10 January, 2008


And yes, I guess so many lied to pollsters in New Hamp- Shire that the Obama wave was less than expected. two things. Three things, excuse me. I'm sure it took a long long long time and many arguments before they decided that Hillary had to cry before the primary. They'll try to sell us anything. And Barrack was just acting too cocky. I like Barrack a lot (and, like it or not, Hillary) and hope he's the nominee (if it's not John Edwardsm-my official party choice, or something that the Gozzer said but I can't rem. the exact term and do not want to take time to look for it now), but after he won Iowa he went overboard a bit too much. He often sounded ridiculous.

The third............? .oh well, whatever, nevermind.......

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