31 January, 2008
Much like that Tiger tank in "Replacements"
Reading Judas

Trolling Army Intel in times of extreme nothingness going on...
30 January, 2008
This note from neice.1
Just a reminder, I will be on the radio tomorrow on channel 99.9 at approx. 7 PM. Listen to me as I spin the disks!!! Haha! Its channel 99.9, 9 FM, but it may be a different radio station in the berbs. (I think O.P. still is 99.9)
I asked for a better lipsync job / and they told me I couldn't
So now whats left ??

local view of international deal
29 January, 2008
Jesus understood under the symbols of Sponge

In Part Three, Sponge feels Jesus ultimate message is in John 10:10 : "I came that they may have life, and have it more abundantly" - not 'Love your enemies". Sponge goes into science - evolution even- to explain his vision of God which Jesus enabled Sponge to see. People have it in them evolutionarily to be wary of others. In animals the pack sticks to-gether for the good of the whole pack, and treats all others suspiciously. However, Sponge sees Jesus' message as superseding this pack mentality. The Jesus message is to reach out to those who are not your family or frenz- love your enemies, Jesus says. This was a freak out in the day, because the people were taught to stay away from others and not 'cross tribal boundaries' as Sponge calls it. Jesus crossed many such boundaries- the curing of the lepers, the parable of the Good Samaritan, even that he had a lot of female disciples (he used context for this). Sponge writes
" The claim is made in these passages that Jesus is what God is, because in the fullness of Jesus's humanity we can experience what it means to live beyond the barriers of our evolutionary past and soar into a humanity that is spirit filled, open to the source of life and love ........ " (p 263-4).
And he crosses religious rules. The context of the time was that there were rules about rules about rules, and one had to follow all of these religious rules unless one wanted to be sinful. There is a story of a woman who was considered unclean by religious law, yet Jesus hung out and even cured her. He also cured a cripple on the Sabbath, another Total no no back then (p269). People got upset that Jesus was 'working' on the Sabbath, when one is supposed to rest. However, Sponge writes that to Jesus:
Political stuff
28 January, 2008
went to the
27 January, 2008
The gospel of Virgil

The gospel of Virgil

26 January, 2008
sat .1
And to that, I write : next year !
Again we missed that side of the river by the time darkness fell. However, this year we had a choice- be on that side, or watch a raptor show that we lucked into tickets. We knew there was gonna be raptor shows but was told the free tickets were all out. however, Gf asked someone and this person happened to have .........two returns !! So our choice ?
We chose raptor. As you will see, it was a couple of handlers showing off three eagles, two owls, a merlin, and two non raptors : a raven and an opossum. I loved it - it's nice to see such birds up close, and these were such exotic birds. they brought 'm out one by one, and lt some of them fly above the audience. Gf loved it as well. In addition to the tufted tit mouse and a chickadee that were feeding on seeds left outside one of the buildngs, I have now also seen a great horned owl, an european-asian barn owl, a ___ african eagle, a merlin, a ___ raven, and .......missing what?
Here is some video documenting the show. Originally I wanted to flim us climbing the rocks, some snaps of the gulls, herons, and bald eagles fighting over fish scraps, some from the show, maybe some driving, etc...... but y'know sometimes...
Sad and funny about the bald eagle in the video. The people running it are from the World Bird Sanctuary in St Louis . They caught the eagle as it was trying to get food from people in a parking lot- the shelter people surmise the eagle was a pet. Imagine being in a a parking lot when this massive birds plopps by begging for chips or other.
25 January, 2008
Ladies and gentlemen, the Beatles !!

funny were the many recognizable types in the movie and how many themes it tried to hit. jimi and janis. civil rites, womens rites, gay rites, student power, anti war movement, drug abuse, hippies, etc...
and of course there were the songs. my favourite scence featured one of my fave beat songs, 'hold me tite'. it was a song of young lustful passion, and it worked well. lisa hogg (above, in the skirt) enters my canon of favourite actors from this time on - yeesh, what a sexy scene.
good- i think i now appreciate 'i am the walrus'. 'revolution' scene great. and, incredibly, there was a 'coming out' song that was brilliant- i won't kill it beyond that. no one could ruin the sheer joy of 'i've just seen a face'. some songs were luke warm, but even if they were bad, i accepted them as a part of the story and noted their arrangement.
sorry i have to be forgiven for a little bit of thinking about things, but i'm so influenced these past few weeks by reading on jesus and the 'jesus authors' balancing out the bible text with biblical schlorship. so sorry, but what comes next is from this== what suprised me about the movie was the centrality of the song "all you need is love" to the beatles story. as john sponge mite assign jesus' mission as to bring life, and bring it abundantly, i felt that the message of this movie was that love is all you need.
23 January, 2008
22 January, 2008
St. Patrick's day begs early for attention
A football filled with Sunday
Oh, and I've also heard the mass in French and Irish in my life, but not here in the States.
20 January, 2008
Saturday nite @ Black Beetles / Who said I buy'd a beer?
It was good. Snowden was there first, Gf and I second. Then Dragon. We all ate burgers, hungry kids. Then those who already ate began to show: The Smoky Treats, The Vampires and three, The Jokers and one. They had no cider, so I drank one miller Lite and called it quits. Pay $4.00 for something I think is Yik? I'll get one, from now on to support the bar- but i should work to just stop drinking when I don't enjoy the shit anyway.
A particular question was the local lately of Guitars. Although no one called him that name. Or ever, I believe, out loud. Even me.
Then- the ride home. It'd been mondo cold these days. we were below zero onthis nite when I went out to the Strasser to raise steam. The boilers began to fie, but................OUT WAS THE HEAT. And we being a bit less than an hour to final anchorage, I -as the Captain Wentworth of the ship, no doubt- just sailed home sans heat. We ally didn't suffer- body heat and the engine warmed up the enviroment (an enviroment that was outside of the elemsnts was well). rite when I stopped the car the heat popped on - visions of repair bills delightfully vanishing from my view. Phew.
Again, it was good to hang. Second in a row. Along with my dead gay son, I love my frenz.
19 January, 2008
One, really.
We scattered about, mixing and matching. William Randolh found. Don Perignon, an old work buddy of Blackie who I had predicted in an earlier post would be here (because he always shows up @ openings) was, but he didn't have the wonderous looker on his arm this time. I KNEW HE WAS GONNA BE THERE. I KNEW IT !!!! I did a lot of talking and laughng and cheese and champaign (not free, suggested donations) and very little of looking @ art. Funny.
18 January, 2008
So Goodbye /
And today it was time to relinquish my role as their partial teacher. I enjoyed it. And mournful about not being able to walk into a classroom of their smiling faces in the context that is now passing.
End of the school year, end off the soccer season, end of the class in college= goodbyes are normal, but also melancholy.
Shit : curse the Irish race for making my parents so sentimental.
Curse my parents for fostering it in me.
Curses..............................if I didn't like being so sentimental.
The Bunny who was Brown
Computer interference of a schooltype form means this is unwatchable by me until after school lets out. But Gallo confides that Gallo is kool as hell in this ..... then again, are either of the Gallos naught but kool ??
BUT WAIT: is not Gallo the most rightous piece of artist of the independent tip? Crankface has another option: what of the Charles Burnett 'fest' on TMC to-nite : four and one half hours on this cat..........who I must amidt I have never heard of.
Frozen Tundra

addendum by Hilts
Not even the greatest of scouts could have prepared a team for last night’s trivia battle. Even after all of the training and all of the previous battle experience, nobody was prepared for the twists and turns that arose…and all because Benkowski’s trunk was frozen shut. Online players- are you ready for a night of “throw the Tupperware” and “throw the funnel”? Are you ready for questions strewn about Benkowski’s backseat instead of the planned quiz for the night? Are you ready for questions hung off of thumbtacks beneath the televisions and a large piece of cardboard as the scoreboard? Game on!
- 1959 World Series: in what stadium did the White Sox play their road games?
- 1983 ALCS: Sox player injured when hit in the knee by a pitch in Game 3?
- 1993 ALCS: Sox player that had a 4-hit game?
- John Cusack
- Marilyn Monroe
- Marie Osmond
Both Lazers and someone else on the team were talking about the bartendress known as Mother Earth. She has grown over the years into a very sexy young lady. And last nite was the first time this was really discussed.
The return of Peppys. Peppys was a longtime regular, long before me, and he kinda stopped going last year regularly. like a Moho siting, he comes only on Occasions and also the odd game. Welcome to see him.
No more cider. Drank a Guinness, thinking that it would be good. Well, guess what?
W/out the cider
supplied inside
all beer is just a lie
a horrible taste
this ridiculous waste
sewage'd be easier to swallow
Death Note 7
17 January, 2008
the Owls of Elisabeth

Sorry for lame snap- from paper.
Thanxx, Cranxx
Persuasion '95

I will break my habit of not ruining plots and stuff. It's an Auestin book that's been around for what- 250 years or so?? And how many movies??
First- when I first saw it, I was filled with the 'joys' of unrequited Love. Which Femme was I bonkers over who didn't know I existed back then?? Couldn't tell you, but I can tell you that there was one or two. Oh, I know- it was Spanky. I'm pretty sure she was it, and out 12 day thing was over except for another year in my heart. I'm sure it was her. But, having been spoonfed so much Morrissey in my formative years, 'unrequited' was considered..................I'm such a weakling............
Second: The change in Anne. She's presented as such a dowdy thing @ the beginning, but as the movie goes on, she visibly becomes more beautiful. I know it's a lot to do w/ makeup, but it's one of my favourite acting jobs as well. Well done, Cairan Hinds.
Third: Wentworth. Obviously he is presented as a man of great strenght- a hero in war. But the hurting that Anne has put in his head, and how the movies lets us see his condition, is wonderful. I always liked the power of Love and how it effects people. The power of Anne over Wentworth (and other way about as well) Again, one of my favourite acting jobs, and in the same film as Mandy Roots performance.
And, Gallo, I was saving the chick w/ douche bag pic for this post. I looked for a better, but............you bet.