23 April, 2007

New sexist toads

Went to Nat’s place way out in contextually convienitnt Austin for a party last nite. The hook was a performance by Nat and Tru, but in reality there was a whole b-day party wrapped around it- the heavymetaldrummers b-day!!

Gf and I were hungry as hell when we got there, and they had buckets of Harold’s Chicken there- four wings I did deed myself. I believe that it was the first time I’d eaten Harold’s without sauce. It was great. Then lopped off some of the b-day cake. Yum. I was so hungry. The Chix, again: tasty as hell. I’ve lately become a real Popeye’s man, to the complete detriment of Harold’s, which for years was my total favourite-- I'd fite people for its honour. And now..... So the cycle of life.

The National Trust were great as party headliners. Watched w/ Gf, English Patient, Army Z and M.L.S. all crowded into a tiny basement space. @ first we all were watching in a corridor and were treated to great views of the bass, Nat on guitar, and the birthday drummer. Very powerful. Then we switched to sit aside the keyboards in a spit of land behind.; gf and I were able to sit/enjoy. She said it was like being backstage. The audience was about 20 all crowded in-stupidheads upstairs didn't all come down.

N.T. played about a half hour, and were rockin' loud. I love the live band because they’ve been -again- rockin’ as of late. A spare instruments show near Maxwell street a few months back and this show were similar in being loud and really carry-ing the beat-loud aggressive music, but not really. This show had drums, bass, 1-2 guitars, and wholesale keys. Got totally into the drums and bass and Nat on guitar in the beginning, especially because the acoustics of where we were standing hi-lited these instruments--the sound of the drums, bass, and nat's guitars totally carried down the corridor we were standing in. But they also stood out because they were the ones providing the propulsive-ness of the whole racket. Good listening to the chica chica gitara’s,

Song of the nite was my favourite on the ‘More like Queens than Kings’ lp; “New Sexy Touch”. I suspect the success of this song nods a lot to Philadelphia Macarthur-- that deep bass base to the song has his fingers and thumbs sticky over this song, whoever the bass payer is @ that particular moment. I’m pretty sure on the lp booklet there’s something about that line being inspired by him. Should be. Then, on top of the bass, was that chica chica. Best song on the latest lp, best song i the basement. All of the songs were jammed and extended, once with Nat coming over and turning the keyboards up of some other guy while indicating take it.

There were some freaky types in/@ the show. One guy who is part of the band- well, I think he is, because outside of Nat and Tru, the makeup of the band seems to change every show- who just dances and plays a bit of percussion. I think he’s mainly there for the stage show. Then this nite there was a similar guy in the audience, freaky dancing as well. Both were going all out @ once.

The neighbourhood had my interest. I'm always interested in different neighbourhoods in the city. Being a an interested citizen, I've made it to a fair amount of the city (very little, overall, i bet, in reality). being a sub forced me to walk all over the city and be able to comapre different parts and neighbourhoodsof the city. nat lives near Roosevelt and austin, and i was interested in the vibe of this particular place. I was amused by this: Gf and I got there @ 10.30p or so, and we faced a three block walk up a strange street I had no previous knowledge of. I have always prided myself on walking anywhere in the city, provided the hour is not too crazy. W/ Gf @ my side and 3 blocks of whatever ahead, I decided to walk a half block out of our way and up a more main drag, Austin. even w/out Gf, I bet I would have gone up Austin. It's daylight for me that makes me feel safe in a particular area. I'm sure the area's fine, I just had no clue.

There was another band playing this nite, and I'll be damned if I didn't miss them. Another neighbourhood that I am careful in, beautiful Rogers Park, was the setting for the inagural bully pulpit show- well, first for years in Illinois. I knew I was going to the Fire game and then to Nat's pace after- I'd planned a mad dash from the stadium to get to Austin (contextually convienitnt-from 7200West/7100South to 6000West/1200South). They got the word out after my N.T. were made, and the space/time constraints were too great to overcome. Next time. i used to proudly boast (vain mutha) when I was younger that on a given Friday I had 20 different options on something to do- hey, didn't we all love university days?? Well, 21 april 2007 was sorta like an olden day. Was good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

National Pulpit Midwest was the best show of the nite. Wait- that sex show I saw later in the nite- nah, Midwest was best !!