12 September, 2007


Of the trillions of things I just loved about Band of Brothers (one of my favourite cinematic experiences) was all of the signals. This picture shows Winters, well, signalling. It was such a rush watching the soldiers sneak up to an enemy position in silence, then run through a series of hand signals so they could all be on the same page as to what to do next. Same as in "Saving Private Ryan"- remember the guy in the steeple signaling that he sees the enemy coming, and this is what they got? After the 10h experience of BoB, I embraced hand signals. Lots were done just fer snix and to keep me close to my 'frenz' in the series. Joker and I would run through signals, and Vito told me that when he and Vampdom also gorged out on hand signals for a bit after their viewing. Non verbal communication.

For me, the hand signals really came 'handy' in training the dog. Winters, for example, is doing the classic "STAY, BOLO!" There is also the sit down (Snap, finger pointed down), the lie down (snap, finger down, hand down), roll over (pointing finger circled), stay with me (slap my hand on the side of my leg), and "PAW". It really helps, and doing the "stay" signal is a great way to reinforce "STAY" in ther dogs mind.

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