21 September, 2007

The Jam

So, I'm on that kick rite now. I listen to a lot of music in the car, and I'm too lazy to get a cd player, so it's to my cassette collection from years ago. That, and Oldies and dusties, XRT and classic. And the Sox when they are on etc... But the casettes; it's great to disc. gems forgotten- Vito had done a kickass cassette, and rumbling through my scatteted boxes of stuff rewarded me in the finding and playing. Old Morrissey concerts. 1988 Stones bootlegs of unreleased studio stuff. A sebadoh show w/ Rockies paint all over it.

And a live Jam concert from their last tour. I've been listening to it incessently, but have yet to break out all my LP's and '45's and cd's that I have. It'll come.

My intro to the group was on the old SNL knockoff Fridays. Jam-unheard till this happenstance moment-first yes it was the sound, but @ that point in life it was probably also The Look (rememberences of Rocky saying- not singing- the lines 'wear any clothes/just as long as their brite" very soon after meeting in '87). I remember that it happened after I became interested in punk stuff, but when I researched the show, it comes up that they played 11 July, 1980- 2 weeks before I went to Ireland and was intro'd to the other side. So, my guess is that sometime that fall I saw the rerun of it. They played "Start" , and I always though it was "pretty green".
Instantly got "Sound Effects", and then the rest of the catalog, the b sides, the boots, the etc etc etc... "Sound Effects" has always been my favourite LP by them, and one of my bestus. After that came some '45's and some EP's. The last LP, "The Gift", I think was released in '82. And then we had to say goodbye
One of the sad things about that time is that I never got to see them live. They played the Aragon in '82, only six months after I ran away to Detroit as a 15yo to see the FINAL STONES SHOWS THAT I'D BEEN SOLD OUT FROM IN CHICAGO. However, this show, i think it was 26 may, 1982 (rem the date!) was the nite before my history final in H.S. And this master was avg 114 on the 100point scale for that class- and I picked school over the Jam. Stupid.
Then the Style Council. Man, that forst release was deep= "Speak like a child" is one of my fav. Wellar songs. But everything that followed sucked, more or less. But, they still live, in cassette form, in the Peter Strasser.
Yes, @ some pt., I will be de Foxton-izing the title of the blog, but for now........

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