27 April, 2007

¡ find the bees, please !

I know, most of you have gotten this. Roxy sent these lynx out, and I'm passing them on. I love bees. Being somewhat of a gardner, I'm totally aware of their importance to life in general. And being somewhat of a gardner, I love having all the different bee varities pollanating all the different plant varities. Summer without bees, especially those tiny tiny tiny ones that love my sunflowers just when the flowers burst out with that gel on them turning that shade of yellow. Bees are good, and w/o them, life would suck- like I'm gonna pollinate the friggen flowers by hand?

article #1

article #2

article #3

article #4

article #5

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They're calling it
"Colony Collapse Disorder"
-- Ian C. would be proud.