In Band of Brothers #2, "Day of Days", Mo (Don Malarky) runs into a captured German soldier who had actually come from the same area in America that Mo did (German parents moved back to Germany before the war.). After chatting with him, his unit begins to ove out, and someone yells "HEY MALARKY: QUIT FRATINCISING(sp) WITH THE ENEMY!!!".
Whenever one of my players is talking with someone on the other team, and I'm in a good mood, I'll yell it, except say their name instead of our favourite motar-man's. Done it a hundred times, and I bet even Chems, Laz'z, and Val would not laugh @ it after the first time. My poor neices and nephews, having to have heard it again and again. But then again, they like that uncle is a Freak.

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