30 April, 2007

These are the Sopranos

This was last weeks viewings of the Sopranos.

Read rite hear ye hear ye for last nite soap opera update:

This week I watched Sopranos back @ John Gunners crib. A good crew showed up: Snowden, Guitars, William Randolph Hearst, Dragon, and the following couples; Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hilts, the Vampires, and the Smokey Treats. And the Gunnery trio. I’d all these plans earlier on to get some good supper for mom, but that all went to the wayside as I raced to the King for some 2 for 1 $ chicken sandwiches and fries right after mass. I’d wanted to post two things (last week sunday and reffing) so all this shit didn’t hit on Monday, but oh well. Read this stuff as well. Guns was proud of his mac and cheese. I’ve only boxed it before, but he did it from the ground up. I like. People bring different shit over, so there was other goodies to scarf up.

Guns mentioned that there was only 4-5 Sopranos left, and that’s for good. Supposedly. Mentions of cookouts to come.

Sometimes contexts switch: ORF is gone for a month. berlin, Germany, 2007. Le Monde, get ready....

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