all was young and .........

Several things about this nite.

It's funner to watch games w/ invested people. Crankface is so invested that that fuck can't even write about the games for dcs. It's good when all(it was only 3 of us) erupts on this or that shot or stop. Yes.

Crankface set me up with a sports coat that was given to him. Sorta shiny, but it fits well. Jackson's wife E. has suggested through the years that I mite look better in sports jackets that aren't so 'stop making sense looking' on me. She has argued for a more svelt look for me, again, FOR YEARS. This jacket, from Code Name Paul originally, fits well and I will wear it for school, not just play.

Aureliao's pizza. Fuck did it fucking cost $$$, but.................really worth it. Now my taste buds were tangled up a wee bit beforehand, but even with that added, it mite be the tastiest pizza ever made. let me ask God about this....................

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