28 September, 2007

I Want My J&B

It is late September, rosters have expanded, and trivia fans shouldn’t be surprised to see that many star players are not in the lineup. Hell, TC Pub was so empty last night, I was amazed that the battle involved four teams.

BREAKING NEWS: Benkowski informs us that he recently found out that the liquor distributing entity owned by the Wirtz family has the exclusive local distribution rights to Jack Daniels. Benkowski is looking for a new shot. He also is debating how to handle the passing of one William Wirtz on his show- restraint or not.

The competition: Amigos, Senoritas, and Bar (minus Trophy, Lawyer and Kearney Meats)

J&B represented by: Stix and Lazers (donning the Chelios jersey, pulled out of mothballs in this dawning of a new era in Blackhawk hockey)

First Half: Bears/90s Music/Offbeat Oddities

Wore #13 for the 1997 Bears?
What does “regicide” mean?

Scores after a quiet first half: Senoritas 980 Amigos 960 J&B 870 Bar 820

Second Half: Sports Mix/Chicago & World/TV & Movies

What breed of horse is Mr. Ed?
In which country is Transylvania?
Since 1936, the only Cub with 200 or more hits 3 times?
Two players in the 2003 NL postseason hail from the Island of Curacao- one was the Cubs’ Randall Simon- who was the other?
1985 Oscar for Best Actor?
Currency of Panama, named after the explorer who discovered it?

Some second half controversy, as the Bar selects the Sports category, but Benkowski instead reads the next question for Chicago & World. The Bar had a legitimate gripe. Even without Lawyer, they’re a bunch of lawyers.

Scores into final question: J&B 2170 Bar 1990 Amigos 1630 Senoritas 1380

Choice of final category: MTV Videos or Playboy Joke Punchlines

All teams select MTV. Benkowski: “Only bar in history that rejected Playboy.”

2 of 3 wins wager. All 3 wins 3000 bonus points. J&B wagers the classic.

MTV Video of the Year for the following:
1996- Smashing Pumpkins
1998- Madonna
2000- Eminem

Anyone want to take a shot at that one?

Part II

J&B guesses 1969, Take a Bow, and My Name Is.

First half answers:
Rick Mirer
To kill a King or Queen

Second half answers:
Billy Williams
Andruw Jones
William Hurt

Final question:

Senoritas- 1380- guess Tonight Tonight (yes), Like A Prayer (no), Real Slim Shady (yes)- wagered 1100- up to 2480. Uh-oh.

Amigos- 1630- guess Tonight Tonight (yes), Ray of Light (yes), Real Slim Shady (yes)- wagered 1630 plus 3000 bonus- up to 6260.

Bar- 1990- guesses Tonight Tonight (yes), other answers not read, but both (no)- wagered 1500- down to 490.

J&B- 2170- guesses 1969 (no), Take A Bow (no), My Name Is (no)- wagered 1811- down to 359 and an end to the brief winning streak.

Well, with no money to collect and no babes to scope, J&B makes one of its earliest exits ever. Next trivia night in two weeks: Thursday, October 11th.


Anonymous said...

Worst part of many left out by Don:

Stix does his Sox Mike Myers impersonation in relief of Hilts as the lefty out of the bullpen and goes ¼ in throws, including missing one when he should have gone with his gut answer on the Regicide question.

Although Stix felt good about his crossover guess to know Billy Williams answer. Benky must have read his autobiography as he also asked for Billy's birth year...

Anonymous said...

rejected playboy.hmmm
mr ed is a philly
cubs 200 hits sosa or ernie banks
panama : de gama?
regicide: suicide on made nlf career, see michael vick
mtv vids
ray of light
real slim shady