I love the Ryan. Living where I do, the revelation that it actually only takes 23, from the on ramp on Division to the off ramp on 111th takes only 23m- instead of my previous practice of crasahing on peoples floors or catching the first 4am bus out of the station. Now I loved crashing on frenz floors and that 3am ride on the Red line south was always peaceful- tonnes of homeless sleeping people, and me. But 23m......... wow.......
So, I'm used to the Ryan now. Know the inns and outs. Sox game? Take the express past 35th. Backed up north of 31st and going to Russia or Rainbo or etc...? LSD till Monroe, cut acrooss the Loop, and get on Kennedy. So I use it a lot.
But I was smart. Almost never did I try to take it during any sorta stress time. Went on off hours. Took the express lan when it was good to navigate the closings, take the local when it was best to.
And now it's back- and tuff as hell. It's been expanded by a lane in both directions, so with anyforesight, all trips on the Ryan are now wide open. Now, I haven't taken it @ rush, but even then I bet its not bad.
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