27 January, 2008

The gospel of Virgil

1 Venturing from the place of Evergreens forwards, the disciple Reggie of Jackson asked of the Lord 2 "Cannot we stop here, Lord? We have been on this path for a longtime, and we should gather to-gether in a circle, drink from the common chalice, and relax- 3 for the road ahead is long". 4 But the Lord rebuked him, saying "Only when we have reached that place where we are to be can we stop and rest long enough to enjoy the chalice." 5 After a great deal more distance, another of the disciples, Jaggered spoke. "Lord, we have covered a great distance already. 6 We can stop, share our gibbles quickly, then return to the road enfreshed." 7 The Lord also dismissed Jaggered, saying "Stopping now would harm our journey tenfold. The path ahead is obvious and safe while the sun shines. However, stopping now in the various villages and towns will expose us to the thieves in the night along the open road." 8 After many ours on the path, Matthew of Jenke cried out : "But Lord, surely now, after we have been on the road all of this time, with all of our pack on our backs and with little to eat or drink- 9 surely now is the time to stop and rest. 10 And the Lord responded : "I say to you, you will be seated on my right in the kingdom to come, but then and only then is the time to rest."

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