19 April, 2007

Soccer and Sparrows

Saw neice #3 play soccer.
Got to go to her game because my school got out early. Then the game was 1/2h late. It was a tie. Non descript game. I noticed the further forming of the soccer parents who regularly show up for games. When I’ve been going to the kids games over the years, I’ve gotten to know different parents of different kids. Now it seems I should start to know the names of the people who are now beginning to say hello to me @ #3’s games. I can be very social and very antisocial @ times, so its always an issue for to me to talk to people @ games and such. Sometimes I hate when…..well, I’m just not always in th social mood, and if you shake people’s hands and you see them a lot, you kinda are expected to talk to them all the time……..

Lots of cheerleader outfits and knee high socks. I like.
This had a lot of hype as it being a geat new house production. It had great reviews in both papers, and another write up in the NYT- great as well. Its run @ the
Viaduct had run out and we saw it @ the Steppenwolf. This was fine, although Gf said she had preferred if it’d been in the V. Well, we saw it, and I made sure by getting tix a month in advance- almost unheard of for me!!

The story was about a girl w/ superpowers returns to a town that was scarred by a school bus wreck years ago. Although there was no live band, there was markedly a lot of dancing. Cheerleader numbers, classroom karaoke, and superpower flite are some of the things rendered to dance numbers. It was done in typical House fashion, and while it was not the greatest play I have ever seen, it was very good.

Best was the actress whom played Emily Book, the female lead. She played sad and retiring well, and also estatic. I think she’s my favourite player in the House. She’s been great every time I saw her, and………..

I feel like a slime, but one of the reasons I liked this production was the female characters and the clothes that they wore. I’m very bad. But they ran around in skimpy skirts, cheerleader outfits, and hep black hipster wear. Another slimy reason, or rather ‘reasons to feel slimy‘ --was the fact that each time a character I fancied turned her bum my way, I checked it out. When they bent down, I tried to look down their shirts. The cheerleader routines, with grinding hips and shouting cuties bare-feet away from you. Legs and thighs. Stunning faces. Distractions all. These are great actors trying to sell a great story they have worked hard on, and all I’m doing to checking out the chixx. The lure of sex, always. But sex is a good thing, rite??

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